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wraith89 last won the day on May 16 2017

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About wraith89

  • Birthday 11/22/1989

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    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Yeah that is very odd. What is with gen 5 and all these ubers? Even Excadrill... Like what? Aside from megas, I hope they tone it down...</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>At this rate, it's probably intentional. And Hidden Power is a good example of why I dislike simulators - it's too specific and there's an incredibly high chance you won't get that in game. It's kinda inaccurate, so I agree with your notion.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Yes, I'm getting antsy again, but yes. I like Japanese stuff, and people not liking their own culture is a trend that is probably quite widespread. I remember listening to "Farewell to SClAiRNoangoang" or something, from the Red Orchestra company or whatever... Not that I know what it's about.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Mega Yveltal and Mega Xerneas!</p></p></p></p></p></p>


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