InuYouki Posted May 14, 2009 Posted May 14, 2009 (edited) Remember back when Yellow Version came out and they had the Special Edition Yellow/Blue Gameboy Color? Reveal hidden contents And then when G/S came out they had a Special Edition Gold/Silver Gameboy Color? Reveal hidden contents How about a few years later when they had the Gold GameBoy Advance that they sold at Pokemon NY? Reveal hidden contents How about all those Pokemon themed SP's? Reveal hidden contents We even had a run of special Pokemon DSlites! Reveal hidden contents Now that I have spammed you with all those images, this is my question to you. Do you think there will be a Special Heart Gold; Soul Silver Edition Nintendo DSi or DSlite. Will it just be one like the Gameboy Color one? Will there be two? One Silver and one Gold? Will it be a Japan only thing? Will they make none at all. What will they look like if they do make them? Personally, I think there will be a DSi one. Why? The DSi is still rather new and if I know Nintendo they will be looking for every and any reason to promote it. And what better way then a Special Limited Edition color? Now, will we see it here in America or anywhere else? I doubt it. Why? Because Japan is the source so they will get most of the exclusives. Kinda like the Charizard and Torchic SP's I showed you. Personally, I think they will either make one of each color or one similar to the P/D Nintendo DSlite. I am working on making my own edits but I will wait to post them after I see if this thread is approved or not. EDIT: Here be my Hear Gold Version :3 *small note: If any of the images are broken let me know and I will replace them. I didn't put them in my own photobucket yet since I was unsure if they would approve this topic or not* Edited May 28, 2009 by InuYouki added more pictures
Aarux Posted May 14, 2009 Posted May 14, 2009 After seeing all those images, I think there'll be one. Definitely. It most likely will be a Japan exclusive, though. And I believe it'll be a DSLite. I know a game or two that when they're released in Japan, they'll have a special DSLite for it. Nintendo would probably only make it a DSi if the game uses its features or something.
wraith89 Posted May 14, 2009 Posted May 14, 2009 I have the yellow Gameboy Color... I had NO IDEA it was a special edition only for Pikachu versions! O_O
Fallen Posted May 14, 2009 Posted May 14, 2009 More than likely. It seems to be a reoccurring thing between the gameboy and Pokémon.
InuYouki Posted May 14, 2009 Author Posted May 14, 2009 wraith89 said: I have the yellow Gameboy Color... I had NO IDEA it was a special edition only for Pikachu versions! O_O I think you could even get it as a bundle at one point. I don't remember. I remember wanting it CRAZY bad though. Also, since my thread got approved I have added my Heart Gold versions DSlite. I was thinking of making pole, but I am not sure how haha.
bear831 Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 If there is going to be one I will defiantly get it. The dsi is a system that I really want a japan exclusive of.
InuYouki Posted May 15, 2009 Author Posted May 15, 2009 bear831 said: If there is going to be one I will defiantly get it. The dsi is a system that I really want a japan exclusive of. If it is a Japan exclusive I wouldn't mind importing. However, aren't the new DSi's region locked or something? Like I be able to download stuff with it hear in America? Could be wrong though.
Skyblade Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 They'll only make it a DSi if the games use the DSi's features, and I sincerely hope that they won't stick gimmicky camera features into the game. The more likely choice is the DS Lite so they can continue to use the GBA link to the Generation III games. BTW, where was the D/P DSLite availible? I never saw it but it is sweet looking.
FLOOTENKERP Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 I never thought of that. It will most likely be DSI because Nintendo will make a lot of money out of that.
InuYouki Posted May 15, 2009 Author Posted May 15, 2009 Skyblade said: They'll only make it a DSi if the games use the DSi's features, and I sincerely hope that they won't stick gimmicky camera features into the game. The more likely choice is the DS Lite so they can continue to use the GBA link to the Generation III games.BTW, where was the D/P DSLite availible? I never saw it but it is sweet looking. Your first comment makes no sense. Why would they need to have a DSi exclusive to make a Special Edition DSi? They never had special features for the other hand held systems About your second comment it started in as a Pokemon Center thing and then a few got moved to American stores near the end of making them. I was lucky enough to see a few in the Walmart I work at. ---------- Post added at 01:01 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:58 PM ---------- FLOOTENKERP said: I never thought of that. It will most likely be DSI because Nintendo will make a lot of money out of that. That's what I think. Not that Nintendo needs an excuse to promote something, but the HG/SS seem like a perfect way for them to boost the sales of the new DSi. They have done it with other games too. Special Zelda Edition DSlite *which I have* a Special Edition Mario DSlite. Honestly, if Nintendo DOESN'T make one, I think it would be a stupid move on there part. I am in fact waiting to see what kind of Special Edition DSi's they come out with before I buy one.
Skyblade Posted May 15, 2009 Posted May 15, 2009 InuYouki said: Your first comment makes no sense. Why would they need to have a DSi exclusive to make a Special Edition DSi? They never had special features for the other hand held systems Why would they make a DSi special for a game that could not take full advantage of the DSi's features, especially if the DSi also could not support all of the features of the game? If the game can use the backwards compatability to Gen III, then putting it on the DSi doesn't make sense. "Here, have this new special edition system that doesn't have the right features for the game we're promoting it with" isn't the best marketing strategy. And if they disable the backwards compatability, well, I'll be just a bit disappointed. Though I freely admit to hating the DSi with a passion, and I hope the system fails and dies. Anyway, after some of the things Nintendo has added to their games, I just really hope they don't put any gimmickry in these remakes.
HottSushiz Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 AWW that Pikachu Sp looks so cute, but i don't think it would look as good as the previous other themes.
InuYouki Posted May 16, 2009 Author Posted May 16, 2009 Skyblade, Nintendo has done stupider things And honestly I really don't think it is a stupid idea. Like I said, I am waiting for special edition DSi's to get one so I can't be the only one. And the Pikachu DS's are very cute x3 I wanted one myself.
eighty4 Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 Why are people already assuming that HG/SS will have Pal Park? lol.
xeomyr Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 (edited) eighty4 said: Why are people already assuming that HG/SS will have Pal Park? lol. who assuming somethin like that?? coz' that's almost impossible .. GBA slot is somewhat "old" feature .. now that many people use DSi (and to promote the nintendo's new handheld) , i think that they will do something about the "camera" ^^ btw ... the Heart Gold edition that you put in the first post is really2 good .. but still it lack somethin, i mean , just putting just a HS symbol in the edge of the front cover will not satisfied the pokemon's fan ... anyway Inoyuki, is that picture u put (HS edition) is real?? or fake?? Edited May 16, 2009 by xeomyr changing SS to HS :P
InuYouki Posted May 16, 2009 Author Posted May 16, 2009 Yeah, the whole assuming the pal park will be in is driving me nuts too Honestly, you can live with out the palpark people! Thanks Xeomyr. I think it is lacking to, but it was just my first idea. I have others brewing. Just need to kick open photo shop. And the only picture that is a fake is the one I made of the HG DSlite. All the others are actual playable systems. You can even still find a few on Ebay :3
AtomicGreymon Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 It'd be cool to see a special edition Pokemon DSi... the only one of those pictured ones I've got at the moment is the Gold/Silver Game Boy color (which is awesome, though). I'll probably pick up the Dialga/Palka DS Lite off eBay sometime soon, though. I've also got a few of the non-Pokmon special edition handhelds... the NES Edition GBASP, and the 20th Anniversary Famicom GBMicro (which is a pretty cool unit, IMO). xeomyr said: who assuming somethin like that??coz' that's almost impossible .. GBA slot is somewhat "old" feature .. now that many people use DSi (and to promote the nintendo's new handheld) , i think that they will do something about the "camera" ^^ Yet the camera won't enable transfer of GBA-gen Pokemon to the new games, and let's face it; the thing is pretty gimmicky. Regardless, I'm sure they will include some DSi-exclusive features; probably including something with the camera. It wouldn't exactly take much for them to also include a Pal Park, though... there are a ton of people out there still using DS Lites, and maybe even regular DS's. And these games are as much sequels to FireRed and LeafGreen as they are extensions of D/P/Pt... I think it would be appropriate to keep the migrate functionality.
xeomyr Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 InuYouki said: Yeah, the whole assuming the pal park will be in is driving me nuts too Honestly, you can live with out the palpark people!Thanks Xeomyr. I think it is lacking to, but it was just my first idea. I have others brewing. Just need to kick open photo shop. And the only picture that is a fake is the one I made of the HG DSlite. All the others are actual playable systems. You can even still find a few on Ebay :3 LOL ... i have just noticed that you use DSLite ... it's impossible for nintendo to do it , they will (and for sure) use DSi XD LOL .. ebay ... .. i don't believe in ebay .. many *honest* people wanna sell their things there it's better to buy things in shops or amazon or other reliable site
InuYouki Posted May 16, 2009 Author Posted May 16, 2009 Actually, I got the inspiration for the HG edit from my Zelda Edition DSlite. It is Gold and just has a triforce in the corner. Pretty simple, but I love it to pieces! And I actually had the NES GBASP haha Fun times. I still have a DSlite myself, but I wont cry myself to sleep at night if the cut out the palpark. I barely use it myself Many times I have thought about palparking my mewtwo or something, but I never move my legendaries from one game to another unless I can switch them back. I like keeping my achievements on my game. So yeah, for me palpark was pretty useless. I used the GTS or traded friends to get the stuff I was missing. Its not hard to get what you need pokedex wise if you just look. ---------- Post added at 01:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:07 PM ---------- xeomyr said: LOL ... i have just noticed that you use DSLite's impossible for nintendo to do it , they will (and for sure) use DSi XD LOL .. ebay ... .. i don't believe in ebay .. many *honest* people wanna sell their things there it's better to buy things in shops or amazon or other reliable site I don't use ebay much myself, but it is fun to look and see the crap that people put up there Oh the stories I could tell you. I really hope they make a DSi one and make it available in America. It is why I am holding out on getting one unlike when the other systems came out. I want to get a spiffy looking DSi. And I want to sport some Poke Bling. I love when people try to make fun of me for playing pokemon haha.
eighty4 Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 xeomyr said: who assuming somethin like that??coz' that's almost impossible .. GBA slot is somewhat "old" feature .. now that many people use DSi (and to promote the nintendo's new handheld) , i think that they will do something about the "camera" ^^ btw ... the Heart Gold edition that you put in the first post is really2 good .. but still it lack somethin, i mean , just putting just a HS symbol in the edge of the front cover will not satisfied the pokemon's fan ... anyway Inoyuki, is that picture u put (HS edition) is real?? or fake?? This one part renders your argument invalid.
InuYouki Posted May 16, 2009 Author Posted May 16, 2009 How is it invalid? Maybe I am missing something *is slow *
xeomyr Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 InuYouki said: I don't use ebay much myself, but it is fun to look and see the crap that people put up there Oh the stories I could tell you. I really hope they make a DSi one and make it available in America. It is why I am holding out on getting one unlike when the other systems came out. I want to get a spiffy looking DSi. And I want to sport some Poke Bling. I love when people try to make fun of me for playing pokemon haha. lucky for you to live in USA ... i'm living in South-East Asia .. and it's almost impossible for me to buy it (except by importing it and i've to pay a lot of tax =_+, which i don't want to) and Quote GBA slot is somewhat "old" feature .. now that many people use DSi (and to promote the nintendo's new handheld) i know what you mean... it's "many people" right?? coz' it's still a few ^^ but hey ... when pokemon HS/SS USA comes out , i'm sure that many people will buy DSi ^^
AtomicGreymon Posted May 16, 2009 Posted May 16, 2009 The excessive use of "XD" is starting to make this thread unintelligible . xeomyr said: LOL ... i have just noticed that you use DSLite's impossible for nintendo to do it , they will (and for sure) use DSi XD What do you mean by that? Very little is impossible for Nintendo to program into a game, provided it falls within the technical limits of the system. Including the Pal Park would be an extremely simple matter; the number of DSi's floating around out there is irrelevant. There are still more people using DS and DS Lites. xeomyr said: LOL .. ebay ... .. i don't believe in ebay .. many *honest* people wanna sell their things there it's better to buy things in shops or amazon or other reliable site Speak for yourself; I've bought several things from eBay, and provided you pay attention to feedback/etc., it's a perfectly reliable system. InuYouki said: Many times I have thought about palparking my mewtwo or something, but I never move my legendaries from one game to another unless I can switch them back. Precisely why I Pal Park using Emerald, exclusively.... when I want something from my Ruby or FireRed games, I trade to Emearld first and use the Battle Frontier cloning trick. I never have to give up my legendaries when Pal Parking to Diamond or Platinum.
InuYouki Posted May 16, 2009 Author Posted May 16, 2009 TM2-Megatron said: Precisely why I Pal Park using Emerald, exclusively.... when I want something from my Ruby or FireRed games, I trade to Emearld first and use the Battle Frontier cloning trick. I never have to give up my legendaries when Pal Parking to Diamond or Platinum. How do you clone using the battle frontier? I haven't taken advantage of a in game glitch since R/B so I honestly have no clue what you are talking about. If I can do that and not risk my pokemon I would love to have a link to how I can do it. I wouldn't mind having a few extra Mewtwo's to trade to DPP. And I see you point about the DSi deal. Most people will be using DS/DSlites for a while. That's just how it is when a new system or upgrade comes out. I still know people who have never bought a DSlite and still just use their DS. People will still use and buy them so long as they are still making them and even after. Heck, just last week I was using my GBASP to play yellow and Link to the Past.
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