apsmitty Posted March 17, 2010 Posted March 17, 2010 Call it whatever you want, It is a fun change from the old G/S/C casino games but still just does not hit home with me per being a remake. So I'm venturing out to ask any of you a few questions about this mini game; How do you like or dislike it? Is it easy or hard? How long did it take you to realize what the numbers meant on the bars? Would you be interested in a PC application that emulated this game? Would you be interested in a PC application that solved each stage for you?
Skyblade12 Posted March 17, 2010 Posted March 17, 2010 Similar to Sudoku, but the difficulty doesn't usually ramp up as high as Sudoku does in its top levels. Overall, not that difficult, once you get the hang of it. By far the best of the game corner games, as it lets you have some control over the outcome (though luck can be involved, depending on the board layout). I wouldn't mind a PC app to solve it.
KyoMcFizzle Posted March 18, 2010 Posted March 18, 2010 In that order: How do you like or dislike it? To be quite blunt, I hate it. I've always thoroughly enjoyed the good old Slot Machine games in the Pokemon series, regardless of how repititious they got from time to time. They always hit home with me because it was something that remained consistant as far as mini-games in the Pokemon series go. I'm rather miffed that they took the Slots out for two reasons: 1) Part of the fun of the slots was the risk of losing whatever you put up. That's what made the slots so enjoyable for me. And 2) Taking away the Slot Machines takes away the aspect of buying coins. I know most people, myself included from time to time, used the coin buying thing to speed up progression with getting Dratini or Porygon or whatever you were after. Anyways, you know the reason they removed the Slot Machines was because some overbearing mother looked over their son/daughter's shoulder and got offended at the prospect that their child was, in esence, gambling. Thank you hyper-sensitive mothers. Is it easy or hard? It's rediculously easy, in my honest opinion, because it gives you one of the biggest hints in the world on the side of the page. What's hard is consistently winning and not messing up to get a whopping 2100 coins for a Dratini and 9999 coins for a Porygon. You'll probably spend more time playing this stupid mini-game to get those two pokemon than you'll spend playing through the entire game's story. How long did it take you to realize what the numbers meant on the bars? No time at all. I read the rules. Would you be interested in a PC application that emulated this game? Uh, no. Would you be interested in a PC application that solved each stage for you? No, because then it would take away from the already diminished amounts of fun.
DeathWatch Posted March 21, 2010 Posted March 21, 2010 The game is pretty fun to play and it is not that big of a challenge though.
pandamonia Posted March 26, 2010 Posted March 26, 2010 I found this great website (http://esper.vacau.com/voltorb/) that tells you what the best spots to choose are. Because there is an element of chance in the game, you won't always win, but you will a bunch of the time. Really angry that they got rid of the slots. I get that they don't want gambling in the games, but you compare that to pitting animals against each other (battles), I don't see why it's that bad.
\b\ Posted April 7, 2010 Posted April 7, 2010 @pandamonia: Can you explain the Risk/Reward/Hybrid thing on the helper? I am lost on that.
Yangbo Posted April 8, 2010 Posted April 8, 2010 Personally, I like it. I feel it's somewhat like mine sweepers and takes more skill than the avg slot machines, a nice combination of math and luck. One thing I hate though is Idk why the game suddenly demotes to lvl 1 after just one lose and other times it gives you 3-4 attempts at the level.
Relyte Posted April 8, 2010 Posted April 8, 2010 Yangbo said: Personally, I like it. I feel it's somewhat like mine sweepers and takes more skill than the avg slot machines, a nice combination of math and luck. One thing I hate though is Idk why the game suddenly demotes to lvl 1 after just one lose and other times it gives you 3-4 attempts at the level. It's based on the number of cards you've flipped over. 0 or 1: back to level 1 2: back to level 2 3: back to level 3 etc...
Korin-fox Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 I really like this minigame! Its a cool minigame! But... ...well... its not much of a game corner without... GAMBLING! I DEMAND THE SLOTS BACK D:< I really wan't a game corner with MULTIPLE games, like in Ruby/Saphire/Emerald. If I am gonna waste all my money, I want to choose how to squander it! nonotrly. But still, I allways have wanted a game corner with multiple game choices. That way its more of a GAME corner insted of a SLOTS ONLY corner. As for a computer app/emulator to solve it, its all about probibility, so it would be pretty hard to do program. Unless you made it able to go into the programing and read where the 2 and 3 cards every single time. Even the computer can mess up on it since its all probibility.
wraith89 Posted April 9, 2010 Posted April 9, 2010 I like the Voltorb Flip as an alternative to the slots actually. In fact, I'm one of those people AGAINST gambling... so yeah, call me nit picky but that is how I am. The one bad thing I'll complain about is... NO COIN VENDOR! I wish there would be some bootlegger or someone hiding in the alleys of Goldenrod or Celadon who deals coins to you at certain times or something. That would be pretty cool. Being forced to play a game within a game just to get some cool items... not cool. Although to be fair, I amassed around ~4000 coins now. Only around 6000 left to get TM13... I'm doomed aren't I? Anyways... here are four rules I came up with to have a chance of winning the Voltorb Flips. Object of the game: unlock all the 2's and 3's without flipping a Voltorb. Rule #1: Eliminate all the Zeroes. If you spot ANY columns, rows with ZERO Voltorbs... flip them all out immediately. I don't care if it is 5 coins/0 Voltorbs, just do it anyways to make life easier. Dude it's a freebie. Why resist? Rule #2: Avoid "useless" rows/columns. Any rows consisting of: [0 Coin, 5 Voltorb], [1 Coin, 4 Voltorbs], [2 Coins, 3 Voltorbs], [3 Coins, 2 Voltorbs], [4 Coins, 1 Voltorbs] should be avoided. Why? Well, the first one is obvious, since it's an automatic death sentence. As for the rest, you can pretty much tell that the ONLY things you will flip are either [1] or a Voltorb. This is what I mean by useless rows/columns. To make your life easier, set Voltorb markers on it so that you will not flip them. Those are not the only instance of useless rows/columns. Let's say there was a row with 5 coins and 2 Voltorbs and you unlocked a [2] card. Since there are 4 possible cards left in that row and 1 contains a Voltorb, that means 3 of them will contain a number, but they are all 1's (4 Total remaining - 1 Voltorb / 3 Total without Voltorb) = 1's. Remember how the object is to only get 2's or 3's? Just ignore that whole row since you are not gaining anything but you have a possibility of losing. Avoid these rows... they are of no use to you. Rule #3: Aim for High Yield Intersect This does not always work, but it usually does. If Rule #1 is non-existent... then whenever you see a row where a value of something like EIGHT intersects with a SEVEN, chances are the intersecting card possesses a 2 or a 3. The game is tricky sometimes and it may not always be the case, and this is usually a rule on the higher levels of the game... but it is more likely that it is so. If not... Higher possibilities of 2s/3s in the red squares due to high yield intersections. Remember that it isn't always the case. Also, notice the bottom row telling you that 3 of the columns has only 1 Voltorb. You do realize one of the row is ALL Voltorbs... so you can basically clear out those three columns without touching the Death Row! Rule #4: Good Luck If all else fails above, leave it to Lady Fortuna to determine your fate in this game. Or, if you earned a substantial amount, and want to keep it all, just push the QUIT button and you will amass them all if you do not want to tempt Fortuna herself. LOL this game was fun... if only I could show you the bottom row.
DragonTamer Posted April 10, 2010 Posted April 10, 2010 I enjoy the Voltorb Flip, but I was hoping for more possibilities. And cheaper prizes, cause theres no one you can buy coins from.
Becisfizzy Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 @wraith89:i read it all but i still dont get it.......voltorb flip is really hard...its a chance and data game..im not very lucky im a little supersticious like that
Yangbo Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 For those who need help, I just use simple math and and chance Note the markings are very helpful, and should be used most of the time. These are the steps I usually do. 1. Flip all row/columns with 0 voltorbs. (If there are none *higher levels* flip the row/column that contain the lowest # of Voltorbs.) 2. Mark ALL cards not flipped with ALL possible outcomes (1-3 and Voltorb) 3. Check on the hints and reduce the possibilities. (Row) Example, you have a row with 3 points and 4 voltorbs, obviously the only # possible in the row is a 3 So mark the whole row with voltorb and 3 only. 4. Same as step 3 except check with the columns (3 and 4 are interchangeable) Usually after this, I have flipped all of the 2/3 or is very close to, if there is a lot of cards faced down,3 use your best judgment to randomly select a card. For this I check the probability of finding a voltorb. Example, a row/column with x points/ 1 voltorb and x points/ 1 voltorb has a lower chance of having a voltorb than a row/column with more voltorb count. It's best to flip a row/column with more points since there is a better chance of getting a 2 or a 3. *Note never flip an 1. There is no point in flipping something if you know it's an 1 or a voltorb or an 1. Since the main goal is to find all the 2 and 3s in a set, flipping an 1 is useless most of the time. If you follow the steps you should be able to rack up some coins fast, at least I did. Usually 4+ wins in a row and occasional losses. I also found myself entertained more while playing lol.
wraith89 Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 CharmanderRulz said: @wraith89:i read it all but i still dont get it.......voltorb flip is really hard...its a chance and data game..im not very lucky im a little supersticious like that Which part do you not understand? I could show you personally if you have an interactive chat.
DragonTamer Posted April 15, 2010 Posted April 15, 2010 Hey guys, I found a very detailed guided on the Voltorb Flip, so I thought I'd show it to you guys. Heres the link: http://www.dragonflycave.com/voltorbflip.aspx
FreeSpirit Posted April 19, 2010 Posted April 19, 2010 For some reason, figuring out Voltorb Flip clicked on my head like a switch. Now, I can get up to Level 6 before going down again. It's so weird, it's like I suddenly knew how to play all of this. Maybe it's because I sometimes solve soduku puzzles in Algebra. Also, I recorded myself winning 5 times in a row in Voltorb Flip and because the layout of each game was a bit too easy.
FarePak Posted April 20, 2010 Posted April 20, 2010 Games not that hard. I find quite fun too, although its a bit annoying when you reach a high level and drop back down to level 1.Would prefer it if it dropped 1-2 levels instead. I originally stayed in Goldenrod City to win a Dratini before heading onto the rest of the game and now I'm trying to win a Porygon and only got 1500 coins to go which isn't that much. Highest level I've gotten so far is level 9.
warmo161 Posted April 29, 2010 Posted April 29, 2010 well. i can get to about lv4 and have enough coins for a dragonite, but i don't want to spend them!
Midna312 Posted June 5, 2010 Posted June 5, 2010 I think voltorb flip is easy.A hint im giving away is from the game but it is that the numbers on the side of each row of cards determins whether you are likely to flip a voltorb or a 2 or 3x the coins you get.Im not telling any more because you guys can figure it out!
Shadowlord757 Posted July 24, 2010 Posted July 24, 2010 honestly, this makes getting coins waaay too hard. I get it, but i honestly just dont like it. It took me a bit to figure it out.
zau Posted August 30, 2011 Posted August 30, 2011 My problem with voltorb flip is that 1. it takes too long, earning a measly 3000 coins takes an hour or so, assuming few mistakes. 2. you cannot guarantee a win, there is a large element of chance, which is really anoying when (as has happened to me) you clear almost the whole board, except for two 3s in 4 spaces, and you know they are cattycorner from eachother. if you quit now, you only get 100 freakin coins after 10-15 minutes, but you have a 50/50 shot of looseing all that work. slots, each round is done in 5 seconds, and you move on. 3. SLOTS WERE SKILL BASED. the slots were not really gambling since you could, if you had the skill, you could win a ton. on fire-red, i using just the free 100 or so coins you can find/beg, made enough coins to buy a dratini and a scyther. on at least on occasion during this run, i got the jackpot twice in a row. 4. time investment. on slots, a mistake costs you three coins. you start another spin, and your back on track. in voltorb flip, you slip, make a mental blunder, or GUESS WRONG, and you can easily lose 15-20 minutes of work (lets say your up at level 7-8, you have to guess to start off with because theres no 0 row. you get a voltorb. WELCOME TO LEVEL 1 WERE YOU GET JACK ALL FOR COINS as you slog back up to the good payouts. 5. and most importantly, the slots are more fun, and if you dont like them, or arent good at them, the the f#@# skip them and buy the coins you need. nintendo should have left the option to buy coins in for those who dont have the time, incination, or patience to grind through a bunch of voltorb flip
Sunny day Posted August 30, 2011 Posted August 30, 2011 zau said: My problem with voltorb flip is that 1. it takes too long, earning a measly 3000 coins takes an hour or so, assuming few mistakes. 2. you cannot guarantee a win, there is a large element of chance, which is really anoying when (as has happened to me) you clear almost the whole board, except for two 3s in 4 spaces, and you know they are cattycorner from eachother. if you quit now, you only get 100 freakin coins after 10-15 minutes, but you have a 50/50 shot of looseing all that work. slots, each round is done in 5 seconds, and you move on. 3. SLOTS WERE SKILL BASED. the slots were not really gambling since you could, if you had the skill, you could win a ton. on fire-red, i using just the free 100 or so coins you can find/beg, made enough coins to buy a dratini and a scyther. on at least on occasion during this run, i got the jackpot twice in a row. 4. time investment. on slots, a mistake costs you three coins. you start another spin, and your back on track. in voltorb flip, you slip, make a mental blunder, or GUESS WRONG, and you can easily lose 15-20 minutes of work (lets say your up at level 7-8, you have to guess to start off with because theres no 0 row. you get a voltorb. WELCOME TO LEVEL 1 WERE YOU GET JACK ALL FOR COINS as you slog back up to the good payouts. That's weird. To earn a 'measly 3000 coins' with gambling back in the days of FireRed and LeafGreen, it took an hour (if it is not more than that), too. And those fruit machines do not guarantee a win, just like Voltorb flipping. In both games there is a large element of chance (like, they are created for that!) and Voltorb flipping also incorporates Skill... I mean, I you have the Skill, you can win a ton. By the way, a mistake with Voltorb flipping does not cost you any coins, while a mistake in that gambling game costs you three coins each turn. Practically, you cannot lose any coins with Voltorb flipping, so what is the problem with that game? :\
wraith89 Posted August 30, 2011 Posted August 30, 2011 Nah it takes way too long to get a lot of coins. You don't lose coins but making a mistake earns you nothing. I'm already "okay" with this game and I can still earn like a couple of coins but the earning is too slow. That's for sure Or... the prizes that were once 4000 are now some insane number like 10000 (I'm looking at you, TM 13/24/35) making it all the harder to get such coveted TMs. Oh joy But I don't see where slots were completely skill based. That thing was a monster... much more monstrous than this Voltorb Flip. Heck I even skipped the whole slot games and just bought the coins from the dealer (where did he go)? At least Voltorb Flip does involve strategic planning; the slots were also based on your reaction timing, which some people (like me) are not too great with. I guess someone with more analytical skills than reflexes would prefer the Voltorb Flip, but the monetary earning is relatively slow. Oh I do remember when I got something near 7/7/7, some Golems started pounding down and changed my last slot into some totally irrelevant thing. That was trollish... so there is a bit of luck in that. In short, each game has their ups and downs. I still like the Voltorb Flip better, but I don't like how they raised the prices and got rid of the coin dealer, making it infinitely harder to even get a single TM13 or something of that kind. However, I'm up for these kind of analytical games, but there are times I have to risk something and can get the entire thing wrong, get sent to level 1, and rage.
Sunny day Posted August 30, 2011 Posted August 30, 2011 wraith89 said: Nah it takes way too long to get a lot of coins. You don't lose coins but making a mistake earns you nothing. I'm already "okay" with this game and I can still earn like a couple of coins but the earning is too slow. That's for sure Or... the prizes that were once 4000 are now some insane number like 10000 (I'm looking at you, TM 13/24/35) making it all the harder to get such coveted TMs. Oh joy I think I take that more as a problem, those high prizes. I mean, Voltorb flipping is quite good for earning coins, but to get 10000 each time is a bit hard. Maybe I am the only one who is bored enough to buy a Dratini, TM13 and TM24 in the Game Corner, but... In Pearl I would not even try to 'gamble' such high prizes. It is such a ridiculous difference between getting a Pokémon like Dratini, as I mentioned, and a simple TM like Ice Beam! So, indeed, raising the prizes and remove the Coin Dealer was not really a good move. But to be honest, if the prizes were lower, I do not miss the Coin Dealer... I really like Voltorb flipping in a spare moment. Well, if you get used to Voltorb flip, you can play it much faster, I noticed. I make a lot of mistakes too, but you can at least optimize your time investment with it.
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