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  1. Event Gallery

    Welcome to the Project Pokémon Event Gallery!

    Miss a Pokémon Event? Weren’t able to attend? This is the next best way to add them to your collection! 
    Here you can find the Mystery Gift and Wonder Card files for Event Pokémon, as well as plenty of information and images. 

    This Gallery is a community project, so if you would like to contribute files from events you have attended,
    you can submit them here, based on their generation:

    For the latest updates and event details, you can always check here, or at the Contribution thread.

    If you know of a newly announced event, you can report it by creating a thread in THIS forum section.

    New information and errors can be reported in each Event’s respective thread in THIS forum section, or in THIS THREAD if the event does not have its own thread.

    Instructions on how to get these files into your game can be found HERE, or linked to in each sub-section of this event gallery.

    The Project Pokémon Event Gallery is a community project, but was compiled and organized by Guested who has been following Pokémon events avidly since Generation III, then moved here by theSLAYER and evandixon. He has received a significant amount of help from a number of other members in compiling this gallery such as:
    - Event research and support from Bond697
    - Help with html structure from ToastPlusOne, Alpha, and Tomxc (Tomxc also provided the download icons)
    - Help from Serebii with missing European event dates
    - http://www.pkparaiso.com/ for the epic animated moving sprites
    - Kalaxe, Ruby Genseki, Got_Eevees, Blackshark, wraith89, andrewism, parsath, Lessangel with help for remaining animated sprites
    - And general help and support over the years from Fenzo, Poryhack, Alpha, Nigoli, Sabresite, and others who helped keep the database alive in some form or another throughout the years.
    And, of course: Help from the community with sharing event news and details with other members and contributing the events themselves (the main heart of this collection) from all parts of the Pokémon world.

  2. In-Game Series

    This page hosts a variety of Pokemon that could be obtained throughout the games.

    This series focuses on gifts, special encounters, and trades.
    Pokemon obtained from event QR codes or in-game key items are also placed here.

    If you'll like to download the entire archive, you can download it here:

    Do note that the github archive might be slightly behind, compared to on-site entries.

  3. Unreleased/Beta PKM Gallery

    This section lists various unreleased/beta Pokemon and Pokemon related files,
    gathered from the various generations.

    In most cases, the Pokemon here WILL NOT BE LEGAL. Use at your own risk.

    Some of the images will bear an icon of the game, as this is the legend for what the various icons stand for:

      Reveal hidden contents


  4. Tools

    Post Pokémon editing programs here!

    Please use one of the sub-categories if applicable.

  5. Saves and RAM edits

    Interesting saves, or RAM cheats, highlighted by our forums.

    If you have saves or RAM cheats you want to share, upload them here: save/RAM!

  6. PKM Files

    Interesting Pokémon files highlighted by our forums!

    If you have Pokémon files you want to share, upload them here!

  7. ROM related entries

    Do not post ROMs here.

    You can may patches for ROM hacks, and image assets from ROMs.

    However, do no post other data files from ROMs.

  8. Misc

    Tools that aren't related to Pokémon

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