Search by name, Pokedex #, stats,nickname,OT,and everything possible.
Pokedex Number probably.
Hm...The same as search but only the more used ones. Like shinyness. OT: A-Z (heh,AZ), Pokedex #,Alphabetical names.etc.But also Competition Tiers!,me,and only we.
It rhymed! xD Ok,Look Sir Karpy Warpy Fishy Wishy, Hmm..Me,you,jasenyoface?(he's too busy w/Pkhex...),evandixon, @wrathsoffire!
and anyone else good enough?
Hm...Events,Competition Tiers,aren't u working?sorry to bug you,Pokemon in general,hm..
Good stuff.
People can create a account and upload Pokemon? And then they can upload their own Pkm to a central database and have a special box for theirs?
But we can access all Pokemon?