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Who is the top fox?  

66 members have voted

  1. 1. Who is the top fox?

    • Vaporeon
    • Jolteon
    • Flareon
    • Espeon
    • Umbreon
    • Leafeon
    • Glaceon
    • Unevolved Eevee

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That's determined by nature/IV/EV. I'm talking about their base stats :P

I don't think any Eeveelution can go below 65 SpDef because Eevee herself has 65 SpDef. But then again... there are many Pokemon who lose one of their stats when they evolve (Wingull loses speed upon evolving into Pelipper)...


In gen I Flareon was my favorite. When G/S came out it was instant love for Umbreon. Now, with Gen 4, it is a close tie between umbreon and leafeon. I voted for Leafeon though since she is my favorite to use in Platinum.


i like all of them but espeon takes the first place and umbeon second

i allways loved those 2 in G/S/C i think i like the shiny forms of leafeon and glaceon more they look better then the originals


Vaporeon <3 Gotta love it. I use it a lot in my teams on shoddy, and may i say its hardly ever failed me. Jolt is nice as well, though ive used it only once. Ingame i dont usually use Eeveelutions =/, i did however evolve my eevee in Leafgreen into a Flareon.....totally by mistake xD. I was like "omg I need a fire type right now!!!" so i just used the fire stone on little Eevee, but ended up never using littke Flare.........i used Moltres instead xD.

The legendary birdies had Ice, Electric and Fire, so Water was obviously the best choice to use. Of course it was only if your Blastoise turned out useless =(

(although some will argue Jolteon ties with Vaporeon, but that's only in simulators where anyone can get the desired Hidden Power they want while Vaporeon has the stats to pull off its support role even without Hidden Power)...

I would argue that.

Hidden power, while useful on Jolteon, isn't even necessary for the most part. Thunderbolt/Shadow ball/Signal beam may not have " BOLT BEAM COVERAGE" but it hits enough and makes use of what resistances jolteon has to its advantage.

Being the fastest useful ( because as we all know, ninjask is not useful in real battles ) Sub/Baton passer in the game can catch even good players off guard. Subing up and baton passing to something that is immune to whatever attack your opponent picked can sometimes be good game right there.

Blinding fast speed ( 130 base ) means jolteon can revenge kill a majority of pokemon, without the use of a choice scarf and can continue to wreck havoc assuming it's gotten in safely and its 110 base special attack should not be ovrer looked either as it has just enough power to score useful 1 and 2HKO's on a variety of pokemon ( Rotom, Gengar, Dusknoir, Celebi, Gyarados, Skarmory, Metagross, Suicune, Vaporeon, Tentacruel, Alakazam, Gardevoir et cetera. )

It's ability and , although overlooked, special defense allow it to be a decent counter to zapdos as well as STAB thunderbolts on physically defensive zapdos will take it down eventually.

Now while Vaporeon is good, the fact that Toxic and toxic spikes ruin its staying power makes it a much less viable choice for a lot of things as with its low defense it can't take too many hits while enduring poison, meaning Scizor who vaporeon can usually wall and kill off, will have no problem setting up and wiping vaporeon out.

While vaporeon may have its uses as a "bulky offense" with its 130 base hp and 110 base special attack, its meager 60 base def and 65 base speed mean many things can take advantage of it as well. I would go so far as even saying that Vaporeon is a Niche pokemon, filling a very specific role on teams, much like Ludicolo or Weavile.


How can you not love this little thing?


Anyway, the only reason I see Jolt as the best eeveelution is Volt Absorb and base 130 speed. Volt Absorb is an amazing ability and really helps offensive teams with an Electric Immunity and also with base 130 speed it can outrun a lot of things. Also, Specs + Jolt = 0wnage.


I still wouldn't say Jolteon is the best one... but it is up there with Vaporeon I suppose. Volt Absorb is good because Thunder Wave wouldn't cripple it, which is one of the most used paralysis moves in this game, and Jolteon wouldn't want to be paralyzed.


Jolteon is by far my favorite. He just has this air of coolness about him that draws me to him...I think it's the spikes. I friggen love spikes. That air of "Don't mess with me" draws me to him, because that's how my personality falls.

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How epic is that? All I can say is heckyess.

  • 2 years later...

Hmm, since I still can place a vote in the poll, I will do it. ^^

I voted for Glaceon. :) I like the blue, square-formed 'ears' (which look like hair) of her and the colour she has... I do not really care about the utility of Pokémon I like, but I have to mention the Blizzard from Glaceon; it is just astonishing! I cannot remember any other Eeveelution has something comparable. Actually, I usually liked Espeon somewhat too, but the other Eeveelutions were not that interesting... Glaceon did a good job for being a very cute Gen 4 Pokémon in my opinion. ;)

By the way, those Eeveelution are not foxes, or am I wrong?

  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 1 year later...
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  • 5 months later...

I personally like espeon the most because its the type I like the most and it does well in the game and has quite good speed too and it's good looking. I like all of them though and there should have a sylveon


Vaporeon, no question.

It's the only one that is usable but at the same time doesn't look silly (i.e jolteon).

Well, besides Espeon. I hate Espeon, though.

  • 1 year later...
  • 3 years later...

I LOVE SYLVEON!!! Its pink and girly like i am xD


And its probably the cutest one overall ❤️ Along with unevolved eevee (since sylv isn't on the list, eevee will get my vote)

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