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  • 8 months later...
  • 3 years later...

Hi all, I recently wrote an article about a Gen II distribution event that happened in Mexico where Mew and Celebi were given away. I assisted to that event and still have a Celebi from it, so if you have any questions, feel free to ask, below is the link to the article:


There are two other Mexican events of Gen I that have not been documented yet, I'll write an article about them eventually.

  • 3 weeks later...

I was at the 1999 Mew distribution at Myer Centre, Brisbane, Australia.
I'm sure that the machine was a Super Game Boy - I owned the original Super Game Boy and I remember that when I saw the Mew Machine I immediately thought of it as a kind of souped up Super Game Boy.
I think it as a different colour to the Japanese one pictured (something less bright), but the shape was similar (not sure if was the exact same or not). I clearly remember the slot for the game boy cart, and the built in screen, looking the same as the one pictured.

They lined up all the kids with those velvet rope things and there were several signs explaining that you needed to have a pokedex and a poke ball in the game. (I doubt it actually consumed the poke ball, they probably just wanted to avoid a game breaking bug by someone downloading a Mew extremely early).

You simply plugged your game cart into the Mew Machine and it added a Mew directly to your party. (Maybe it could handle adding one to a box? I can't remember if they explicitly instructed us to make space in our party or I just did that myself). It was level 5 and knew Pound. My game boy has long died so I can't confirm if any other details were the same as overseas.

The animation on the Mew Machine screen had a slight variation of the animation for trading (with less shots because it only showed Mew going one way instead of a two way trade). 
The name of the 'other trainer' appeared like it would in a normal Gen 1 trade, and that name was YOSHI (that wasn't the OT of the Mew you got, however).

They ran it for two full days, ~ 9-5. I got in at the start of one of the days, and again near the end of it when there were no other kids left. I took the opportunity to put my game in the machine again, and it did add a second Mew to the cart. There were clearly no safeguards against this in the software. My Dad was concerned that there would be, and outright asked the employees if I should use it a second time. Fortunately his snitching didn't ruin my perfect crime and they let me get my second Mew.

Besides the Mew machine they had a table where employees would teach you how to play/advertise the TCG. I don't think there were any freebies/promo cards to go with this.

  • Like 3
  • 1 year later...

Is there any way to retrieve those gif links and other broken image links from OP post? I don't know what they were but it's a bit sad that they could be lost to time 

  On 11/27/2021 at 1:14 AM, lattechan said:

Is there any way to retrieve those gif links and other broken image links from OP post? I don't know what they were but it's a bit sad that they could be lost to time 





  • theSLAYER changed the title to Pokémon Generation I & II Event Guide v1.2
  • 2 months later...
  On 8/5/2016 at 11:23 PM, ArtemiSerebii said:

Not to play necromancer, but nobody's mentioned the Shogakukan Stamp Pay Day Pokèmon?

Pokémon Stamp Pokémon

Two Pokémon, Fearow and Rapidash, with the special move Pay Day were available through the Pokémon Stamp campaign that ran in various magazines published by Shogakukan.

These Pokémon are the Kanto Pokémon Fan Club Chairman's two favorite Pokémon that he mentions in the games, and also made their appearance in The Coming of Slowpoke (Eventually) in Pokémon Adventures.

Pokemon: Fearow/オニドリル

Gender: N/A

Level: 40(?)

OT: Unknown

ID: Unknown

Ability: N/A

Nature: N/A




Move 1 Growl


Move 2 Leer


Move 3 Fury Attack


Move 4 Pay Day


Item: Berry* (If traded forward to Gen II)

Pokeball: N/A

Ribbon: N/A

Location: N/A

Dates: August 1998

Game Distribution: JP R/G/B

Distribution Type: Unknown (Mail-in? Contest?)

Distribution Location: Japan

Sources: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Japanese_event_Pok%C3%A9mon_distributions_in_Generation_I#Fearow

Pokemon: Rapidash/ギャロップ

Gender: N/A

Level: 40

OT: Unknown

ID: Unknown

Ability: N/A

Nature: N/A




Move 1 Ember


Move 2 Fire Spin


Move 3 Stomp


Move 4 Pay Day


Item: Silver Leaf* (If traded forward to Gen II)

Pokeball: N/A

Ribbon: N/A

Location: N/A

Dates: August 1998

Game Distribution: JP R/G/B

Distribution Type: Unknown (Mail-in? Contest?)

Distribution Location: Japan

Sources: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Japanese_event_Pok%C3%A9mon_distributions_in_Generation_I#Rapidash


What in world happened to you I wonder?

  • 5 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  On 10/4/2022 at 1:37 PM, InsaneNutter said:

You'd be much better attaching anything like that to a post here, it should exist for along as Project Pokemon is online then.



I thought about that but realistically, I'd think Imgur would last longer since they're a major site/company.

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