Lucario Posted February 24, 2010 Posted February 24, 2010 -no cheats-(masterballs)- if we are talking about non running pokemon or not the hard to find ones. Articuno (FR)-i thought it would be easy coz i only bring 30 ultraballs for each legendary in the game. but in that saved file i managed to catch mewtwo with just 1 ultraball by inflicting little damage w/ no PAR, PSN or etc. Nice catch right? Giratina (Pearl)- it took 20 ultraballs, 20 dusk balls, 10 dusk, nest, timer balls. it took ?? number of turns( got pissed to count it). but the ultraball got it eventually. -no cheats- running pokemon(the fleeing pokemon) Suicune and Latias- i always fall asleep when finding them
XiON Posted February 24, 2010 Posted February 24, 2010 Game: Platinum / Tries before it was caught (fled): 4 / Pokeballs Used: lost count, caught in a ultra ball though.
sunspot Posted February 24, 2010 Posted February 24, 2010 Beldum, I have not actually caught one yet in Diamond or Pearl.
ebuks Posted March 2, 2010 Posted March 2, 2010 it think mewtwo was a (excuse me) bastard. in my fire red i wasted over 100 ultraballs .... and eventually caught it 2 trys later
demyxtheyoung Posted March 3, 2010 Posted March 3, 2010 personally, it was palkia on platinum. second most was dialga. wasted god knows how many pokeballs on dialga until i caught it, but was left to capture palkia witth only 5 ultraballs, 2 duskballs, and a single pokeball. since im far too lazy to leave and return with more supplies, i spent the next few hours resetting trying to capture the thing. i finally captured the damn thing with the pokeball.
Delta Blast Burn Posted March 4, 2010 Posted March 4, 2010 (edited) Toffeuy said: My Suicune wasn't too much of a pain. Just four steps to remember:1. Check the Pokedex for where it is 2. Do not check the Pokedex for its location a second time in a single attempt 3. Do not use fly 4. Use Dugtrio with Arena Trap or Wobuffet to trap it then catch it If you don't follow points 2 & 3, the legendary dog will just change location. Does catching Yanma really take that long? When I first aimed on trying to get all Poketch Apps I found out that for one of the apps you have to catch 6 pokemon in the Great Marsh in one attempt. I did as I was told and I got: Yanma Skorupi Shroomish Bibarel Bibarel Bibarel again! For the roaming pokemon, I got my Staraptor which had 1 HP with Endeavor and found all the Roaming Pokemon. On each one I used Endeavor to get them to 1 HP. But the annoying thing: the three legendary birds have Pressure. So Endeavor didn't have enough PP so I used an ether to restore its PP and kept going until I got them all down to 1 HP. Next I got my Crobat with Hypnosis (I bred it to get Hypnosis) and made them all asleep. And finally, I went to Celestic Town with my Marking Map app and kept going to Route 209 then back to Celestic Town. I repeated it until a roaming pokemon was on Route 209. Then I swooped in and see it. I used Quick Ball. If I catch it, good, but if it fails, it will flee. So I repeat the process again. I finally got all of them in the end. And yes, I know this was a very long way but still it was useful. The hardest one for me to capture was Zapdos out of these. It took me two days to catch Zapdos while the others only took like one hour each. I save my Masterball in case I find like a Strong, Shiny, Rare, Pokemon which is hard to catch and may risk committing suicide with recoil damage, explosion, etc. Btw, I already have a Gold Trainer Card so i'm aiming for the Black Trainer Card now. All I need is to complete the National Dex. I can if I try, I have all the games so including migrating and trading I can get all pokemon in my pokedex (event pokemon excluded). The only 9 Pokemon I can't get in my Pokedex are the Johto Starters and their evolutions. Since you can't migrate from GS, I have to wait for HGSS. Another way to get the Johto starters is through trading with Pokemon Battle Colosseum but I don't have that, neither do I have Game Cube so it's going to be really hard to get the Black Trainer Card. Do you have Emerald Version? If you do you can one by completeing the hoenn dex scratch deoxys & jirachi, mabey one or two others, but i doubt it. EDIT: Lucario said: Suicune and Latias- i always fall asleep when finding them lol, me too. Edited March 4, 2010 by Delta Blast Burn I had more too add
SmellTheBurningEmber Posted March 4, 2010 Posted March 4, 2010 (edited) Mewtwo in Generation I was a pain in the ass if you didn't have the Master Ball. Back in Gen I, Balls could MISS the target. Not BREAK, just plain MISS. It took me over 13 resets and over 70 Ultra Balls. To top that, he had Recover and Ameshia. Since Sp. Atk and Sp. Def shared a single stat in Gen I (the SPECIAL stat), he could easily have 999 Special and wipe your team out and have unbreakable defenses. I had accidently used my Master Ball on a Fearow (I was 6 years old at the time and didn't know any better) and I sat there. Trying to catch that. Then I caught it. It was a pain, but everyone should have a good feeling knowing they caught a Gen I Mewtwo without a Master Ball. Ah... Good times... ~STBE Edited March 4, 2010 by Mewtwo Ex
wraith89 Posted March 4, 2010 Posted March 4, 2010 Mewtwo did not learn Amnesia until level 81 in RBY... and you caught it at level 70. It had Swift/Psychic/Barrier/Recover... and that was still enough to be scary, because Barrier doubles its "low" defense of 90 (which is still high by the way) while its Special value was 154 (meaning its SpA and SpDef are both 154)... strong enough to OHKO-2HKO my entire team. Fortunately, Articuno survived its impact and one of its Ice Beams/Blizzard froze it. And in RBY, if you are not stupid to use Haze, the opponent is PERMANENTLY frozen.
Tbird Posted March 4, 2010 Posted March 4, 2010 wraith89 said: Mewtwo did not learn Amnesia until level 81 in RBY... and you caught it at level 70. It had Swift/Psychic/Barrier/Recover... and that was still enough to be scary, because Barrier doubles its "low" defense of 90 (which is still high by the way) while its Special value was 154 (meaning its SpA and SpDef are both 154)... strong enough to OHKO-2HKO my entire team. Fortunately, Articuno survived its impact and one of its Ice Beams/Blizzard froze it. And in RBY, if you are not stupid to use Haze, the opponent is PERMANENTLY frozen. Hehe, Caught mine the same way, he was on like 60% hp so I was happy Hardest for me to catch was probably Scyther in RGBY safari zone. Or chansey ... Pain in the ass they were.
randomcouchpotato Posted March 4, 2010 Posted March 4, 2010 id say chansey in R/B/Y was hardest, i caught mewtwo in a pokeball at full health when he was paralyzed, back when i had a lv 92 pikachu
SmellTheBurningEmber Posted March 5, 2010 Posted March 5, 2010 wraith89 said: This photo is made of win. So true it's not funny. ~STBE
DarkSteel Posted March 24, 2010 Posted March 24, 2010 i think that all legends in level 70 are hard to caught but the hardest location of a pokemon is the Feebas' location in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
ahuei123456 Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 Mine was Ho-oh in HG. It took me 6 resets before I finally realized that I was using dusk balls when it wasn't at night. By that time, I had thrown over 120 dusk balls and I didn't have False Swipe/Hypnosis.
Fawful Of Ice Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 Lugia ss, ugh.... took me 71 dusk balls and 23 ultra balls
randomcouchpotato Posted April 11, 2010 Posted April 11, 2010 (edited) that mewtwo, burned clean through 200 ultra balls, 50 duskballs and 5 pokeballs, i finally caught it with my last ball Edited April 11, 2010 by Mewtwo Ex Careful what you say
jeanlee411 Posted April 17, 2010 Posted April 17, 2010 Feebas took many hours just to find. So I'd have to say her, along with Munchlax, who I have yet to find. I've never had any trouble with actually catching pokemon, though. It's just that I'm too lazy to put my moving pokemon to sleep >.>; They all just kind of...wander Sinnoh.
1000pies Posted April 23, 2010 Posted April 23, 2010 Well, it took an hour trying to find the Darkrai, but I caught it easily. I had the 999 Master Balls Cheat.
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted April 24, 2010 Posted April 24, 2010 Mine was catching Rayquaza at the Embedded Tower in Pokemon Soul Silver. It took 1 Quick Ball, 10 Great Balls, 5 Dusk Balls, 2 Ultra Balls and I finally caught Rayquaza with a single Poke Ball. (Sigh) It was so annoying and I had to reset my game 6 times because Rayquaza always used the same move Outrage, but I'm glad because I now have a Rayquaza (Yay).
1000pies Posted April 28, 2010 Posted April 28, 2010 But I wanted to try to catch Arceus. And you know what, I had to use 79 Dusk Balls, 50 Ultra Balls, and 202 Poke Balls. This ofcourse took more than an hour. Plus I turned my 999 Mater Ball cheat cuz I really want to know how much PokeBalls will fail catching the Arceus.
Tbird Posted May 10, 2010 Posted May 10, 2010 A new hardest for me... Beldum in the Safari Zone. 92 safari balls... And I don't even like metagross
smtkr Posted May 13, 2010 Posted May 13, 2010 I had an awefull time catching Mewtwo in my Heart Gold game. My standard procedure is to paralyze and then get HP down to near invisible (easy to do by putting in a weak pokemon with quick attack or other high priority move) and then spam with the best balls in my bag. At the point that I caught him the first time, it took only 15 dusk balls. I was obsessing over IVs, so I caught him, escape roped, and then flew to a poke center to check his IVs--crap. I reset and tried again--I threw 60 dusk/ultra balls at him and he ran out of moves and thrashed himself to death. Load save again--exhaust balls again, thrash himself to death again. At that point, I was pissed. So, I loaded up my save and Master Balled the SOB. I took him back to the poke center and checked his IVs and nature--even worse than the first time. I was so disgusted that I decided to keep it. And it doesn't matter anyway, because the only Uber that I like to use is Palkia. I don't know why I fussed over the IVs and nature so much that day and waste 4 hours of my life. So, I no longer had a Master Ball to nail down the last runner - Latias. That one gave me a hell of a time too. I was going back and forth between two routes and I'm pretty sure she was avoiding me by constantly frequenting the routes around Mt. Silver. I finally pinned it down with my Gengar and threw about 40 Love balls + fast balls + ultra balls at it. I was starting to lose hope and tried out a timer ball on it and nailed it. Instant save after that That was another 2 hours of my life I can't get back.
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