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Everything posted by Narwhal

  1. <p><p><p><p><p>"So your Gimp freezes? Did you try re-installing the software?"</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Oh, I had to reinstall it when my computer got the virus... haven't had a freeze since, I think it's just my computer though. It's about 6 years old. O_o</p></p></p></p></p>

  2. GIMP freezes at the worst times. I'm about to finish an image, and it decides to freeze when I go into the Edit tab... :\
  3. Blaziken with Toxic, Infernape with Grass Knot... How can Blaziken use Toxic, but NOT Drain Punch?! :mad:
  4. Silentfox: Sorry! We'll make your sig soon. I can't because I'm not able to use my computer right now. Artists: First to make Silentfox's sig gets a cookie.
  5. Toffeuy: Nice job! I like it, but I think it would look a little better if you used the newer Scizor art. It's pretty good though, so I'll feature it.
  6. How about my Crobat sig? Recently made. Rendered Crobat from a trading card.
  7. Keep Link. Good job, though!
  8. Okay... that's great... :\ *walks slowly backwards...* *runs away fast*
  9. Background Rating Thread Hello, everyone! I've decided to start a thread where you can post backgrounds you've made and get them rated by others. Rules: Follow the forum rules. Put backgrounds in spoilers. Don't post other people's work. (You can use brushes and renders etc.) Post one at a time. (separate posts) Types of backgrounds: Signature Backgrounds Desktop Backgrounds Website Backgrounds Tilable Textures Background Pictures (Smaller than a background, but is still a background) Have fun!
  10. You're welcome. Check out my new sig! I'm probably going to end up overlapping part of the wavy stuff in the back over the bigger wing.
  11. Flootenkerp, here is your Michael Jackson Fan Club userbar. I'm making the other one now. EDIT: Here.
  12. <p><p><p><p><p>Font: Windsong</p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>Circley things: Deviantart, Arcane Circles. <img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile.png" alt=":)" srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" /></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p>"This looks awesome... I wanted to ask what font did you use to write Celebi and how did you get those rings around the signature?"</p></p></p></p></p>

  13. I'm glad you like it! Thank you for changing the banner. You looked like you were a sig thread artist, that's all...
  14. [4:17]***Narwhal sets mode -thinkspenguinsarebestanimal on Troy_II [4:18]***Narwhal sets mode +thinksnarwhalsarebestanimal on Troy_II [4:19]***Narwhal sets mode +thinkspandasarecooltoo on Troy_II
  15. Sure. Also, could you change the animated banner to a normal one? ---------- Post added at 02:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:52 PM ---------- Ta-da! I forgot to put in the FC. If you need it, I'll add it. Chycorita, please remove the Mew banner. It is now copyrighted by Creative Commons. And lopez4ever, please pick a banner from the front page, it looks like you are an artist.
  16. I got Diamond first, then my brother got Pearl, but didn't like it and gave it to me, and I pre-ordered Platinum and got it at GameStop.
  17. codemonkey: Yeah, the text is too... happy. But yeah, it doesn't look very good in the picture. :\
  18. It's hard to believe I made this thread... Thank you to anyone who has requested a sig! ---------- Post added at 03:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:42 PM ---------- I don't have one... I do still have the Dusknoir render on my computer though, but I don't think you could find a use for it. :\ Thanks for making the animated bar though. Could you delete it from the host so it's gone? Also, chycorita, can you change out the shiny mew banner for a different one? It's kind of my special banner, as you may see by the word narwhal being blue. You can request a banner for the front page.
  19. reyes: This is off-topic, but your sig isn't fully visible (you can only see 3, and not at the same time) in the Project Pokémon theme. I can't see my Celebi sig. Tyty: I would trade, but my Wi-Fi isn't working right now. :\
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