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Everything posted by MetaleroSmith

  1. deHi, I know there is a Jirachi Pokepark, but it is not in their files, does anyone have it? I'm looking for it in the collection.
  2. Hi, how can I play My Pokemon Ranch on Dolphin? Is it possible on Android? I would like to play and be able to transfer my Pokemon from my 4th gen games.
  3. This is the event you speak of, isn't it? So these pokemon are not in the Project Pokemon gallery? I also wanted them for my collection
  4. Why if the page shows photos and evidence of attendance at the event, the pokemon mark an incorrect date when I see it in pkhex?
  5. These pokemon, distributed in Japan, were also announced for Korea a year later. But I'm checking your list of korean events and they don't show up, is there anyone who has them? It's just for collection, thanks.
  6. What can I do then, I use the Project 64 emulator, and that's the save file that was generated from my Stadium 2 game, the stadium 1 save file if it supports pkhex.
  7. With the update of October 10, pkhex added compatibility with pokemon stadium 1 and 2, but when loading a sav or .fla from pokemon stadium I get an error, it tells me: an attempt was made to load an unsupported file type / size ; Is there any solution? or what may be happening, thanks.
  8. It is that in truth, according to bulbapedia, the mew of the event Nintendo Power Mew have like OT YOSHIRA or YOSHIRB; And that's my big question too, can someone finally explain to me why they say that this MARIO MEW is from the Nintendo Power event? because, I searched bulbapedia, and I can't find any mew with the OT MARIO. Please help.
  9. Just as a curiosity, for collectors, this mew and the European mew (https://projectpokemon.org/home/forums/topic/40508-gen-1-europe-mew-denmark-event-mew/) are from the same event (Club Nintendo Mew), search a little in bulbapedia and cross both information, and well, according to bulbapedia, the OT of these mew can be EUROPE, NORWAY , FINLAND and DENMARK; Of course, there are other events where the OT is the same, however, these pokemon were distributed to members of the Nintendo club, as mentioned by both owners of these mew, only that one received a mew with OT Norway and the other with Europe , but they are from the same event. I thought for a long time that they would be different events, because there is a Norway mew, but that event was held in person during a tour in Norway, while those of this event, the players had to send their cartridges to Bergsala (Nintendo's distributor in the countries Nordic and Baltic), as mentioned by the owners. Another characteristic that they have in common and that makes them belong to the same event is that the two mew have the same IVS: 5 HP, 10 Attack, 1 Defense, 12 Speed, and 5 Special; which were characteristics of the mew distributed in the Club Nintendo event. One thing that made me doubt is that there is an event called Norway Pokémon Tour Mew (which made me think that the Norway Mew of Project Pokémon was from this event) but no, because the OT of this Norway Pokémon Tour Mew is FINLAND, and the Project Pokemon was NORWAY, so it doesn't match. Well, here I leave the link and the screenshots for you to corroborate. Regards.
  10. Why do all the pokemon in the dreamworld have the OT PPorg? are they legitimate?
  11. Hello friends, a consultation, these events in Korean language, should they be exchanged in Korean games? Or can they be exchanged also in Spanish language games? and if it could, would it be legal?
  12. Sorry, One pikachu is missing, the wonder card id 0044. According to Bulbapedia, there were eight pikachus distributed in this event, but here there are only 7. This いえるかな is missing.
  13. Falta un pikachu, la wonder card id 0044. Segun Bulbapedia, fueron ocho pikachus repartidos en este evento, pero aca sólo hay 7. Falta este いえるかな
  14. Good friends, I wanted to make an inquiry, recently I activated the celebi event in my Pokémon Pokémon Crystal, I captured it and everything legally, the question is that passing the sav through PKHEX throws this celebi as illegal, saying " Impossible to find a Meeting at the Place of Origin "what should I do?
  15. Hola, que tal? Quisiera hacerles una consulta, en el programa PKHEX hay una pestaña llamada "Eventos" que manipula los eventos programados en los juegos de pokemon, bien, con esta opcion he podido habilitar eventos que ya habia realizado como los eventos de los legendarios, para poder obtenerlos shinys, bueno, lo que pasa es que en pokemon Esmeralda se encuentra el evento de Beldum, donde tienes que ir a la casa de Maximo Stone y coger una pokeball con un beldum, pero cuando reactivo el evento en PKHEX, en la casa de maximo peñas no aparece la pokeball con el beldum, por favor, pueden darme alguna solución para este problema? quiero hacer soft reset hasta obtener a ese beldum en shiny, gracias. Hi, how are you? I would like to ask you, in the PKHEX program there is a tab called "Events" that manipulates the events scheduled in the pokemon games, well, with this option I have been able to enable events that I had already carried out as the events of the legendary ones, in order to obtain them shinys, well, what happens is that in Pokemon Esmeralda there is the Beldum event, where you have to go to Maximo Stone's house and catch a pokeball with a beldum, but when I reactivate the event in PKHEX, in maximo's house Peñas does not appear the pokeball with the beldum, please, can you give me any solution to this problem? I want to soft reset until I get that beldum shiny, thanks.
  16. ohh, entiendo, entonces esos pokemon en el sav que publicaste son, en teoria, nuevos, porque recien han sido repartidos a traves de la maquina, no son pokemon rescatados de antiguos cartuchos sino son reparticiones actuales con una maquina usada hace como 20 años, muchas gracias, esto es una gran noticia. Sin embargo, estos pokemon no son de reparticiones oficiales, cierto? es decir, que no son pokemon rescatados de las reparticiones que se hicieron en aquellos años, sino que son nuevos, uhmm, quiza por esa razón perderia algo de legitimidad pues mas valdría los pokemon repartidos oficialmente en su momento, que los repartidos actualmente de manera no oficial, aunque se tenga la maquina original. esta reparticion no la hizo Nintendo ni Gamefreak ni The Pokemon Company, sino una comunidad de fans. igualmente es genial poder obtener estos pokemon, aunque no sea de manera oficial.
  17. si vi esta foto, pero he visto el sav que has subido y hay muchos pokemon de eventos, hasta los huevos, lo cual seria raro porque han pasado mas de 20 años y seria casi imposible tenerlos aun en forma de huevo, ¿como obtuviste estos pokemon de evento? podrias explicarmelo de una manera mas facil? lei tu post pero no entendi bien.
  18. estos pokemon son realmente legitimos? o los creaste con pkhex u otra herramienta externa?
  19. A question, these sav that you came up with the event pokemon, are they legitimate ?, that is, have you rescued them from an old game or how did you get them ?, since for example, Gold Ursaring saved his game and was able to share his pokemon with us of event, but what you have uploaded seems more done in pkhex or not, please clarify that doubt, I like to collect these event pokemon, but clearly I need to know if they are legitimate. thanks.
  20. si aparece en bulbapedia, pero no con las fechas que indica, ni el OT, Segun bulbapedia, si existio un Norway pokemon tour mew, pero el OT no es NORWAY como el mew de esta pagina, sino es EUROPE, y las fechas tampoco coinciden, este mew dice que fue repartido del 15 de octubre al 20 d noviembre del 2000, pero en bulbapedia dice que fue repartido del 2 de noviembre de 2000 al 21 de mayo de 2001. entonces, quien tiene la razón?
  21. I have searched Bulbapedia for the MEW MARIO event, but I have not found any information, which is true that this mew is legal and not a hack?
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