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Dear Project Pokemon,

It is time for me to say farewell... at least for the time being. Things have been rough for me as usual and I feel quite inadequate... in many ways. I tried my best to not be the very thing I did not want to become... but apparently, I am no different from other pretentious masqueraders. Oh well.

Anyways, if you do not understand what I was ranting about earlier, then good. You will not have to. Before I get to help anyone, let alone all of you, I feel as if... I need to help myself, for I have become quite unstable in my thoughts and ways. If I do NOT return within a month, then consider myself retired from Project Pokemon's staff... and the forums. If I DO return, I will serve as that same crazy moderator "ghosting" around (so there is still hope for those who will miss me)... but right now, I feel like I need a break. I feel quite troubled and I need to resolve some real life conflicts of mine.

So it is not a real goodbye until I have "officially" left... but I doubt any of you will remember me at all :P

For those of you who thought I was annoying or just disliked me overall, I apologize for my presence, and you are all getting your wishes come true. :)

It was nice meeting with you all and it has been a pleasure making friends with many of you, but for now, just pretend as if I am going on a vacation. And like I said, if I do not return within a month, just erase me from your memories and wipe me off the face of history.

Hoping for a better future... :bidoof:

Wait no! Not you Bidoof! And do not let this community fall apart guys. You can all help make it better!

~ Signing Off,


P.S. Yeah... but I will hang around a bit longer... I will depart starting next week. If you feel like talking with me on MSN/AIM/Yahoo, my information is ALL within my profile... just check.


I hope everything in your life becomes addressed and hopefully resolved. If you need anything from us, we are always here. I am a firm believer in "simplifying" life, so to that end, please do whatever is necessary to simplify your life and good luck with what is important and necessary to your well being. Take care!


I sincerely hope you simplify your life and all and work everything out. And if that means dropping PP temporarily or permanently, then so be it.

But this is The Internet. You can pop in every now and then and lurk. It doesn't have to be all or nothing.

Your presence here, on Shoddy, and IRC, as far as I'm concerned, is always welcome.


@ Sabresite: Thank you. I wish we would have talked a bit more often because I hardly know you =/

@ MewtwoEX: I was your first friend? o_o

@ Neodraven: Merci beaucoup :o

@ Zafur: Hey you know what they say. Opposites attract!

@ randomspot555: I suppose... but that will only happen once I sort everything out.

@ 1UP: Yeah, Shoddy was kind of fun. I enjoyed playing 150 with you.

@ Hottsushiz: It was not really what I wanted, but for everyone's sake, I feel as if I have to.

Au revoir...


Yes Wraith, it has been fun... You were a great contributer to the community. Both as a moderator and as a fellow member. It's really going to be hard to "erase you from our memories and wipe of off the face of history." >.< Thanks for everything you've done for me and PP!

I hope your able to pull through your troubles. Remember, your always welcome here! ;)

Now a picture of a Politoed, as a farewell present. ='<

(belongs to yunalee on Deviantart)




dude even tho i never tlked to you and stuff, i enjoyed reading your posts and gaining so much knowlegde from them.. lol but thanks for that and hope you return soon.


Bai gewd fwend! Teh kittay wil oweys wemembue uw! :'3

I'm going to miss those days when I was a modest Moderator and you became one too or when we played random battles on Shoddy. It's ubfortunatate you must go. We are suffering a big lost, but I hope your problems are resolved and you are able to visit occasionally. :(


I know exactly how much of a pain life can be. Hope you resolve everything and can get back to us sometime in the future, even if it takes years. You're one of the more lively faces around here, so don't give up!


Ah! My first shoddy friend! Je te manquerais! Et bonne chance avec la vie :D

I know I won't forget you.

My friend, remember one thing: the :bidoof: will be with you... always. Whether you like it or not...


B-b-but......you'll always be the best wraithy. I'll never forget you, so please don't ask me to. Your unique personality and your overwhelming intelligence. Your kindness. You've always been nothing but amazing. You introduced me to this community. Haha, life really is a pain...there will always be problems.

Pardonnez mon français, mais c'est ce que je reçois de l'aide d'un traducteur. Je suppose que c'est peut-être revoir. Mais je refuse de dire au revoir, pour le moment ... je peux encore espérer. Je vais toujours te souviens wraithy. Adieu mon ami.

  • 2 weeks later...
  wraith89 said:
P.S. Yeah... but I will hang around a bit longer... I will depart starting next week. If you feel like talking with me on MSN/AIM/Yahoo, my information is ALL within my profile... just check.

It's three weeks later, now.

Does this mean you aren't leaving?

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