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  1. Today
  2. I am not sure what it meant by "couldnt infer game version from romfs file count" Do i have to do another dump process ?
  3. I did not know that PKHeX auto purifies them. That is really cool, thank you! I am looking to get Lugia and, even with PKHeX, I imagine I need to unlock them by the stone to count. I am guessing I set the heart gauge to 0. Do I need to check the shadow box or leave it unchecked? Do you know where I could find a list of Shadow IDs? I’ve tried Serebii and Bulbapedia. For example, Seedot is 7 and Makuhita is 15 (in XD). I wanted to cross reference. When I get the remaining Shadow Pokemon, I’ll give it a go and see what happens.
  4. I don't know what information your tool is actually reading from because a lot of this is incorrect. In particular, all the SIDs are wrong, and a lot of pokemon (and held items) are ones that don't appear in their teams at all. Example: KIMMY's ID/SID combo is 50587 / 08473, not 50587 / 00197. That trainer's party consists of (in order): There is no Absol, Gulpin, or Shroomish in that trainer's party. I can even battle them and see that in-game, so I don't know how you got your info with your tool.
  5. The static encounter cannot be shiny. You can still breed for a shiny.
  6. Ah Alright, Also I entirely forgot that another bug had been a lack of Quaxly's facial portraits showing up, the happy face portrait is absent. Also, Is it still going to show up on the title screen as 1.3.0 or should it show up as 1.3.1?
  7. Yesterday
  8. I'm having a problem forcing a shiny Zorua/Zoroark in Pokemon White They are from the fateful encounter of Celebi and Raikou/Suicune/Entei respectively I was rerolling the PID of each one by almost an hour to get the "Legal!" window, while I'm keeping my original TID and SID, but nothing I checked what they don´t have shiny lock, so I don't know what I'm doing wrong 0570 - Zorua - 4D84766C6079.pk5 0571 - Zoroark - B68F46013B1E.pk5
  9. Use the dev build or wait for the next release. https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/file/2445-pkhex-development-build/
  10. Hello, I have encountered a problem only with Red and Blue save files where the two PC boxes after the last box I use are filled up by the same Pokemon each time all captured by a trainer called Ryan that I have never interacted with before. It also replaces the last Pokemon of my PC box (which was a Snorlax), with another Pokemon of my party (Garaydos). I've also had the MISSINGNO Pokemon appear in my box without me adding it when I load up the save file I edited. Does anyone know about this issue with the original Pokemon games and PKHeX? My PC box ends at box 3 with the last Pokemon being incorrect with the previous Pokemon and the Pokemon from the previous boxes being correct.
  11. Due to how spawns work in PLA for individual point spawners (imagine little dots scattered throughout the map), the first spawn is generated from a 64-bit seed which can be easily reversed. Spawns that are generated immediately after will reuse the same RNG state, which is an uncertain number of advances past the initial seed, and can't be reverse correlated. Presence of a detected 64-bit seed only implies that it was verifiably from the first spawn; if the spawner can spawn multiple, then it is valid to have a lack of a detected seed. Does PKHeX reroll account for PIDIV, to try to align to a seed or legal value correlations? No.
  12. So I've noticed that some Pokemon that I've caught have a PID Type of None and no origin seed. Whereas others will have a PID Type of Xoroshiro and an origin seed. This is true even for Pokemon caught in the same way. For example, I caught an Espeon in Legends Arceus in a space-time distortion and it had a PID of Xoroshiro and an origin seed. However, I later caught an Eevee in a space-time distortion and it's PID was None with no origin seed. What does this mean and why the discrepancy? If I were to reroll the PID and Encryption Constant of the Espeon would that make it illegal now? Do Pkhex rerolls account for PID Type and Origin Seed?
  13. 1. dump the rom from console, unpack to folder 2. open with pkNX, unpack all archives/etc 3. dump bcat(s) from console to folder 4. use the master dump button to reinterpret distribution raids into the encounter PKHeX legality binaries & parses.
  14. Kap so to simplify in layman term will meant pkNX > TeraRipper > dumping the game rom to extract the raid pokemon info ?
  15. This update is simply... to say sorry. So... It seems like yesterday I messed up bad and pushed out a release, thinking that an experimental new feature was going to work perfectly, and it didn't. (pain) I apologize for any inconvenience, I should have done a third beta test before releasing. This new update remedies that, Jirachi returns to its original place, and includes a few new fixes for dialogue and portraits. Game Saves should be alright to transfer over. You should update to this ASAP.
  16. Try it and see? Colosseum and XD are less played games, and thus there is less interest in documenting the structure of the save file. Over the years there have been improvements, and Shadow heart gauge should be working. You can even just transfer PKM between instances of the program to skip the need to purify them.
  17. The bcat does not store pk9 data, it only stores flatbuffer data structures that the game then uses to populate the daily raids. You can refer to pkNX to see how it ingests these files here: https://github.com/kwsch/pkNX/blob/5b5a196bdbea0b4855760b516b186fb8df363117/pkNX.WinForms/Dumping/TeraRaidRipper.cs#L119
  18. First, there is no need to use "PKHaX" when editing save files unless you are looking to edit values without some guardrails. If you've corrupted your save file with cheats, then PKHeX is unable to load your file. It uses heuristics to check if a given file is somewhat valid, and your party data is not stored correctly. By forcing the data to be correct (changing offset 0x2F2F to be 0xFF so that the Party List is valid), your save file loads, but honestly you have zero in-game progress. Start a new game, and try with the development build. https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/file/2445-pkhex-development-build/
  19. The file you uploaded appears to be random junk. Use a hex editor like HxD to compare your save file to another save file that works.
  20. Hi, what platform/emulator do you play on? Have you tried this .sav in any emulator?
  21. Good afternoon, firstly, there is no need to write everything in capital letters and secondly, attach the save file that is giving you the problem. With such generic information and without the file, I don't think anyone can help you.
  22. The BCAT house the mystery gifts and raid events info and each folder are designated to hold the infos that led to the mystery gift and raid events. may i know where are the raid pokemon's file are located in the BCAT in order to extract the distribution data to be added into encounter_dist.paldea.pkl ? my purpose is trying to learn how the BCAT's works (assuming we won the raid and gotten the raid pokemon in .pk9 ?
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