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About LEGOanimal22

  • Birthday 09/25/1999

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  1. Update Released! - Can now export results to XML
  2. I been trying this on different computers, but this seems to only be a one-time thing.
  3. Hello all. I was logging in today from "projectpokemon.org/forums" but when I tried, it showed a message that said "Invalid Redirect URL: (projectpokemon.org/forums)". I could only login by adding "/forum.php". Any thoughts? LEGOanimal22
  4. Update Released! - Breeding routine is automatically run when the Male and Female Pokemon are changed - Species label turns red when breeding pair is incompatible - Male and Female Pokemon selection boxes turn orange when you are not finished typing the Pokemon's name
  5. Update Released! - Fixed bug with typing in names - Fixed bug with egg moves
  6. Thanks! If you want to do chain breeding with this just keep track of the results the program gives.
  7. It seems like you've made a lot of progress on this. Good job
  8. Hello all! I have made an easy to use breeding tool to branch off from my Pokemon Mega Library project. This tool will generate a list of compatible moves that the egg can inherit. If you want to download this tool, please visit this link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/o3g9z83nb1xyr60/Pokemon%20Breeding%20Tool.zip?dl=0 Screenshots: Update Log: - LEGOanimal22
  9. Sorry for the bump. Delta Stream also removes all Flying type weaknesses from M Rayquaza, so, for ex. an Ice move now does 2x damage instead of 4x damage.
  10. 3
  11. I am getting both to experience both sides of the Aqua/Magma storyline.
  12. There is a new Horde trainer battle mechanic in the game. I believe it is only going to be used for Team Aqua/Magma Grunts. You could easily beat these with Swampert, but I'm not sure about the other starters.
  13. It just makes a random PID. Pokegen doesn't care about legality.
  14. Pokegen generates PIDs for Gen 4 pokemon.
  15. I don't care for the costumes on the Cosplay Pikachu. I only care about the moves each of them has. And for the contests, based on the website, I'm assuming that it will just be the same as the old games except for the mega evolution addition. I don't dislike Mega Slowpoke, it's just that I think it looks funny. But, my favorite is Mega Lopunny, for the looks, Attack, And Speed. For the dragon Megas, Altaria is ok, but I would prefer Salamence. Why not? EDIT: theSLAYER ninja'd me
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