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I'm not sure if I should be proud or ashamed that I unabashedly wear my nerd status on my sleeve (or quite often my shirt :P)

I was in 6th grade when the pokemon wave hit and I know I was all over it with the tv show, the tcg, and the games. I've played them consistently through out the years only skipping the R/S/E Generation which I've later gone back and played.

I remember scouring all the big Pokemon websites back in the day looking for language patches for Gold and Silver before they came out in the US and playing a translated version of Pokemon Green for the original gameboy. It's amazing how many rumor's of ways to get pokemon that didn't actually exist and still don't, oh those were the days. You didn't have to put up with nearly the amount of n00bish comments, thanks to the internet being just a wee little entity. AIM was the new big thing around that time.

...after rock smashing your Pikachu, continue to surf down on him...

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No! It is a symbol of pride~! *give you patch to wear*

Lulz I would of played more like that if my mother wasn't lzxfjdlsafjlsdjfk GAMES ARE POOOOOOOISON. >>;; And wasn't a *cough*socialreject*cough* total loser :/

...use your pikachu as a coast off the shore as a flotation device until you hit the deep waters and use the move SWIM...


  • 8 months later...

I know this is a little off, but still in the R/B/Y days. I remember trading a Raichu for a pokemon on I think Cinnabar Island, well after talking to the again once the trade was done, he said something like this: "What? My Raichu evolved!" Is that just a glitch the game says or is it for something Nintendo planned but never released?


It was a translation error.

In the original Japanese Blue version (which is what US RB were based off of graphically) you gave a Kadabra for the man's Graveler. They translated the text straight over, but changed the Pokemon in the trades back to what they were in the original Red and Green in Japan. SO, in Japanese, he says "My Kadabra just evolved!" which makes perfect sense. But it doesn't make any sense when they just plugged the other names in.


Now that makes sense. That is the problem with the US, they translate things that come from Japan poorly, and usually they dub them down (yes the dub part is referring to Anime).

  ninjapigs said:
Now that makes sense. That is the problem with the US, they translate things that come from Japan poorly, and usually they dub them down (yes the dub part is referring to Anime).

It's an error, not indicative of an entire crap translation. One person was in charge of every major Pokemon came up until and including Platinum. He was told to translate it, it's on the fault of the game programmers for not making sure the dialogue was consistent with what happens in the game.


I am not blamming the programmers. The comment for US having poor translation and dubbing products from Japan (games and anime) was in general. The game is great even with the error.

  ninjapigs said:
I am not blamming the programmers. The comment for US having poor translation and dubbing products from Japan (games and anime) was in general. The game is great even with the error.

You missed the point. I'm saying the game translations are not bad. Nob Ogasawara translated the dialogue he was given. It isn't his fault that the dialogue he was given doesn't match up with the sequence in the games. I'd also bet what you consider "dumbing down" is basically due to a lack of understanding how localization works.


The good old days, eh? I remember speculating with my friends the exact method to get "Pikablu". All the wasted hours. Missingno can screw up your entire game if you catch it. One of my friends had it for a while and his game kept getting screwier until it eventually wouldn't save, deleted his save file and wouldn't let him choose a starting pokemon.

  • 2 weeks later...
  DeadPool said:
The List.

A semi-complete list of the PokeGods. If you know of any more, let me know and I'll add them. Also, if you have information on any of the PokeGods that's missing, I'll add that as well, as well as any pictures, i.e. sprites or "screen-shots".

Pikablu - Marill was known as "Pikablu", and was perhaps the most infamous of the PokeGods. It was called so because it was thought to be a water-type Pikachu, and though the official Japanese name had been released with the picture, it was ignored.

Elemental Pikachus.

Basically, since there was "a water-type Pikachu", people thought there would be other elemental Pikachu, too.

Said to be either Pikachu evolutions, or to evolve from Raichu.

Pikablu/Pikablue - Water.

Raiblu - Water. The Raichu version of Pikablu.

Pikaflare - Fire.

Pikabud - Grass.

Electrachu -

Evolutions of Existing Pokemon.

Most came from the idea that you could find the Mist Stone, which could evolve any Pokemon.

Venusaur --> Sapusaur

Charizard --> Charcoalt/Charcolt

Blastoise --> Rainer

Butterfree --> Lucustud

Beedrill --> Beepin

Omanyte --> Omnamist

Gengar --> Spooky

Raticate --> Raticlaw

Nidoking --> Nidogod

Nidoqueen --> Nidogoddess

Golduck --> Pearduck

Sandslash --> Sandswipes

Flareon --> Flareth/Flarith

Eevee --> Lunareon

Eevee --> Solareon

Mew --> Corona Mew/Cyro Mew/Chrona Mew/Chrono Mew/Crono Mew

Mewtwo --> Mewthree

Completely Fabricated Pokemon.

PokeGods that were seemingly based on nothing.











list taken from http://pokemonhighway.virtuaboard.com/first-generation-discussion-f17/pokegods-t1186.htm

...then surf down 3 more tiles and then left until you find an island...

I have more to add to that list. There was Charizard into a Charzillion. Ahh the good old days. I actually believed the Charzillion one cause a kid brought a card into school that he had made and it looked real.


Yes, I'm sure it was the 6th item slot in your bag. I caught the MissingNo, and was sadly disappointed when I couldn't multiply my Masterballs and Rarecandies anymore. Apparently only one MissingNo "existed" (though I know it was a glitch) and even when you released it back into the wild, it never showed up again. While I never heard the details of how to get a mew (when I caught wind of this, it was a mew, not a pikablu) in terms of tiles, I did have the general idea of surfing past the SS Anne to an island with a truck. The theory of being able to skip the SS Anne part of the story is plausible if you traded a pokemon that knew Cut, but what actually happens if you do get to surf past it? (I never tried; I was too far in the game) I assume there would be those stupid buoy things. I always hated those... Anywho, sorry to interrupt your little game. I figured everyone else already had.


I accept with information:

Venusaur --> Sapusaur

Charizard --> Charcoalt/Charcolt

Blastoise --> Rainer

Butterfree --> Lucustud

Beedrill --> Beepin

Omanyte --> Omnamist

Gengar --> Spooky

Raticate --> Raticlaw

Nidoking --> Nidogod

Nidoqueen --> Nidogoddess

Golduck --> Pearduck

Sandslash --> Sandswipes

Flareon --> Flareth/Flarith

Eevee --> Lunareon


okay, I've got a little bit of light to shed on the missingno. glitch, although it's somewhat unrelated to the topic itself. Here's an article one of my friends linked me to a while back that explains the whole thing (and debunks "you can get mew by sheer luck", although Mewtwo is perfectly possible): http://www.trsrockin.com/missingno4.html

That goes in and ruins a lot of the mystery for some, while for others (like myself), it lets you know how the glitch works and WHY it does what it does.

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  randomspot555 said:
It's an error, not indicative of an entire crap translation. One person was in charge of every major Pokemon came up until and including Platinum. He was told to translate it, it's on the fault of the game programmers for not making sure the dialogue was consistent with what happens in the game.

It was not the fault of the programmers, either. It is the fault of whoever made the change on what Pokemon were traded, for not properly communicating that to the scripters. The programmers are not responsible for script-checking, they just take the script they are given and implement it in-game (usually via copy-paste). The scripters aren't responsible either. They made the change to the translation, and might not have even known that there was a potential conflict with the way the Pokemon act when traded. It was a stupid change to make anyway, as that line was one of very few indicating the Pokemon who evolve via trading, and the only clue in the game about the existence of Golem.

  • 5 weeks later...

Besides MissingNo. their were yet another very similar pokemon to it called "M" and I'm guess it was suppose to be Mew considering the first letter. Everything about "M" is the same as MissingNo. including the glitches, but to find "M" is a little bit different. Still the steps in finding "M" may be different, but the glitches caused by "M" happened at the eastern side of the cave where you catch Articuno. By doing the MissingNo. and "M" glitch you were able to catch pokemon over Lv.100 such as Golbat, Snorlax, Hunter, Mewtwo, Golduck and Mew. Also by entering the name BLAINE as your rival's name you were suppose to be able to battle Blaine at the eastern side of the gym between the edge of the land and water. Also by entering the name GRUBOID as your name you were able to catch several Mewtwo's which are Lv.132 by performing the MissingNo. and "M" glitch. Their were also a glitch to catch Mew by using Teleport and battling a trainer with a Slowpoke along the way to Bill's House.

Also supposely when you first use a Thunder Stone on Pikachu it will then evolve into a Raichu. Then once Pikachu evolves into a Raichu, use a Water Stone on Raichu and than it will evolve into a Pikablu. So now I'm positive that Pikablu was really a Marill.

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