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I generally organise my boxes, as 1-30, for Box One, 31-60 for Box Two, and repeat all the way up to 493, in the spare space on the 481-493 Boxes I put extras, I have, such as the Level 1 Regigigas (From SnowPoint Temple) I have, and the Level 100 (Not legit) 11th Movie Regigigas (Thanks to UnderXRay there ;)) then in my final box, I call it "New" and exit, and just let the new guys I catch go in there for sorting.

The only other time I've changed this is to show a friend all the legends I've got from UnderXRay, where I made a Legends box and moved them all into there.

Posted (edited)

I have special boxes in Platinum for the following:

- Unown (full count, 26 + 2)

- Elite (battle-ready pokemon, mostly OU, EV-trained)

- TradeIN (those that I received via trade)

- EeveeD2 (Eevee evolution & Ditto collection)

- LegendA (Legendaries)

- LegendB (Legendaries, other event pokemon & legit shinies)

- Nursery (pokemon for EV-training, breeding & levelling)

The remaining boxes are not named, randomly arranged :)

Edited by empoleonmikel

I'm sure there was a thread similar to this, o neva mind it was in the previous forum.:biggrin:

Mine is liekz dis:

-Several boxes named "Pokemon" which are Pokemon i have caught in-game.

-2 Boxes named "Ultimate" which are fully EV IV Pokesaved Pokemon i use competitively

-2 Boxes which are named "Legend" which as you guessed it i place my Legendaries

-1 Box named "Limited" which hold Pokemon that are quite rare or difficult to catch (excludes Legendaries)

-1 Box named "Strong" which hold high leveled Pokemon that aren't intentionally IV or EV trained

-1 Box named "Hacked/Experiment" the name is explanatory

Before i used to name the boxes corresponding to the Pokemon 1st typing for example:

Fire - "Inferno"

Ice - "Frostbite"

Dark - "Rebellion"

Psychic - "Telepath"

Flying - "Airborne"

Normal - "Normality"

Rock - "Boulder"

Ground - "EarthCrush"

Water - "Tsunami"

Dragon - "Dragoon"

Ghost - "Shadow" "Spectrum" "Phantom" (I couldn't pick which name to use so i cycle throughout them)


I once made my boxes with specific types - Ice, fire, electric, and so on. However i do not name the boxes except one for the oldest Pokemon from my first save from Pokemon Sapphire. And as for the other boxes - i keep my Pokemon in a national order.


Numerical order. Box 1 is "1-30", 2 is "31-60," and so on. The last box in the PC is called "spare." It's for the Pokemon I'm currently EV training, or Pokemon I use for egg move breeding, or Pokemon that I've gotten from trading online; extra but useful Pokemon, basically (when most of your PC is filled, you can't afford to keep any but the most useful Pokemon).

  HottSushiz said:
Before i used to name the boxes corresponding to the Pokemon 1st typing for example:

Fire - "Inferno"

Ice - "Frostbite"

Dark - "Rebellion"

Psychic - "Telepath"

Flying - "Airborne"

Normal - "Normality"

Rock - "Boulder"

Ground - "EarthCrush"

Water - "Tsunami"

Dragon - "Dragoon"

Ghost - "Shadow" "Spectrum" "Phantom" (I couldn't pick which name to use so i cycle throughout them)

I did something like that when I did orgaise them, but I just did simple names ("Fire", "Water", etc.)


I have multiple saves for Platinum. Kanto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh are organized by their Regional Dex numbers, as I caught all Pokemon in the Dex's, not just the new ones for that game. Any Pokemon not in the Regional Dex that I captured in the game, are given their own box. Orre is organized by the order in which you can capture them in the Gamecube games, while my Events file is organized by country and order they were given out. Johto will be completed once HGSS is released.


boxes 1 through 12 are simply named box 1, box 2 etc, this is enough to hold all of the highest evolutions for all pokes and in special cases some lower evolutions like abra and others i like, also this includes my faves that have more than 1 form in all forms and even multiples of my fave legends or multiple versions of battle ready pokes (salamence and the like, you get the idea) this is set out in national dex order

then i have a box named pokepen and this is where caught pokemon end up because i leave it on that box whenever i exit the pc

next is the box i named misc, this is for pokes i wanna keep for other reasons, breeding egg moves, trading etc

the next box contains all my unowns, the box is simply called unown

my next box, named eggs, contains eggs i know people would want to get in egg trades (even though i still havent done this yet)

then i have a box for all my first stage starters, charmander yada yada yada

and finally i have a box called natures that holds a ditto of every nature holding an everstone and a slugma for quicker hatching


I sort them out like this:

Box 1 = 1st Evolution - I am sure it explains itself.

Box 2 = 2nd Evolution - Again explains itself.

Box 3 = 3rd Evolution - Do I need to say it again..

Box 4 = Breeders - Why am I bothering...

Box 5 = Shinies.

Box 6 = Contest Pokemon.

Box 7 = Legendaries.

Box 8 = EV Trained Pokemon

Box 7 = Pokemon I have more then once.

The rest of the boxes I don't need to use yet.


i sot my lagendarys by order of pokedex and what came first mostly













I used to have the first box for my team and the few I was training. Then one for legendaries, events, etc. As my collection grew though, that didn't work. now I just save the boxes in poke sav and only have a couple filled on my actual game. Then if I need a pokemon for a battle or trade, I can just look for the one I need and put it in my sav. I really wish nintendo would've made more boxes for platinum. We need like 25 or 30 in the next gen release.


Haha. I'm a bit OCD with things like this so I both put them in National order, and put all their forms... So all three burmies, all 28 unown, two gastrodon, etc... The legends near the end of the list end up piling into Box 18. I don't even think I can manage all the Arceus forms in the remaining space... Plus I kinda like having extra space other than my party.


yeah i once wanted to have all 493 and in every form, including the ones that have different forms for male and female, even the few shinys i have i was gonna count as extra forms.... sadly theres nowhere near enough room, lucky i decided to work it out in my head before actually trying to do it.

ive always thought it would be better to have like a ranch or stable or something to leave your pokes at anyway, personally i think the whole, digitize your pokes thingy, is a bit lame.

p.s i ditched the starters box i mentioned earlier and replaced it with a second misc box, so i can store more pokes for trading, ive decided to swamp the GTS with as many useful pokes as possible, regardless of what i get in return (usually a hacked, caught or otherwise completely useless poke)


I wanted to do that too. :P They really should've put 20 boxes in Platinum, at least. I just kind of dislike female forms.D: Most of them are made of fail.

Well, that's what Ranch is for, I supposeee.

I've tried to clear the GTS a few times while I was bored. :P Get a load of legit/legal Pokémon... It's pretty pointless, but it keeps me busy when I seriously have nothing better to do.


yeah but pokes are living things (you know what i mean) so storing them on a pc is just mental.

i despise spin offs, but i might buy a wii just for ranch then, maybe, im not a fan of the wii, but i would like more space for my pokes.


I post them in a modified National Dex order, where complete evolution families are placed together.

For example, instead of Arbok - Pikachu - Raichu, I have Arbok - Pichu - Pikachu - Raichu.

(Or instead of Oddish - Gloom - Vileplume, I have Oddish - Gloom - Vileplume - Bellossom.)

I have special boxes for the Unown and special Pokémon. The special Pokémon usually the ones I have trained, not legendaries. Legendaries go with all the other riffraff.

  Doc said:
yeah but pokes are living things (you know what i mean) so storing them on a pc is just mental.

The PCs are simulated habitats where all of the Pokemon's needs are met and they spend time with other Pokémon in the same box. The "wallpaper" represents the habitat that they are in. There is really no excuse for feeling guilty about it.


guilty? nah i just think its a bit lame, would have made a good addition to the game to have a ranch or something instead of just a pc

  Doc said:
guilty? nah i just think its a bit lame, would have made a good addition to the game to have a ranch or something instead of just a pc

That would be great for HG/SS and I do the standard national dex order. The last box is my pokesaved competitive teams.


My boxes are organized rather haphazardly. I usually keep box 1 as a bunch of random pokemon I caught while going through the game (which also doubles as a box for the pokemon I have that can pass pokerus). Box 2 is my "Battlers" box, containing all the pokemon I've bred (or Soft-Reset, in the case of legendaries) and EV-trained for use in competitive battling. (Right now, my box contains a level 50 salamence, a level 100 salamence, a level 100 staraptor, a level 46 piplup, a level 71 heatran, a level 51 heatran, a level 50 starmie, a level 50 slaking, a level 66 heracross, and a level 38 shellgon (new Salamence, IVs 30/31/6/31/31/31)). Boxes 3-8 contain box after box full of babies I need to dump on GTS, box 9 contains my "to breed" pokemon (including my impish female hippowdon, my beldum with awesome IVs, and a rotom, as well as my dittos). Boxes 10-18 are mostly empty right now, but they'll be filling up with pokemon I get from GTS (there always seems to be decent demand for bagon, which I have about four boxes of right now, so I just ask for the pokemon that the guys in solaceon want each day in order to expand my trainer ID database).



BOX 1 War games- pokemon for competitive battle

BOX 2 NU-LAND self explaining



BOX 5 SHH - ubers

BOX 6- KRAIT - breeding

7-30 more tier based sorting


I only have 3 specific boxes: Legendary - Where I store my legendaries, Event - Where I store pokemon events I downloaded from the database and IV/EV - Where my EV trained pokemon with high IV's are. The other boxes I just put any other pokemon in it.


This is how I organize it:

5 Team Boxes

5 Sub Poke Boxes (Pokemon that could replace/ substitute for another Pokemon on one of my teams)

3 Box (I don't use them lol...)

5 Event Boxes (Event Pokemon such as pokemon from xD.)

Yup, a very odd way.


'Haley' box for all of Hayley's trades in Pokemon Ranch, minus Mew and Phione who go into 'Special'.

'Special' box for event, EV'd, shinies, the 'special' ones basicly.

The rest, random really... Legendaries do have a habit from appearing at the front. Duplicates are usually together and eggs are at the end.

Unown box.


I myself have it: (1) Alphabetical (A-B, C-D, and so on). (2) The last available boxes are special trained, for special setups.

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