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Pokémon Black and White Translation Project v2


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Amazing... people these day always steal your work and not credit the right person... and stubborn... *sigh*

sorry sorry before you EDITED your post on gbatemp telling people not to re-upload your work

I had it uploaded before you edited your post


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First off I wanted to say that you guys are doing an amazing job with all of this, and I know countless of people have asked, but I'm really having trouble trying to get my old save to work with v3. I'm using Desmu and I tried to do the export memory thing, but nothing is happening. I dont know what I'm doing wrong ;-; im begging for help<3

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First off I wanted to say that you guys are doing an amazing job with all of this, and I know countless of people have asked, but I'm really having trouble trying to get my old save to work with v3. I'm using Desmu and I tried to do the export memory thing, but nothing is happening. I dont know what I'm doing wrong ;-; im begging for help<3

name the sav file and rom the same but keep the .nds on the game file and the .dsv on the save file

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It appears it cant be helped via translation.

Its in the game code itself. But then again anything is possible!

Yeah it's like that in game not much we can do about it, at least with what we've tried so far

i think they all have a exp patch in them

and no none of them do, that's what the Child's Play patch does, I'm pretty sure I wrote that in red on the first post.


Mirrors added to rapidshare for those of you can't get them from mediafire

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Just registered to show some appreciation. I've been following the progress since Thread 1.

However, I've ran into an inconvenience after successfully patching a Clean Black Rom twice. Upon entering a battle, on my DSi's lower screen, "Fight" disappears & the screen doesn't respond.

Does anyone have a solution? Everything else works fine

The Beta Patches and Official Patch 1 worked great, but I skipped v2. I'm using an R4i Gold w/ 1.35 ver. Revolution modifications. I've tried re-formatting my card.

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Man, I'm loving you guys. I just bought a 2gb SanDisk MicroSD and now I'm putting the newest patched ROM on there. Also, I just want to verify this, the thing in the changes that says 'The PokeShifter is working again' means that I'll be able to transfer Pokemon from my 4th gen games, correct?

if they're the japanese games yes they'll work

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testing now,found an error in Boappu's dex entry it cuts off he f in of so it reads

"It lives in volcanic caves. The inside of

its head tassel burns at a temperature o

300 degrees."

Also Hatoopoo's dex cuts off have of the O on the 2nd line and it states Hatoobo(cuts off half way in the o) wile the dex calls it hatoopoo

zeburaika's dex still cuts off in the type of pokemon it is (it says under and lightning P)

Dokkora's cuts off half the o in the to in the 2nd line

Zuruggu's cuts off the k in attack on the first line

Tamagetake's cuts off what seems to be a to on the 2nd line

Onondo's cuts off the E,and half of the H from the on the first line

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