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Everything posted by Chompizard25

  1. I'm adding this, if you want sprites for your rom ASK AWAY. ( P.S. GIF offer ended :bidoof: )
  2. Does anybody have it?
  3. Don't have it, wouldnt give it away anyways
  4. Just create a code on PokeGen!
  5. You could load the wonder card on Pokegen, and then make an AR code for the wondercard on the specified game.
  6. http://vsplayer.pokecheck.org/?bid=78-50401-79951 turn 4, 5, 8, and 9 say the gliscor was healed by poison when hp was full
  7. Are you using a .sav file or an actual cartridge?
  8. I am willing to do sprite edit requests ON THIS THREAD. PLZ POST HERE. If you do PM's, do this please: Request Colors THANK YOU
  9. How about a pm instead of email?
  10. Mine is also in sig PLZ battle!
  11. Wraith89, could you make a gen 5 gif of a charizard like my avatar?
  12. That is why it is a hack DaGizoid
  13. Also, my awesome sprites http://projectpokemon.org/forums/album.php?albumid=339
  14. I am just a normal kid. I have a Diamond, Platinum, Heart Gold, White, and soon to be both Black2 and White2. I also have Explorers of time, explorers of sky, and ranger: guardian signs. I'll post my friend codes if you want me to. :bidoof:
  15. I think the next feature should be custom sprites to insert into your rom or game
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