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Hello dear members (and lurkers ;P ),

I've created this side-thread in the event contribution forums,

to ease the amount of questions and other forms of off-topic discussion traffic.

Do proceed with discussion, and remember to abide to our rules!


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I think there's no more need to do that as the Wondercard Title/Distribution Text/OT are in English on the French and German games too, but if you want to test a UK Darkrai code on an Italian game to see if anything changes, I'm here :)

  supercarotte said:
HA tyrunt his currently distributed to anyone who entered at least 3 battles in the "Battle of Hoenn" Comppetition.

French PGL is late though, as always... The tyrunt distribution hasn't started yet.

I can't have my code from the french PGL because they're late ?

Really ?

Ok so I prefere that, one minute I had thinking that my serial code will be far away..

  MiniiGangster said:
How did you save the file ?? Mine comes up as broken characters when i open it?

I just clicked the link? :o I'm using chrome btw and it auto download into my notebook. After that I used PKHex to inject the wondercards into my saved file.

  Chamdee said:
Some of those wc6 are used. So if it is, just use http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?42746-WC6-Editor-(6th-Gen-Wondercard-Viewer)-(ORAS-support-added-12-11-2014)'>wc6 editor to make it unused again.

Ok prettey scary two part question:

1) do you think it will be easy for the new QR code injector be updated to work well with wc6?

2) will this mean it might be developed into the new 3ds?

1) I didn't know Pokedit had its own injection server. As far as I know wc6 injection works the same way ekx injection does so it should be possible, but I don't know if anyone is actually trying to do it.

2)New3ds doesn't handle memory access the same way. Basically, it would be an entirely new exploit to run it on new3ds so it MIGHT happen sometime but nothing is sure.

  Chamdee said:
Some of those wc6 are used. So if it is, just use http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?42746-WC6-Editor-(6th-Gen-Wondercard-Viewer)-(ORAS-support-added-12-11-2014)'>wc6 editor to make it unused again.

Ok prettey scary two part question:

1) do you think it will be easy for the new QR code injector be updated to work well with wc6?

2) will this mean it might be developed into the new 3ds?

About question 1, that's already running :) Here: http://lunarcookies.github.io/card.html

Just drop the .WC6 file into the square and proceed through the steps posted here: http://pastebin.com/5ki4hTgj

(there's also methods to clone Box2 into Box1 and fill Box1 entirely with the Box1Slot1 Pokémon, too)

Posted (edited)

Now, all that is missing is dumping wc6 w/o taking out sd card. If one does come up... I'll still prefer the precision of ram2sav and pkhex wondercard tool method.

Edited by Chamdee

Don't know where to ask this one but it's a quick question btw...

How do I know if a certain .wc6 file is watermarked or not?

Does a wondercard file become watermarked if you only change nature and IVs & nothing else?


It becomes watermarked the moment you save the file with WC6 editor, even if you changed nothing at all. Long story short, don't even open and save it with WC6 editor before contributing them.

  Waitress_Tsubame said:
Don't know where to ask this one but it's a quick question btw...

How do I know if a certain .wc6 file is watermarked or not?

Does a wondercard file become watermarked if you only change nature and IVs & nothing else?

you wouldn't know.

and it doesn't affect other things.

It is for legitimacy checking purposes.

  Waitress_Tsubame said:
Thanks for the info :)

And yeah, what does that watermark do again? Makes the mon illegit?

Basically, if it appears on a wondercard, it will be flagged as hacked/faked/illegal/tempered with.

Which is what we don't want on a wondercard contribution.

Pokemon generated by the wondercard may be legal or illegal,

depending if it was generated based whether was it almost identical information or faked information errors.

My advice is simply: don't dwell on this topic, as it causes THIS thread to go off topic.

  The Shiny Jirachi said:
no WHF rayquaza yet?

does the bank event come with wondercards?

Unless someone who actually went to the event contributes it, legitimacy can't be confirmed, at least in the case of the PS wondercard that is available in the zip file.

Regarding the Bank event, if they are anything like the Celebii event, it probably won't come with any wondercards.

  Derrik said:
I just clicked the link? :o I'm using chrome btw and it auto download into my notebook. After that I used PKHex to inject the wondercards into my saved file.

i did the same but not working.. it saves as ".rar" file


Just wanted to express my gratitute to theSlayer for picking up the task of gathering and checking all the new wondercards! Really saved me a lot of time, keep it up :)!

  MiniiGangster said:
i did the same but not working.. it saves as ".rar" file

You have to extract it first. All the wondercards are sorted inside the ".rar" file.

You can try winrar to extract.


Is anyone else having trouble with Serena's Fennekin event? I used the code obtained during the Japanese anime episode (SERENA01) and it says that I've already received this gift and cannot obtain another one....whats that about?

I have a Japanese game and Japanese 3ds. Anyone any ideas?

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