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B2/W2 AR Codes


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In White 2, I found some values at this address, but I didn't find anything with Black 2. I searched in the RAM of Black 2 from which address there're datas, but it was to far from the one in White 2. I'll continue to search some other possibilities, but I'm not sure of what I do, so I can't say if I'll succeed in something.

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post a save with (ideally) an active fes mission and a completed fes mission.

Hello Bond697,

In addition to the previous files, I've added two more.

Before and after of collecting "Train with Martial Artist" from old man Castelia.



I'm sure sure if people know, but I'm just going to share that by using the "Activate events in map code/Interactable pokemon in map",

you are able to Trigger N's pokemon Memory link by doing so in Aspertia's Pokémon Centre.


attachment removed as 3 years has passed

Edited by theSLAYER
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you should search for a wide empty space after 02000000 and before the game's data and use it instead of 02002180 in both games, then you have to correct the parts of the code that acceed to the values the codes used to write in 02002180 so that they look for them at the new address.

I have yet to understand if those addresses are are chosen randomly by coders or if there's a criterion.

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Is there a code that lets you use your bag in the subway?

BTW, does that inf PP code effect the enemies PP too? Because the opponent keeps on healing its health and it's really annoying that BOTH Pokémon have inf PP! Especially since I can't even disable the code by unchecking it. At least have a code that disables the Inf HP and PP codes.

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Seriously? If you are completing the Battle Subway for you can always use the HP doesn't decrease code!

Not if both of your mon have inf PP (In Multi mode) and they're both weak to a Pokémon that keeps on using healing attacks and you have the inf PP code enabled.

My problem is that one of my mon is ko'd and I used the Inf HP code when I only had one left. This is why I need to have a use bag in Subway mode, that way I can use a Max Revive on my fainted Pokémon.

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Could this be it?

5217FFBC FC82F6C4

52180FBC 07C0981B

02180FBC F8E8F681

D2000000 00000000

521804A8 D1092801

521814A8 07C0981B

021814A8 FE6AF680

D2000000 00000000

520021AC 00000000

E2002180 00000030

F03BB50E 2170FD65

D00A2808 E006981F

F03BB50E 219AFD5D

D0022808 07C0981F

2027BD0E 306A0200

18529A03 BD0E9203

D0000000 00000000

It was in the Mecha Tyranitar thread.


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Anyone for the PC Anywhere code in french ? I searched by myself but can't find all the right values.

There is what I found :

Black 2 (FR)
5218065C FAB4F6C4
5218165C 07C0981B
0218165C F[color="blue"]XXX[/color]F680
D2000000 00000000
52180B48 D1092801
52181B48 07C0981B
02181B48 F[color="blue"]YYY[/color]F680
D2000000 00000000
E2002180 00000030
F03BB50E 2170FEDF
D00A2808 E006981F
F03BB50E 219AFED7
D0022808 07C0981F
2027BD0E 306A0200
18529A03 BD0E9203
D2000000 00000000

Am I totally wrong or on the good way ? Is someone able to complete it ?

Here you go:

PC Anywhere (press Start)

Black 2 (FR):
5218065C FAB4F6C4
5218165C 07C0981B
0218165C FD98F680
D2000000 00000000
52180B48 D1092801
52181B48 07C0981B
02181B48 FB1AF680
D2000000 00000000
E2002180 00000030
F03BB50E 2170FEE7
D00A2808 E006981F
D0022808 07C0981F
2027BD0E 306A0200
18529A03 BD0E9203
D0000000 00000000

White 2 (FR):
5218067C FABAF6C4
5218167C 07C0981B
0218167C FD88F680
D2000000 00000000
52180B68 D1092801
52181B68 07C0981B
02181B68 FB0AF680
D2000000 00000000
E2002180 00000030
F03BB50E 2170FEFD
D00A2808 E006981F
F03BB50E 219AFEF5
D0022808 07C0981F
2027BD0E 306A0200
18529A03 BD0E9203
D0000000 00000000

Tested on DeSmuME, I hope it works on retail carts too.

What you had was a good start, but don’t forget to convert the ASM code as well, there are some addresses hidden inside. :P

If you’re interested, here is the disassembled code for B2 (FR):

02002180:       b50e            push    {r1, r2, r3, lr}
[color="Red"]02002182:       f03b fee7       bl      0x203df54[/color]
02002186:       2170            movs    r1, #112         ; 0x70
02002188:       2808            cmp     r0, #8
0200218a:       d00a            beq.n   0x20021a2
0200218c:       981f            ldr     r0, [sp, #124]   ; 0x7c
0200218e:       e006            b.n     0x200219e
02002190:       b50e            push    {r1, r2, r3, lr}
[color="Red"]02002192:       f03b fedf       bl      0x203df54[/color]
02002196:       219a            movs    r1, #154         ; 0x9a
02002198:       2808            cmp     r0, #8
0200219a:       d002            beq.n   0x20021a2
0200219c:       981f            ldr     r0, [sp, #124]   ; 0x7c
0200219e:       07c0            lsls    r0, r0, #31
020021a0:       bd0e            pop     {r1, r2, r3, pc}
020021a2:       2027            movs    r0, #39          ; 0x27
020021a4:       0200            lsls    r0, r0, #8
020021a6:       306a            adds    r0, #106         ; 0x6a
020021a8:       9a03            ldr     r2, [sp, #12]
020021aa:       1852            adds    r2, r2, r1
020021ac:       9203            str     r2, [sp, #12]
020021ae:       bd0e            pop     {r1, r2, r3, pc}

I highlighted the parts with absolute addresses that you have to convert.

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I have used pokegen and created an entire Box 1 of pokemon. But when i go to generate the code, It makes me have to do individual codes for all 30 pokemon. Is there a way to get all 30 into one code? Please help. Having to do 30 seperate codes will take to long due to the fact i am planning on making 5 boxes of pokemon. Thanks for any help :)

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I have created Pokemon using PokeGen. I exported the codes, so i didnt have to save 30 different codes. Is there a way to upload them all at once to my Action replay, or do i still have to do them one by one. It is my top 30 picks from Pokemon Generation 1. I will be doing all 5 Generations, and will give the codes out to whomever would want. They are very good pokemon (great moves, natures, stats, etc.) Just someone please reply or message me if there is a way to upload all at once, not individually. It will turn out to be 150 top notch pokemon, and inputting 150 codes will take a long time. Please and Thank You to anyone's assistance.

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If you use "Export", Pokegen will save an xml file compatible with the ARDS code manager. With that, you could upload the codes to your AR (be sure to back up your existing codes because they'll be overwritten) and use maybe 2-4 codes at a time. 5 or more if you're feeling daring and don't mind retrying with fewer if it doesn't work. But for 30 at a time, you'll need access to your save file (which costs money; see my stickied thread in the Saves forum if you're interested).

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I created the code for Rebattle Alder, there it is :

Rebattle Alder (Start+Select) :

94000130 FFF30000

B2000024 00000000

DA000000 00020BB2

D3000000 00000000

D7000000 02000010

A2000010 EFFF0000

D4000000 0000F000

B2000022 00000000

D7000000 00020BB2

D2000000 00000000

Normally working for both version and all languages. I'll create the rematch Bianca code.

If someone is interested for other rebattle codes, I made a lot of them for the french versions on this website (please don't regard this link as pub, that's not my objective). I can easily convert them to work for any language, so if you are interested just ask me.

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