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What are your top 3 Favorite Pokémon Types?

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Mine our:

1. Steel - I love how so many are resistant.

2. Dragon - Some of the most powerful Pokémon.

3. Psychic - Moving objects with your mind is awesome.

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Mine are:

  1. Ghost: well drifloon is ghost so why wouldn't it be first? Ghost types own too because they are immune to all those annoying normal moves plus ghost type moves are awesome. I mean ominous wind is awesome!
  2. Then Water types because I have always liked the element of water
  3. Dragon types: because they own and a lot of my favorite legendaries are dragon types. Giratina is awesome! Ghost plus dragon=total owning power!





well this is easy for me as i dont like alot of the types.

1. Dark

2. Psychic

3. Ghost

:eek: NO DRAGONS! well no i dont like them all that much, im much more into moves that would be used by the mind.


1. Grass- lots of weaknesses, but I don't care

2. Psychic- yeah, psychic powers would be cool

3. Dragon- I guess it's just the whole mythological aspect of them


1. Dark - It put a stop to Mewtwo's reign of terror. Not that I don't like Mewtwo.

2. Ghost - I don't think there's a single Ghost-type I don't like.

3. Water - Squirtle is a Water-type.

  Pender said:
1. Grass- lots of weaknesses, but I don't care

2. Psychic- yeah, psychic powers would be cool

3. Dragon- I guess it's just the whole mythological aspect of them

Grass types are awesome too! Their moves are so annoying lets say this happens to you:

You are asleep: grass whistle

Poisoned: poison powder

seeded: leech seed

and your grassy foe is using mega drain what are you going to do?

Die yeah that is right you will drop dead there is no chance to survive I mean really what a predicament!


1. Steel- mainly because steel makes the majority of my favorites. (Metagross, Steelix, Jirachi, Bronzor, Aggron)

2. Grass- once again, mainly because of my favorites. (Shaymin SF, Leafeon, Sunkern, Tropius, Parasect)

3. Water- because... you guessed it; they make up my favorites (Milotic, Piplup). My 1st gen. favorites are almost entirely composed of Water and/or Ice types. (Lapras, Starmie, Cloyster, Squirtle, Blastoise, Dewgong, Seaking) Plus, who doesn't like Surf? :3

  Okami said:

THAT is the sole reason why I bred those poochyena to have Thunder Fang and not Fire Fang. :D

seriously! Then, you looked for the right nature and now you have 120 baby poochyena. Wow, I need to step it up with drifloon. I'm going to be raising a whole team of them each one having a different specialty. They are all going to be shiny. Right now I'm going to be training my special attack one because when getting a drifloon that was my initial plan. Having an awesome special attack poke. Now though I love drifloon!

  pokemonfan said:
seriously! Then, you looked for the right nature and now you have 120 baby poochyena. Wow, I need to step it up with drifloon. I'm going to be raising a whole team of them each one having a different specialty. They are all going to be shiny. Right now I'm going to be training my special attack one because when getting a drifloon that was my initial plan. Having an awesome special attack poke. Now though I love drifloon!

See, you are to drifloon as I am to mightyena. :] Not a bad thing, although that's also the reason why I decided to keep my mouth shut in the top 5 favorite pokemon topic xD

No one wants to see me when I become fangirly.


1. Dragon- There really powerful and only are weak to a few types.'

2. Steel- They have good defence and it takes a few hits to take some Steel type Pokemon out.

3. Fire- There just beast like Dragon types with there powerful moves (Fire Blitz-Fire Blast)


1. Dragon - How awesome they look and the amount of resistant also they can fly

2. Steel - Because they're rock hard there defense is phenomenal

3. Ice - Because how fast, and powerful some Ice types are, (Weavile) and that they can summon a Blizzard to a stage, or practically freeze their opponents, but the main reason i love Ice, is because my favorite character in Bleach is Toshiro Hitsugaya.


1. Dragon~They are so dang powerful!

2. Grass~Its fun to watch your foe get frustrated because you put them to sleep!

3. Electric~I actually don't have a reason, I just think they're really cool! Oh yeah, I remember! They're super cool and strong/powerful too!

Wow, a lot of people love dragon types. Me too! They're awesome!


1. Water - I'm a water-starter loyalist by heart and by standard. I've grown up with a pool in my back yard since I was born (it's still behind me! It needs it's liner changed though :/ In-ground FTW!), and I've been swimming since before I could walk. I love the sea and ocean, etc. The power of water is tremendous and is not to be overlooked. I love water as a power, and not only is it one of the most powerful types in the game, it has the biggest and one of the most powerful move pools in the game. 86% of the HMs throughout all 4 gens have been water based. Water Pokemon are powerful, and have powerful move pools to back them up.

2. Electric - Yellow was my first game, and my Pikachu, Diana (I made her a giiiiiirl. Even before 2nd gen genders >|), kicked some serious ass. Whenever I faced her and talked to her she'd always be beaming and give me three floating hearts X33

Like Water, Electric has very powerful pokemon as well as move polls. And.. and...

Sailor Jupiter is my favorite inner senshi? *shame*

3. Psychic - Not only is the pokemon love of my life Mewtwo (I have fooooour 8B), psychic is an insanely awesome force to be reckoned with. All of the psychic types in the game are wonderflly grounded and powerful, and psychic moves are insanely hard-hitting. Plus, psychic pokemon always have cool designs and are some of the most memorable pokemon of the games :3

Otherwise: 4. Dark, 5. Steel, 6. Ground, 7. Flying, 8. Ice, then 9. Dragon ...maybe.

Dragons are so overused and over coddled they're boring to me, and it's more fun to beat them with an ice pokemon ^_~*

  • 2 weeks later...

Water- I've always liked water pokemon from the very beginning. Abundant, various, and just awesome... with not many weaknesses and having the power to destroy walls and have generally having plenty of defenses make them my favorite.

Grass- I just love plants and flowers. They're beautiful and generally powerful or defensive... and I love to spread status around with them. Sure, they have a plethora of weaknesses, but sometimes they're dual typed to negate some of them.

Ice- one of the best offensive types out there. I like their cool nature and just how beautiful most are aesthetically, like Glaceon and Articuno. Unfortunately, their offensive nature comes with a terrible price: being only resistant to its own typing and having four weaknesses, three being common types. Or perhaps I like them because some are part Water... I don't know.

It's too bad this is only asking about my top three... or else I would have included Ghost and Bug as my other two...

Open to see some crazy rant...

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I'm actually not too sure. Back when I was younger, I liked electric and fire the most... Hm.

1. Psychic - Psychic powers are awesome, and psychic types usually have nice designs.

2. Bug - Bugs are awesome.

3. Dragon?

  Zafur said:
I'm actually not too sure. Back when I was younger, I liked electric and fire the most... Hm.

1. Psychic - Psychic powers are awesome, and psychic types usually have nice designs.

2. Bug - Bugs are awesome.

3. Dragon?

1. True

2. Hell yeah:p

3. Don't know but I just like them, although I've recently been liking them less

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