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Everything posted by Chompizard25

  1. Does anyone know how to create ar codes for pkm files? Any help is appreciated.
  2. Can you add a ZIP file please? Don't like RAR.
  3. http://projectpokemon.org/events/ko-V.php
  4. What did you do?!?!?! You replaced lucario with pidove? What is wrong with you?
  5. That doesn't matter, it is still an egg move.
  6. Made a pkm on this program, saved it, tried to load it, and then it said "must be 136 or 220 bytes". Any help? Also, legality analysis won't load.
  7. Also, to this, the last move is an egg move
  8. Could you at least post the link?
  9. What are you talking about?
  10. Can you change Gothorita's gender? Because it wouldn't let me.
  11. Whipped up a quick Gothorita for you people.
  12. It is going to be level 15. http://www.pokemonblackwhite.com/pokemon-black-and-white-1/en-us/pokemon/get-keldeo/
  13. Also, another error, did some DW Analysis. The OT trash bytes are correct but your program says they are incorrect. Ex. Porygon\FFFF\0000\0000 don't know which slash it is (aka front or back) And also, it says the PID is incorrect.
  14. Noticed an error in your Legality Analysis. Tried it on the Therians and it says "Invalid Ability".
  15. Just thought of this, how about an "Export to PKM" feature for the "Mystery Gift" section.
  16. Don't ask
  17. what do u mean?
  18. Dang it, my emulator is too slow. I have to wait until I get my R4i
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