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NOTE: FOR THOSE HAVING SCREEN STRETCHING ISSUES IN DOLPHIN, use ShowMiiWads to match your system. Dolphin gets weird about Region-Free patching. https://www.wiibrew.org/wiki/ShowMiiWads


Finally the Japan-exclusive WiiWare Pokémon Mystery Dungeon titles, the Adventure Squad series, have been translated! Patches for each game have been released after months and months of hard work from fans of the series. The team has also worked with the Wiimmfi and RiiConnect24 teams in order to restore the event Pokémon that were distributed for this game. Other features of the translation include:
-Pokémon nickname limit expanded to 10 characters (Japanese 5)
-Buddy Passwords fully functional. These can now be found by hitting the Wii Home button, then pressing the "Operations Guide" button.
-Pre-patched with Wiimmfi and RiiConnect24 for ease of event access. Friend Rescues do not work currently, but are being looked into.
-Item icons and many descriptions ported from Super Mystery Dungeon
-Dummied/beta items ported from Explorers of Sky have been restored. Inaccessible in-game, can be accessed with cheats.
-It's in English now, which is cool.

What's New in Version 1.0.3   See changelog


Team name limit changed from 5 to 8 letters. We weren't sure if we'd be able to do this, so we didn't before, but kkzero figured it out. :)

If you want to change your team name, this can be done at any time by going from the Main Menu->Other->Team Name.

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  • V-Wheeeeeel!!! 2
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Thank you very much!

I was waiting to play this game since I knew it existed more than 10 years ago on magazines, and now I can play it!


Thank you!



This is amazing! Thank you for the translation, but also for restoring the events, I didn't think that was going to happen!



Hey! My native language is Spanish and I would gladly help in localizing the game for Latin American audiences if possible!



20 hours ago, adanfime said:

Hey! My native language is Spanish and I would gladly help in localizing the game for Latin American audiences if possible!

We are planning on releasing our toolkit in the coming weeks, so please keep an eye on it if you're interesting in translating to your own language.

  • V-Wheeeeeel!!! 1


Do i need to apply the patches to the japanese rom? to get it to work the read me doesn't explain it very well I presumed we applied the two isps to each other n bam



thats fantastic! but where did u find the japanese version of the game? i would like to play the japanese version since i'm a japanese student



there are 3 header patches what one do I use

angelus kun


REMEMBER TO APPLY PATCHES FIRST before change wad region because flips get an error if you use a region changer first on wad, if patch dosent work try header patch first



These are amazing! I've always wanted to play these games, and now I finally can! I've actually been playing it live on my YouTube channel, and it has been really exciting!

Is it okay to share a playlist link in here? I'm not sure about the rules



I was not able to get it to work on Dolphin or my Wii Us vWii but it works fine on my normal Wii



does all 3 games work in emuNand mode?

Reclaimer Shawn


Made cheats for these games if anybody wants them. You can find them here: 




Anybody know what level marill evolves at in the game? I'm thinking that most evolutions are based off the same way there done in the main games but I'm not sure.




How do I actually load this into Dolphin Emulator? I'm having trouble figuring out how to do that because all of the files in the .zip are .bps, which cannot be out into the emulator

N. Harmonik


Why is it that the Wi-Fi Legendaries (Jirachi, Darkrai, Mew and Palkia) don't always show up i.e. have Farfetch'd running around the town? Is it because of Daylight Savings Time (or lack thereof)? Is it because I tried to get them before?



i used showmii nand to install them to emunand but only radiant adventure squad worked perfectly others like tempest or wildfire either display garbled mess of characters on black screen either that it's incorrect dump or emulation settings or softlock on loading 

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