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Everything posted by AlexisSanchezMadrid

  1. Thank you. What about the games? Do I have to buy an original one? For now, I'm mostly interested in understanding what I need (to buy) in order to play a Pokemon game where Caterpie is a Fairy-type, learns Hyperspace Fury and evolves into a Magikarp. Then, I'll try to understand how to make it happen (perhaps watching some tutorials.. would you please link a good one?). Thanks again, I hope that step by step I'll have all the pieces to play my personalized game.
  2. I thank you very much, but as ignorant as I am, I didn't understand a few things! So, do I need to buy the Nintendo 3DS? Do I need to buy the official game (then perhaps load it on a pc and modify it)? What is an exploitable system setup? What does "dump" mean? What's an "exploit"? May I have a link to some tutorial, perhaps? Thank you very much for your patience.
  3. Hello, I would like to play Pokemon ORAS and edit it (edit Pokemon base stats or type, or learnset). I think the "technical" word is randomize. Well, what's the best way to do it? Are there Nintendo 3DS emulator out there, or should I buy a real one? Are there ORAS ROMs out there? If I have to buy the games, then is it possible to edit them even if they're original? Thanks in advance. Ps: I hope this is the right section.
  4. Hello, I would like to play Pokemon ORAS and edit it (edit Pokemon base stats or type, or learnset). I think the "technical" word is randomize. Well, what's the best way to do it? Are there Nintendo 3DS emulator out there, or should I buy a real one? Thanks in advance.
  5. Hello, I would like to play Pokemon ORAS and edit it (edit Pokemon base stats or type, or learnset). I think the "technical" word is randomize. Well, what's the best way to do it? Are there Nintendo 3DS emulator out there, or should I buy a real one? Are there ORAS ROMs out there? If I have to buy the games, then is it possible to edit them even if they're original? Thanks in advance.
  6. Hi, thank you for the answer. Unfortunately, I'm completely not familiar with the things you're mentioning. I'm trying to "study" the situation, but some help would be appreciated. Let's start from here: the custom firmware of what has to be below 9.2? Thanks very much in case of answer.
  7. Hello, so this basically works on ROMs? Is it possible to find ROMs of ORAS online? Or is it possible to edit a legit 3DS game?
  8. Is there a tool to edit the type chart and to add the fairy type?
  9. Is there any B2W2 Trainer Editor like the one there is for BW?
  10. Nice. The BWTE didn't work on White 2 when I tried to use it. I mean, I couldn't hack ANY trainer because when I tried to, it crashed.
  11. AR codes working for these versions, please!
  12. Does the BWTE work for Black 2 and White 2?
  13. Can someone post all the AR codes for Volt White 2 and Blaze Black 2?
  14. That's not true. It works fine for me.
  15. Ahahah you're great! Now we are all waiting for the Move Editor!
  16. @Twistedfatal Can you estimate when all of this will be available?
  17. Sounds perfect! Great. For the time being, I'm editing BW2 base stats this way (I'm telling so maybe some one can do the same): I'm using the ROM Changer on a clean Japanese BW2 ROM. Then I'm inserting the a/0/1/6 narc file (that's the one for base stats) of this clean ROM in an English-patched ROM which I wish to use, and it's working. It's possible to edit moves and evolutions in the same way, just knowing which is the correct narc file you need to replace!
  18. I used the Move Editor programmed for BW1's narc file and it works with BW2, too. One can even simply insert the already edited narc file extracted from BW1 into BW2. It worked for me. Anyway, I read people commenting about your (Twistedfatal's) tools for BW2. How could they? Do they have them and how did they get them?
  19. Well, that fact is... I'd like to get the Pokemon ROM Changer tool (the one for BW2) working on an English-patched Japanese Pokémon Black 2 rom. Is it possible? If it is, would you show me how to do it step by step, in a really clear way as if you were explaining it to an elder man?
  20. Ahahahah man, I have no idea how to do that! Could you please show me how to? You'd be really appreciated!
  21. Does these tools only work on a Japanese clean version?
  22. Is there a download link or any way to get this tools?
  23. Will it also be possible to edit the type chart? (I mean, having Ice resisting only to Ice sucks).
  24. I appreciate your work. Hope it is gonna be ready very soon!
  25. Thank you. Your answer is clear and told me just what I wanted to know. In fact, I'm always messing up when clicking I'll pay more attention.
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