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wraith89 last won the day on May 16 2017

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About wraith89

  • Birthday 11/22/1989

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    <p><p><p><p><p><p>It makes it even more awkward when the person who stole and threatened from you is actually my step-father's son.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>Very, very awkward.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>It is saddening when you cannot relate to siblings. Despite what I said earlier (I am an expert at contradiction), I get along with most of my siblings, but sometimes I don't agree with them. My brothers in particular are more self-centered though and can be difficult to work with, though one of them is getting better I believe. But unsure.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>My eldest brother is turning himself into a weed smoking drunk though with pretentious viewpoints, which is a word I scorn.</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>That's a shame... Sorry to hear that. How come you can't get along with your other family members, like your brother?</p></p></p></p></p></p>

    <p><p><p><p><p><p>My parents are just lazy in general, and don't understand that were the children go aren't where they want them to go, whether be good or bad.</p></p></p></p></p></p>


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