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Everything posted by jojo12100

  1. Really common nowadays in Paris during special weather days but was quite rare at game release, but Porygon was the rarest at the time. I'm surprised in fact that we still don't have Grimer/Muk and Gengar. Of course they were from 2016 but there was a huge amont of players at the time. Good luck for Eevee community day I caught 10 in 1H30.
  2. I don't know but now I don't care. Really hope @Poke J did better than me, plus if other people can help us I'll be gratefull. I want to return to my Unreleased Proto thread, PGO is a game based on the frustration of the players and that's why I don't like it. Also I'm adding the recent exclusive moves to the list, including Japan only Hurricane Articuno.
  3. People don't really care about attacks, especially because we don't know if they are kept during transfer and because they have no battle value. I guess the girl refuses to trade it to me because I can't trade it a legendary like that or even a shiny, but honestly for a baby Pokemon that has a Move Tutor move??? I should understand for the Gengar but that's all.
  4. Such a disapointing day, people were crazy because of shiny eevee and don't want to trade or talk at all. And I failed a Mewtwo raid. And I finally found someone with Body Slam Igglybuff but she refuses to trade it. Hope @Poke J did better. Will try tommorrow, if I can and if I can keep hope in community.
  5. Hope you'll get it, the exclusive moves are the hardest to find and with Mega Evolutions announced I'm quite worried for Gengar. I can add a new spread with past moves and temporary available like Surf Rhydon.
  6. Got the Kabutops today. Hope you are prepared for the Pokemon community day in order to get the missing ones.
  7. Same Source as usual ...
  8. Finally got it. Now let's all focus on next Pokemon community day in order to ask to players for the missing ones.
  9. Yeah, the only one uncontributed is the Smack Done Tyranitar.
  10. First, take screencaps to prove the legitimity then 2 solutions: -trade with one of us IRL -give an access to your account when Let's Go will release. Which one do you have?
  11. Rock Smash Alolan Marowak was released today but only as a Raid Battle (too bad) so if anyone can get one it'll be great. Also with upcoming events (shiny Zapdos on sunday ...) please ask to other trainers for the missing ones (Acid Kanto Grimer/Muk, Quick Attack Porygon, Sludge Wave Gengar, Rock Throw Omastar, Body Slam Eevee/Cleffa/Igglybuff, Fury Cutter Kabutops).
  12. Added to the list Jeremy Gengar found by @HaxAras
  13. I read the french 'translation' but it could be better to get the original source (but I don't read Japanese unfortunately).
  14. Very interesting interview of Masuda where he spoke about working connectivity between Let's Go and Gen8 regreting the lake of compatibility between gen2 and gen3. I sent him a tweet about Pokemon Bank issues (VC Odd Eggs, Underleved ...) for that (in case of ^^) He also announced a way to get Alolan forms in Let's Go without Go (probably with gen7 connectivity like GBA cardrige in Gen4).
  15. In my opinion you should not set Exclusive when the move can be learn by a prior evolution, breeding ... it's confusing! And add pictures and make it clearer by dividing page 1 -lvl moves page 2 egg moves ... (for example).
  16. It's already done, like the Rattata in fact. And I have the Rhydon and the Marowak. Don't think they'll be hard to get, except the Kangaskhan of course!
  17. They can still be obtained nowadays so I hope you'll help us to get them! Here the list of all other deleted moves: Sucker Punch Gastly Lick/Shadow Ball Haunter Shadow Claw/Dark Pulse Gengar Rock Slide/Iron Head Onix Shadow Ball/Psychock Hypno Mud Shot Kingler Signal Beam Voltorb Tackle Electrode Confusion/Zen Headbutt Exeggutor Brick Break Hitmonlee Rock Smash/Brick Break Hitmonchan Power Whip Tangela Stomp/Brick Break Kangaskhan Blizzard Seadra Drill Run/Icy Wind Seaking Tackle Starmie Steel Wing/Bug Buzz Scyther Pound/Ice Punch Jynx Submission Pinsir Dragon Pulse/Twister Gyarados Ice Shard/Dragon Pulse Lapras Heat Wave Flareon Tackle/Zen Headbutt/Signal Beam/Discharge/Psybeam Porygon Brine/Rock Tomb Omanyte Rock Slide Omastar Dragon Breath/Dragon Claw/Dragon Pulse Dragonite Dragon Pulse Mew Psychic Cleffa Zen Headbutt Togepi/Togetic Steel Wing Togetic Frostbreath Smoochum Flamethrower Magby
  18. I don't even have a Switch ^^ But I guess you spoke about dumping the datas before the Pokemon is caught (like Dream World). We still need help to get the missing ones.
  19. Cross-checked Gen 1 found 3 new to get: -Ominous Wind Gastly (rare move) -Body Slam Eevee (rare move) -Sludge Wave Gengar (exclusive move, only by events in main game or Dream World) And in gen2: -Body Slam Cleffa (rare move)
  20. For Manaphy you have to receive the egg in a game and trade it in another check if shiny, if not trade in another ... For Jirachi you should use emulator and RNG calculator when you receive the datas in Ruby/Sapphire. Search in PPorg more details, it's really complicated.
  21. Got tonight from a hardcore player Quick Attack Pichu, however with it I discovered Serebii did many errors, I'll have to cross-check, I have already found a new event one (Shadow Claw Gengar) and I'm pretty sure there are more ...
  22. Got a bunch of new ones today at Squirtle event: -Acid Weezing -Fury Cutter Pinsir -Air Cutter Dodrio -Stomp Hitmonlee -Quick Attack Staryu -Dragon Breath Gyarados It's really the right method to collect them. Will update the list. I'm quite worried however for Omastar and Kabutops because of the rock event many people released their old ones.
  23. Got Acid Koffing. With PGO event tommorrow I hope I'll get more.
  24. A new Pokebal appeared in the new movie and I already hate its design!
  25. Got today by trade: -Body Slam Meowth -Swift Doduo Went to Japan Expo I was very angry. We got 4G but no geolocalisation because of the place I missed many Uknown! Think it's the right method to collect them all; except I can't spend so much money for those events. Speaking about I also saw Let's Go demo, nothing new except shinys have in-game special aura (like the red/blue ones but with stars). Quite disapointing. Ps: I also met shinyhunter master Armand. Spoke about Let's go shiny mechanics. He has Dragonbreath Gyarados but didn't want to trade it ...
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