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Everything posted by Chompizard25

  1. Oh ya, forgot. Here are the rules: The following Pokémon cannot be used in this competition: Mewtwo, Mew, Lugia, Ho-Oh, Chatot, Celebi, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin, Arceus, Victini, Reshiram, Zekrom, Kyurem, Keldeo. Allowed moves: Level ups TMs/HMs Egg Moves Character-Taught Event Moves Other Rules: http://pglhelp.pokemon.com/en/gbu/autumn_friendly_2012/pdf/2012_autumn_friendly_en.pdf
  2. http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-news/pgl_2012_autumn_friendly_announce-2012-08-29/ Registration opens Sept. 6th Runs Sept. 14-17 I'll be competing with my shiny team (oh ya, they kick ass)
  3. http://www.pokemon.com/us/pokemon-news/pgl_2012_autumn_friendly_announce-2012-08-29/ Registration opens Sept. 6th Runs from Sept. 14 to Sept. 17 REMEMBER, THIS ON ON GBU
  4. RNGing a sure hit on moves like Gullotine, Fissure, and all those great low accuracy moves.
  5. http://www.pokecheck.org/?p=detail&uid=1971978 Why does it say "Pokemon's experience matches it level threshold." In orange?
  6. 62 views and no replies?
  7. I would make a sprite for that, but I lack the skill Ex. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/album.php?albumid=342&attachmentid=10141
  8. right now i am doing trash bytes ---Posts Merged--- Wiki did not let me create a new account, it just froze up. ---Posts Merged--- Ex. My friends Raichu, PokeTransfered #26 AWESOMECHU (Raichu) ♂ (level 52) OT: Jacob ♂ (HeartGold, 59109/55584) Rash - Static - 8/21/4/16/20/29 - 31 HP/48 Att/12 Def/14 SAt/5 SDf/27 Spd ThunderShock - Flash - Thunder - Strength 356104444 31/48/12/27/14/5
  9. i made a wonder card , with ALL the data on it, and it throws an exception when i trie to load it. (ill get the exception later (no I won't))
  10. on pokemon (duh )
  11. Thats because i am not done with my research
  12. Does anybody know how to do this on Researcher in RNG Reporter?
  13. no you are not
  14. Lol, genchu http://csc-a7x.deviantart.com/gallery/38651940#/d36vlws
  15. Wait, why is this on wiki AND forums?
  16. Why that is not a valid PKM is because it is only 6 Bytes, therefore it didn't write the whole file.
  17. Is the pokecheck server down? Because I can't get on the website. Edit: Never mind, just a iPad error.
  18. Upload the file, and then he will look at it.
  19. I tried to save, and then I get this Exception Tried to login to Chat, got this Exception Tried to make a mystery gift, got this Exception
  20. http://csc-a7x.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d5am9ov Also Growana, Simburn, and Sprinklant
  21. http://csc-a7x.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d36ye3d What about Kurusu?
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