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hey trance, sorry to bother you but i would like to know more about the reflecting mirror code you posted, also Dreamer, you said you got it to work, could you please explain, when i try it, neither gen'ing the item in with the code on works, nor does the event on the game too, so i might be missing something, is it a button activation?

  Demonic722 said:
Codes are already done for Pokémon Black 2 (Germany)/Pokémon Schwarze Edition 2 (D):


well I dont think everyone will register on all pages, so it is quite a good idea i think to post the codes here!

And as mentioned, the all Items-Code for ex. is missing some stuff so I will do them on my own and post them here (would be a hard work though, but as there is no one abel to update GBATemp´s "Old" XML Database and the new UsrCheat.dat is still missing some stuff, i think i can post the codes here)

  Foulcreed said:
Looking for an Action replay code that allows you to change a caught pokemons poke ball

Try this.

    These are marking codes
  1. Pokemon Black 2
    5201E65C BDF873B4
    0201E65C FAD0F7E3
    D0000000 00000000
    02001C00 73B4B4FF
    02001FFC BDF8BCFF
    02001F50 76C82XXX

    1. Pokemon White 2
      5201E688 BDF873B4
      0201E688 FABAF7E3
      D0000000 00000000
      02001C00 73B4B4FF
      02001FFC BDF8BCFF
      02001F50 76C82XXX
      1. Hex Values xx
        0001 Master Ball
        0002 Ultra Ball
        0003 Great Ball
        0004 Poke Ball
        0005 Safari Ball
        0006 Net Ball
        0007 Dive Ball
        0008 Nest Ball
        0009 Repeat Ball
        000A Timer Ball
        000B Luxury Ball
        000C Premier Ball
        000D Dusk Ball
        000E Heal Ball
        000F Quick Ball
        0010 Cherish Ball
        0011 Potion
        01EC Fast Ball*
        01ED Level Ball*
        01EE Lure Ball*
        01EF Heavy Ball*
        01F0 Love Ball*
        01F1 Friend Ball*
        01F2 Moon Ball*
        01F3 Sport Ball*
        01F4 Park Ball*
        0240 Dream Ball*

Posted (edited)

Well here as Promised, the Item Codes (with all Items on 995) and the all medical Items codes (999pcs) for German Black2 and UK/US White 2 Versions(L+R to activate):

  German Items and Medicines said:

  Reveal hidden contents

  English US/UK Items and Medicines said:

  Reveal hidden contents

and I am sorry, but you will have to wait a little bit, ´till i´ll do the US/UK IV´s-Type Codes! ;) -> I will not upload them, as bond deleted my German ones, and seeing such acts on hard work of coders makes me angry and sad, so if anyone needs them please PM me!

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Items-Code is working, but it is missing some stuff - i will soon fix this so that all shards will be available and old ember will be in the rigth position!

EDIT: Now everything is included!

Edited by dsa

The pokemon Learn all TM / HM does not work i have seen 4 versions online and none of them work

i do hope the great cheats the mods gave us for B/W will appear for B2/W2 Soon

move modifier

nature modifier

max ev / iv

black kyu / White Kyu for both games if possible


I use the AR with the proper uk versions i dont use the roms or any other type i would love help with getting these codes to work

pokemon can learn any tm / hm

move modifier

Nature Modifier

max IV / EV

the black kyu / white kyu in both forms and the other legend forms

thank you very much would most appreciate the help


i have also a request, can someone transfer the old Wild Pokemon are Shiny code into Black2 (German) and White2 (US/UK), as the current shiny code where you have to press Select messes up with the PID of the Pokemon!


- Mark Pokemon in Box become Shiny (transfer the old one pls, as it works perfect) <--for GErmany and US/UK

well that´s all atm (or at least just transfer all the old and working codes into the new Games /every Lang. of course, so that no one has to complain ´bout missing his country!)


Tried looking, but didn't see them so sorry if I missed them. Just some code ideas I'd love to see for White 2:

1. Change Reversal Cave to B2's

2. Change Route 4 to B2's

3. Force a random fan to come through Join Avenue. (And if someone wanted to take it a step further--a specific one in case someone was trying for a specific shop)

4. All Medals unlocked

5. All Pokemon World Tournaments unlocked/completed.

6. Unlock Battle Subway Trophies in your room.

7. Change backsprite to one of the Pokemon Studio Backsprite costumes.

8. Trainer Card Modifier - To explain, I do mean the actual card and not so much the data. So let's say if someone actually did all 5 things, but wanted the 1st trainer card, they could have that. Similarly, if someone had 4/5 but couldn't do the last for whatever reason and really wanted the last trainer card, they could have that one.

9. Unlock all Funfest Missions


Somebody said that the older codes for black white would work within black white 2 ??

i found a working learn all tm hm code for the uk white 2 anybody wants that i can happily post it up


God i get so lucky with the uk AR the list i get

All Items

All Medicines

All Berries

inf health

inf pp

wild pokemon 100% catch rate

Catch trainers pokemon

Wild pokemon are shiny

pokemon modifier

pokemon encounter level

pokemon exp gain after battle

complete pokedex

thus all i need is move modifier and ability modifier and hopefully the new forms for eatch game


I am wondering if anyone has used the "All PWT" code and if the code unlocks the downloadble tournaments as well. If not, is there any code that could do that? I use ROM to play. Thanks in advance.

  dsa said:
Well here as Promised, the Item Codes (with all Items on 995) and the all medical Items codes (999pcs) for German Black2 and UK/US White 2 Versions(L+R to activate):

and I am sorry, but you will have to wait a little bit, ´till i´ll do the US/UK IV´s-Type Codes! ;)

Can you change them from 995 and 999 to 900? Some trainers give you items and you can't talk to them if you have too many of the same items.

I'm surprised this one hasn't been made yet, so can I request no Red Health theme?


I know this has been asked, but I can't seem to find a working answer.

Is there an AR Code for editing TiD and SiD? That... well, actually works? I found one, but it wouldn't work. Kept pressing Select at the Trainer Card and the Tid wouldn't change. Yes, I did change the XXXX to the hex for the desired TiD/SiD, but they wouldn't edit anything.

Also, neither Show SiD codes work.

This one [v.1]:

52008bcc 47706101

12008bd0 00006900

94000130 fdff0000

12008bd0 00008a40

d2000000 00000000

or this one [v.2]:

94000130 fdff0000

da000000 0223b476

d6000000 022266e4

d2000000 00000000

Some insight please?


I tested the mark EV codes for Black 2 and when I mark for special attack it, instead, raises the sp. defense stat. However, when I mark 252 sp. defense EV's, it raises sp. attack upon leveling as opposed to sp. defense. Does anyone have a solution? :3

EDIT: Maybe it's just the EV/IV checking code that I am using because I experimented with EV training naturally, yet the EV's were escorted into the sp. defense stat as I was training and gaining EV's in sp. attack. With that notion, I'm almost positive it's the EV/IV check code D;

  Blob55 said:
Can you change them from 995 and 999 to 900? Some trainers give you items and you can't talk to them if you have too many of the same items.

I'm surprised this one hasn't been made yet, so can I request no Red Health theme?

well, the normal items (e.g. dusk stone) do appear normaly only one or 2 times so i made it on 995 pcs!

the medicine code was made for ppl that do not want to spend the money for potions etc. so it is 999 if you need only 900 or so just discard 99 of each and it should be fine (btw. It was a hard and Hours-Consuming thing as PokeGen does not have an all items switch, so i had to put them in manually - that is also one reason why it will take some time till i will do the B2/W2 IV´s codes for UK/US games)

  Kaphotics said:
Already been asked in another thread.

They won't live update, just activate it before you open the trainer info.

Gahhhhhhhhhhh thanks Kaphotics. I really don't know what I was doing wrong, but instead of using my actual AR with my retail B2, I just dumped my save and loaded it with DesMuMe, and used the AR codes there.

Worked like a charm, thanks again.

  coldheart said:
Is there a code already for the working Reflecting Mirror/Reveal Glass? Everytime I generate it from Pokegen it doesn't work.

i think it doesn´t matter to have the therian formes , if why did you not pokegen them instead and take them to the shrine (abundant shirne) and there you´ll recieve the Item!

  dsa said:
i think it doesn´t matter to have the therian formes , if why did you not pokegen them instead and take them to the shrine (abundant shirne) and there you´ll recieve the Item!

Unfortunately, I tried this and haven't found it to work (Although it's entirely possible that I didn't do it right), so I believe the issue is still up in the air.

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