Drayano Posted September 12, 2016 Posted September 12, 2016 Pokémon Rising Ruby | Pokémon Sinking Sapphire A completed 721 hack for Pokémon Omega Ruby and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. Current Version: v2.1.0 Last Updated: 16th October, 2016 Description Rising Ruby and Sinking Sapphire are modifications of Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire that allow you to play through the main game with all 721 Pokémon obtainable and go through the challenge of a significantly stronger Pokémon League. A huge emphasis has been placed on Pokémon availability, with most areas in the game offering 10 or 11 species that haven't been seen before that point. The mostly equal chance of encountering any of the Pokémon in an area also mean you're unlikely to get the same thing twice on the first encounter, making the game lend itself well to Nuzlocke runs (if you can handle the extra challenge from the trainer battles!). In addition to these two main changes, there are also modifications to other things where possible, including new convenient sets of level up moves, modifications to evolutions removing trading demands and overly high level requirements, and buffs and changes to Pokémon base stats, abilities and types. The name of the game is that hopefully, you can use whatever Pokémon you like. The challenge the hack brings is six Pokémon rosters on most important trainers, a much sharper level curve, evolved Pokémon appearing earlier in the game, stronger movesets, the use of held items and more. The game has been built assuming the Exp. Share has been turned off and you're carrying 6 Pokémon around with you, so be sure to turn the Exp. Share off if you're only using 6 Pokémon and want an optimal experience! There are unfortunately no edits to the events that take place within the game as script editing is currently not possible on any games in gen 6, so this hack is purely for an enhanced in-game experience. I'm hoping that part of it should be quite enjoyable though. (The hack itself has been around since November 2015, but I hadn't really popularised it as I wasn't completely happy with how it turned out. Now that I've fleshed the changes out a lot more I felt it was ready to bring it to more attention.) Features > The wild Pokémon lists in each area have been entirely renovated with appropriate mixes of the 721 Pokémon available in Gen 6. Each area contains 10 or 11 Pokémon, with each having a 10% encounter rate (or two with 5% in the case of 11 Pokémon), with some earlier routes containing further species in hordes such as the starter Pokémon and Eevee. Most basic forms of Pokémon are available early, with everything besides legendaries (and Spiritomb) being available for capture before seven badges, but with a huge majority playable before even the fourth badge. Pokémon are usually seen in areas that are somewhat appropriate to them, so if you see a Pokémon in a particular environment in another Pokémon game, there's a decent chance you might find it in a similar environment in Hoenn. It is worth noting that not every Pokémon in the wild is able to be captured using the DexNav, as the DexNav screen is only able to support so many Pokémon. In these cases, Pokémon with more sought after hidden abilities are more likely to be available. > The rosters of every trainer in the game has been edited, now also pulling from the pool of every Pokémon. You'll see the majority of species at least once through the game if you fight every trainer, and their levels scale up much higher compared to before; OR/AS's main game saw levels going from 5 to 59/62, whereas RR/SS pulls it up with levels ranging from 5 to 79/81. The extra experience your Pokémon will gain from fighting more evolved Pokémon and trainers having more Pokémon in general will offset the level gap, letting you keep up with the game. > Special trainers such as the Gym Leaders, Elite Four and the rivals have gained extra modifications in the form of the strongest AI setting (where not already applied), the use of held items, stronger movesets, higher IVs and ideal abilities. Most of these trainers also have 6 Pokémon, with every Gym Leader, Elite Four, and even the team admins and leaders sporting a full roster in their final fights. In keeping with the original game, these trainers will still generally have their signature Pokémon ready to go, with new species brought in either from previous appearances or just being new altogether. Additionally, you'll find a lot of trainers will start using Mega Evolutions against you as to get later into the game. > The personal stats of many weaker Pokémon have been tweaked to give them a fighting chance against the stronger Pokémon in the game. Previous weaklings such as Butterfree, Parasect, Farfetch'd, Magcargo, Delibird and Kricketune now have points invested into their stronger stats to give them a particular niche in your team, although they may still fall off as you proceed! With one or two exceptions, no fully evolved Pokémon should have a base stat total below 440. > Type and ability changes have also been given to some Pokémon, with familiar faces from my old hacks such as Bug/Water Masquerain, Grass/Dragon Serperior and Fighting/Flying Farfetch'd being ready to rumble. The addition of Fairy-type also allows a few new changes to the table, with Pokémon such as Misdreavus, Dunsparce, Volbeat and Illumise sporting the new typing. In many cases, Pokémon with only one ability now gain their hidden ability as a normal second ability, and in some cases have entirely new abilities available such as Gale Wings Chatot and Pixilate Dunsparce. > The level up pools for almost every Pokémon have been shuffled to make them a lot easier to use throughout the game, in the same style as how some Pokémon such as Marill and Eevee received new level up sets in Black 2 and White 2. Level up pools have also been bolstered with the addition of moves ordinarily learned from TMs, HMs, previous generations or egg moves. In some cases, Pokémon have been given completely new moves, with stars such as Megahorn Pinsir, Moonblast Togekiss and Hurricane Sigilyph able to pull their weight. > Some attacks have been buffed, notably making Cut, Strength and Rock Smash a lot more usable throughout the game. Special attention has also been given to some of the weaker Fairy-type moves and the lacking special Rock-type moves, with stronger powers (at the cost of reduced effects) making them feel much nicer to use. > Evolutions have been modified so that no Pokémon needs to be traded in order to evolve. Pokémon with ridiculously high evolution levels (including but not limited to many of those from the Unova region) have also had their evolution levels reduced to keep up with the pace of the difficulty curve in the game. > Some Poké Marts and item stalls through the Hoenn region have been changed, now allowing you to buy evolution stones and items such as Dragon Scales and Reaper Cloths (now USEable from the item menu) and evolve the many Pokémon you can capture. Mega Stones for Pokémon whose are normally unavailable before beating the Elite Four can also be purchased in shops after gaining six (or for some, eight) badges. The prices of some items have also been adjusted, with Poké, Great and Ultra Balls becoming significantly cheaper and heavy costs added to Master Balls and Mega Stones. > Gift Pokémon and Static Encounters have been modified to fit their levels with the new curve as well as have some bonuses if you are able to use a modified CRO file. Highlights include guaranteed 31 IVs for any starters and fossils you receive, fighting Tornadus, Thundurus and Landorus in their Therian formes, and strong, 31 IV, hidden ability encounters when Soaring in the Sky. > Some text edits have been made in the game where needed for certain situations, such as the removal of Maxie or Archie's line about being the first aside from the player to use Mega Evolution and a heavy push towards the player to not use the Exp. Share. > Trainers in the Battle Resort now act as a "hologram system", allowing you to 'rematch' the Gym Leaders of Hoenn as well as fight trainers with teams belonging to characters from other regions such as Blue, Cynthia, and the Gym Leaders/Elite Four from the Kalos region. > Almost all changes are documented and split between five different documents, which can be consulted to find out more about anything you wish. This includes the exact changes made to any Pokémon, the wild Pokémon in an area and the details of rosters held by nearly every trainer in the game, with full information of moves, items and abilities given for important characters. Screenshots Open the spoiler below to see screenshots of Rising Ruby and Sinking Sapphire. Reveal hidden contents Bugs > No (fixable) bugs known at present. > Some Pokémon may be seen on the very edge of the DexNav. This is a consequence of not being able to fit every wild Pokémon on there and not much can be done about it. Suggestions > Ice Punch for Blaziken. Credits > Project Pokémon: Project Pokémon was an invaluable resource when designing the hack, thanks to the pool of knowledge given by the regulars here. I have a special thanks to give to both Kaphotics and SciresM, both for their work on the amazing PK3DS and 3DS Builder applications as well as their research, and for talking to me and probably withstanding a few stupid questions I had to ask. Couldn't have done it without you guys. > Sylphate: Created the Rising Ruby and Sinking Sapphire logos inspired by the Omega Ruby and Sinking Sapphire versions. They look great! > Chevitile: For suggesting the Rising and Sinking prefixes for the hack, the suggestions I found I liked most. > Asia81: For the guide and precise instructions on how to perform the dumping and decryption process on 3DS games. > 3DS Hackers: The creation of exploits such as browserhax and menuhax is what allows hacks like these to be playable, and it never fails to amaze me how people manage to figure out exploits in these environments. It's hard to credit absolutely everyone who had a step in making the hacks playable, but I'd like to draw special attention to smealum and yellows8 for browserhax and menuhax, Plailect for the incredibly well written and detailed guide for A9LH installation, and AuroraWright for the hugely useful Luma3DS custom firmware. > Dio_Vento: The author of Rutile Ruby and Star Sapphire, another pair of OR/AS hacks. Having this threads around provided some tiny bits of inspiration for my own hacks, as well as showing me what the standard is for distributing the files related to the hack. Download The files for Rising Ruby and Sinking Sapphire can be found in -linked removed, as it contained files from the rom- . Basic instructions are given as to how to play the game in the Readme file. I would suggest using arm9loaderhax and Luma3DS with a CIA installation to get the best experience. Failing that, use HANS via the Homebrew Channel. A Gateway cart can be used but I would recommend against it unless you already own one and are feeling lazy. I plan to offer modified versions of some of the files with the new illegal stuff (new moves, base stat changes etc) ripped out but the more legit stuff like held item changes and level up moves from alternate legal sources left in. These aren't available yet unfortunately, but you can pick and choose which GARC files you'd like to bring in. Contact If you need to get in touch with me about the hack, whether it's about a bug, help or just telling me how you're going about playing the game, either post in this thread or to really get my attention, you can talk to me directly through tweeting at my Twitter account @Drayano60. 1 2
NaSMaX Posted September 14, 2016 Posted September 14, 2016 I always wondered can you do this with a physical copy of the game or does it have to be a digital copy?
Drayano Posted September 14, 2016 Author Posted September 14, 2016 You can use HANS to play it with a physical copy I think yeah.
Buffel Saft Posted September 16, 2016 Posted September 16, 2016 Good to see this is finally out! Just signed up here to report a bit of a nasty "bug" in Sinking Sapphire: one of the Aqua Grunts in Slateport (trainer ID 268) has a Liepard at level 50 instead of level 20. Other than that the game's been pretty fun so far, the new trainer rosters are definitely an improvement over version 1. Also, is there any chance you could add an extra move to a few Pokemon? I've noticed that Gardevoir is the only -ate ability mon without a good move to abuse it, Skuntank doesn't get Sucker Punch, and the only way to get a Piplup with Agility is by breeding for it (which is a bit of a hassle).
Drayano Posted September 21, 2016 Author Posted September 21, 2016 Haha yeah, I've had a couple people report this Liepard bug now, sorry about that. I did all my testing on the Ruby version this time so I missed cases like this Glad to hear you're enjoying it though. Yeah those all sound like good suggestions. I must have forgotten to give Gardevoir Hyper Voice, whoops. P.S: Thanks for giving the trainer ID, makes it significantly quicker to track down!
hulu22 Posted September 27, 2016 Posted September 27, 2016 Hello i have a question about 1 file there is a file with the name .code.bin is that right or have i to change it to code.bin ? (sry for the bad english )
Buffel Saft Posted October 5, 2016 Posted October 5, 2016 Drayano said: Haha yeah, I've had a couple people report this Liepard bug now, sorry about that. I did all my testing on the Ruby version this time so I missed cases like this Glad to hear you're enjoying it though.Yeah those all sound like good suggestions. I must have forgotten to give Gardevoir Hyper Voice, whoops. P.S: Thanks for giving the trainer ID, makes it significantly quicker to track down! No problem, I fixed it myself so I could keep playing and figured posting the ID would save you some time. NaSMaX said: I'm sorry, HANS? It's a homebrew app that allows you to load parts of a game from your SD card instead of the cart, so you can play hacks with it as long as you have a copy of the game. It also works with e-shop versions. hulu22 said: Hello i have a question about 1 file there is a file with the name .code.bin is that right or have i to change it to code.bin ?(sry for the bad english ) Depends on what you're using it with. ".code.bin" is usually fine.
Chimpy Posted October 9, 2016 Posted October 9, 2016 Hello Drayano, I've been playing through your hack and I have to say I'm loving it a lot. The only reason I made an account was to inform you of a bug though. I'm currently playing through it catching all of the Pokemon, and I'd just come to Mt. Pyre. On floors 3/4 if you have caught/seen a haunter its whole body is hidden by the windows for the other apps on the PokeNav. So you can only see his hand sticking out from behind the utmost window. I don't know if this is intentional or not, however, I thought I would let you know since I haven't seen anyone else mention it. That being said, if you're taking suggestions for movesetsl I think it would be neat if Blaziken got ice punch like he was shown to have in some pictures on the Pokemon website from right before ORAS' release. I think it would be a neat nod to it. It isn't like he needs it, but whatever you know? Anyway, thanks again for the wonderful hack, it's really made the games a million times more enjoyable!
Drayano Posted October 16, 2016 Author Posted October 16, 2016 I've updated the files with v2.1, fixing the Liepard bug and adding some of the suggested moves as well as some files where stuff illegal in the normal games has been taken out. Chimpy said: Hello Drayano, I've been playing through your hack and I have to say I'm loving it a lot. The only reason I made an account was to inform you of a bug though. I'm currently playing through it catching all of the Pokemon, and I'd just come to Mt. Pyre. On floors 3/4 if you have caught/seen a haunter its whole body is hidden by the windows for the other apps on the PokeNav. So you can only see his hand sticking out from behind the utmost window. I don't know if this is intentional or not, however, I thought I would let you know since I haven't seen anyone else mention it.That being said, if you're taking suggestions for movesetsl I think it would be neat if Blaziken got ice punch like he was shown to have in some pictures on the Pokemon website from right before ORAS' release. I think it would be a neat nod to it. It isn't like he needs it, but whatever you know? Anyway, thanks again for the wonderful hack, it's really made the games a million times more enjoyable! Thanks for the feedback! That bit with the Haunter is because of how the DexNav works if you stuff too many Pokémon in one area, they seem to actually get placed off the side of the screen instead of not entirely so you do get these occasional things where you can see something sticking out. I think something similar might happen in the Cave of Origin too. Ah I could have included this but I only saw it after I just made an update, sorry! Next time probably. Glad you're enjoying it.
Drayano Posted October 17, 2016 Author Posted October 17, 2016 Whoops, sorry, not sure why that link broke. Should be fixed now.
Jayc Posted October 21, 2016 Posted October 21, 2016 How difficult is this romhack compared to Dio Vanto's? I quite enjoyed Star Sapphire's difficulty but it has a gamebreaking bug right before the Sootopolis gym that pretty much killed my motivation to continue.
Drayano Posted October 22, 2016 Author Posted October 22, 2016 The difficulty's been tuned up on Gym Leaders etc but I don't think it's as tough as Dio's. The levels are lower and I don't overwhelm people early as much, nor have I made Ace Trainers into huge beasts or anything. I haven't actually played his hacks though!
gpgrocker Posted November 6, 2016 Posted November 6, 2016 (edited) Loving the hack. I actually spent a week soft resetting for a shiny torchic and i'm now horde hunting for a shiny eevee, so I'm not very far in the hack. I was wondering if you've ever thought about adding an optional edit to change shiny spawn rates to like 1/1024 or something without shiny charm, and 1/512 with a shiny charm? If it's possible of course. It would make it a bit less farming for shinies than the main game, especially considering the chances without a shiny charm. Plus the Masuda Method is impossible since we need to be on an earlier version of oras than the current, so we can't access the gts which would be used for getting a foreign ditto. EDIT - Also what about setting the hoenn pokedex to completion so that caught pokemon are shown with their entries if they're not gen 3 EDIT2 - Also more pokemon that can learn false swipe by TM? Early game there isn't many that can learn it and that makes it difficult when catching pokemon and overleveled for the route. Edited November 6, 2016 by gpgrocker
Andy1604 Posted January 18, 2017 Posted January 18, 2017 Can i play it with Europe Version of Omega Ruby?
JackTheeMenace Posted April 25, 2017 Posted April 25, 2017 I'm trying to catch all 721 pokemon and I cant because I picked Torchic and I can't encounter Treecko or Mudkip anywhere else in hoenn and I checked the documentation and the only place you can find it is when you get it from Birch. would it be possible to add them in Horde encounters somewhere?
whitealcal Posted May 6, 2017 Posted May 6, 2017 Good evening sorry Do normal coaches have no complicated objects or strategies? Only the leaders, the rival, the elite four and the champion? I wish you could add something like this, although I know it's a lot of work lol
JackTheeMenace Posted May 12, 2017 Posted May 12, 2017 On 5/9/2017 at 1:34 PM, maverick159 said: can i do online battles in this one? Expand no because you need to be on version 1.0 for this to work and Drayano has edited types and movesets of pokemon
whitealcal Posted May 23, 2017 Posted May 23, 2017 Hello. Hey, I've got a question Wild pokemon also has altered levels? For example I see that in a zone there are coaches level 40 but the wild pokemon also appear around that level? Or are they much lower ?? I can install the updates?
NooB1298 Posted June 25, 2017 Posted June 25, 2017 If you are able to do it, you should update your hacks so they can be used easily the "Drag and drop" way that Luma enables now. Tried doing it myself with the files but couldn't get it to work, game just crashes before opening (maybe I'm just a noob ).
FinalFate Posted August 22, 2017 Posted August 22, 2017 (edited) You can get it working with the files included, but you need to replace the code.bin from "Drop-In Files" in the zip with the uncompressed one in "Individual Files\Other Files - Ruby\exeFS\" and rename it to code.bin. Here are working Drag and Drop patches for both versions: Rising Ruby Sinking Sapphire Edited August 22, 2017 by FinalFate added links
Renato_Brazil Posted January 28, 2018 Posted January 28, 2018 Hi I'm a brazilian young (Dryano Hack Roms make sucess here), and i found dificulties to make modification in your rom. Your Hack roms are the best, but i wish make little modifications. Can anybody help me? Using PK3DS i get a .romfs and .exefs file. How I convert this files in a .3ds ou .cia file. You see, I intend to play on my pc Thanks
Morbidpie Posted February 4, 2018 Posted February 4, 2018 (edited) Hello, I was wondering if you would be able to upload a decrypted version for use with the Citra emulator? if you can that would be wonderful Edited February 4, 2018 by Morbidpie
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