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Everything posted by jojo12100

  1. Ok, thanks, that's another mirage quest ended. Anyway I hope one day we'll be able to force-load all Funfest mission.
  2. Hi, Can someone translate me these phrases please? 8月17日(土)~9月6日(金)の間に実施しておりますフェスミッション第3期につきまして、当初「ニョロモ」が出現すると告知をさせていただいておりましたが、実際の仕様としては、ニョロモは出現いたしません。 この度は、誤った告知内容を掲載し、お客様にご迷惑をおかけしましたこと、心よりお詫び申し上げます。 As read in Google Translate there was a mistake/error about the Poliwag Hidden Grotto that can maybe explain why I never found it (can it be obtain by force-load hacking anyway?) Thanks in advance
  3. I found this today, don't know if it can help about Pay Day events [ATTACH=CONFIG]13120[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]13121[/ATTACH] Source: http://www008.upp.so-net.ne.jp/PSRO/poken-appearance-special.html And this about Dragon Rage Magikarp [ATTACH=CONFIG]13122[/ATTACH] Source: http://pokemonxy-matome.com/blog-entry-87.html
  4. Pokemon: Volcanion Gender: None Level: 70 OT: ID: Ability: Water Absorb Nature: Moves: Steam Eruption Hydro Pump Overheat Mist Item: Rage Candy Bar Pokeball: Cherish Ball. Ribbon: Location: Dates: Distribution Start: April 16th 2016, Distribution End: September 30th 2016, Redemption End: Game Distribution: X/Y/ΩR/αS Distribution Type: Serial Code Distribution Location: Sources: Twitter, Corocoro
  5. Still Missig events: Pokémon Expo Gym Event (4 Wc6- 19/11 7/12) and Pokémon Lab Event - Special Distribution (3 Wc6 23/12 6/3) Will come soon: Pokémon Center - Mega Event Distribution (5 Wc6 1/1), Pokémon Center Hiroshima - Repeat Event and Pokémon Virtual Console Mew (1 Wc6 27/2)
  6. Well I found somewhat like a trick thanks to Youtube using the PassPowers Search Powers +++ and Charm Powers +++ in the same time and it took me 1 day to find the Gyrados lv1 and the lv100 (i saw 4 of them before the lv1). It can be really hardly done in a normal gameplay and I personnaly cheated using PokeStock to get them but I finally found them. Now I desperatly try to find this *** Hidden Grotto Poliwag (FunFest Event August Mission, Japanese exclusive, of course).
  7. A new event released recently in Korea ^^ Pokemon:Mareep Lvl: 10 Ot: 완전전국도감 Id: 06055 Ability Static Moves:Hold Back, Tackle, Thundershock, ThunderWave Held Item: Ampharosite Ribbon: Classic Ribbon Avaible from 15/9/15 to 31/8/16 Info: https://www.haksanpub.co.kr/kids/kids_prod_game_view.asp?prod_code=C2002871&vol_code=1 https://www.reddit.com/r/pokemontrades/comments/3kjlai/korean_guidebook_mareep_announced/
  8. Hi, I'd like to know if there's a way to find in the script or anywhere else if the Lotad massive outbreak exists in Pokemon Ruby (event by mixed records w/ Pokemon Sapphire) and if there's a way to force-load the content, Thanks in advance.
  9. Hi, I'm still looking for these pokemon (.pkm files) in order to complete my collection: -Poliwag Hidden Grotto in Black 2/White 2 I got proof today but I cannot read it http://hpics.li/cedc64c I can propose to publish all other Funfest mission exclusive pokemon if you have it -Red and Green Anniversary Pichu (hatched) in Gen 4 http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_traded_event_Pok%C3%A9mon_distributions_in_Generation_IV I have also proof for it -Massive Outbreak Pokemon Ruby Lotad in Gen 3 Does it really exist? I found Seedot in Sapphire and Surskit in Emerald with mixing records ...
  10. Here's the problem https://sites.google.com/site/pokemonslots/gen-v/black-2 I don't know if the 1-100 levels are totally random or if they act as in Pokemon Platinum resort area Magikarp
  11. Can RNG predict the apparence of lv 1 or lv 100 Gyrados in Nature Preserve? I mean there's a slot for them lv1-100 Gyrados but how does the level mecanism work?
  12. hi, is there any tool to get all the funfest missions, modify them or anything else? I'm really interested by the special event missions, who are mostly exclusive to Japan (some were undistributed also). Thanks in advance.
  13. Hi, is there any code (or trick) to get all funfest missions? I'd love to get the event ones, especially those with Togetic in Hidden Hollow ^^
  14. All I wait about the e-reader now is what is this unreleased 21st us card in pokemon colosseum? It can be really interesting to force-load this content. Source: https://tcrf.net/Pok%C3%A9mon_Colosseum
  15. Thanks for the Gyrados. The Poliwag came from a funfest mission: http://www.serebii.net/black2white2/funfestmission.shtml I have the Magneton, the Togetic, the Chansey, the Dragonair and the Shelgon yet.
  16. Thank you so much ^^ Ps: Maybe I'll abuse but I'm still looking for these rare Pokemon from Gen 5, maybe you have at least of of them? -Hidden Grotto Japanese Poliwag -Nature Preserve lv 1 and lv 100 Gyrados
  17. Hi, I'm looking for a pkx/pk6 of the Spring 2015 Kanghaskan event for my personnal collection, the nature/IV's/Ev's doesn't matter, thanks in advance.
  18. Thanks ^^ but how does it work?
  19. Some issues with the file: i got a dropbox error 404
  20. Ah ok thanks so the only way to fully decrypt is the bruteforce made by SciresM?
  21. Hi, I tried today but while it says "Save decrypted" I obtain a 400 Ko file which cannot be read on PkHex "attempted to load an unsuported file". I precise that I can read my sav on PkHex but while the sav is not fully decrypted (but not save the changes of course)
  22. Hi, is there anything that can allow you to access to the hidden in-game trades in Pokemon Yellow (Beedril vs Buterfree, Pidgeot vs Pidgeot, Mew vs Mew)? I saw there were unable because there is no NPC dedicated so is it possible to add NPCs with?
  23. Hi, maybe it's a stupid question but is there a way to access to the 3 hidden in-game trades in Pokemon Yellow (Beedrill for Butterfree; Pidgeot for Pidgeot; Mew for Mew)? Is there any tool, save file modifer or anything else that can make these trades available?
  24. Arg, I failed! When I connect e-reader to gamecube and speak to the hostess my e-reader displays that message "Communication Failure". I don't know what it means, maybe it's the link cable? Or it's because I use a PAL version? EDIT: Don't work with PAL Versions but it works US version. Does anyone know how do promo cards (2 released and 1 unreleased) work?
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