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Posts posted by jariesuicune

  1. First, please do not post PKHeX questions in threads that aren't about PKHeX. Post questions/requests according to the appropriate thread's topic.

    Is it "safe"? I can't think why not. Do you have some reason to think it wouldn't be?

    However, doing so is entirely pointless, as well as a few seconds of your life wasted on a feature you seem to not care about anyways (if you did, you'd fight the battles).

  2. @hooksjake: You obviously didn't read the first post. This does not currently support New 3DS use, because of the different software on the New 3DS. This has been verified, since the New 3DS has been available in other countries (particularly Japan, of course) for a while now. When/if that becomes usable as well, the first post will be updated to include that information, as well as mention of it around.

    @Virdelet: To be certain, Russian web addresses are blocked for Saudi Arabia? Since they used a shortened URL (annoying things)... are you sure it's the destination page that is blocked? The actual web address is:


    @jimonjigi: What do you mean by "living dex"? Anyway, it's pathetically easy to complete your Dex without cheating in the first place. Just playing through the game normally should have filled most of it (easily 80%+) anyways and the PGL makes it hilariously easy to get anything you want, barring Events. If you just can't bear to do that and can only be willing to cheat for what you want then just 'obtain' that Pokemon properly in-game, such as give to then take back from the Day Care, or in mass via the Bank.

  3. I see... well, first off, apparently yes, one of those is the drivers you are looking for. Just use Device Manager with the USB adapter attached and have it search the 3DSSaveEditor folder for the required drivers and it will install them (it will correctly identify them).

    However, if you aren't importing the console and other Japanese games, I'm afraid you've basically wasted your money. Please check the following Project, which makes Pokemon save editing with PKHeX possible for everyone (except the pirates, hilariously):


  4. @SamHauser: First off, this is not the thread to ask in. Take Genning problems to the thread(s) for it. Also, that would be a PKHeX-related issue, not for the Web-method's threads.

    That aside, quick answer: If you want to use an alternate form, DO NOT MAKE IT AS ONE. Seriously, just do it in-game correctly. You mostly likely will just make annoying problems for yourself (as you've seen) if you do. I still can't figure out why people think it's such a grand idea... it just reverts, and if it doesn't, it easily brands you as a cheater if somehow used online should you manage to use it there. And there's really no point in the personal-use side since you can just as easily just look at your PokeDex to see it. It's not like it'll help you with any battles in-game.

    In the case of Kyurem, ABSOLUTELY NEVER make it in it's Fused Form, and I would suggest you never alter or delete one if you do have one actively fused. It is not simply treated as a separate Pokemon, it takes both the Kyurem and the Reshiram/Zekrom and puts them into a separate area of the save data to generate how the Fused Form will result. (You really should do your homework before tampering with data you aren't meant to be able to do so in the first place)

    There is meant to only be one single Fused Form total on any one game save, for obvious reasons, so don't go trying to break it and causing yourself problems.

    This also means that if you alter a Fused Form Kyurem... you could make it impossible to revert, since it's data won't match. Not smart.

    As for Shaymin: it will always revert and be unable to transform when it is night/frozen/not in your party. So, obviously, it would revert when you withdraw it from the PC, since it's not allowed to be in any form except Land any time other than In-party+Daytime+Not Frozen+Flower.

    The reason it won't change... not sure. Did you obtain the item correctly, in-game, rather than cheating for it? If cheated, it's possible that it's only IN your bag, but "unactivated" (which would now be rather annoying/maybe hard to fix; there are sometimes in-game "flags" tied to things that newbie cheaters happily don't know about and so ignore). I do rather doubt this, but as I would never do something to result in that, no way for me to tell.

    Though I haven't taken the time to verify this, you may consider actually using a proper Real Shaymin (as in, no cheating involved) to test. If it works, then you're just messing up your Genning (this is the most likely answer). If not, you messed up getting the Item/are using somehow at a time it won't work.

    I have to admit, I'm a touch confused about this too, unless you cheated to get the Flower.

    PID won't affect anything with this (unless, maybe, it's a Gen IV Shaymin? Unlikely.), since in Gen V+, PID isn't locked, and NEVER touch the Extra Bytes unless you know what and why (and I know of no reason to do so).

  5. That is rather odd... most likely then, in your case at least, you may have had an update or PC filter (or potentially a virus/other) that altered/removed a setting or file(s).

    You have completely uninstalled Cyber Editor, then gone through the full install steps, and have the drivers for the USB adapter installed, and get that error when you start up?

    If that is the case, you may want to include some of your PC information, at least your Operating System.

  6. @Waitress_Tsubame: The 2DS is a 3DS. The difference is: Lack of the 3D-screen and non-closing (clam-shell) shape.

    @XDRZERO: First, have you ever received that event in-game? If so, you simply can't because the game saves that, it's not only saved to the WonderCard itself. But since you're cheating in the first place, why don't you just Gen yourself a Gen VI-"bred" Shiny Beldum? They can be bred, and could then even be a 6x31-IV with your dream moveset.

  7. No. It does not and will not work with the demo. PKHeX is specifically designed for the full games and there is no reason that anyone will spend any time to make a version of it for the demo.

    If you have further requests on that, please either take them to the correct area (that would be the PKHeX category), and create a thread for it.

    If you want to cheat in, or even play the full game of, Pokemon, purchase the full games.

  8. The drivers are supplied separately, not in that program, but on the CD. The program and the drivers are two totally separate things, though it would have made more sense to have them install together. So, no, they weren't wrong, as they specifically were referring to the program. It would have helped to also link to the drivers though (which as far as I know aren't on Cyber's site)

    Hm... maybe someone has linked to an upload of the drivers on this thread... you may want to check. If you can't find them, then let us know.

    Oh, one other thing, just 'cause: you do have a Japanese 3DS and Japanese X/Y/OR/AS game, right? This absolutely will not work with any games except Japanese.

  9. Are you running the original Japanese program, without the Modified one?

    Do you have the USB device attached, and have the drivers for it installed? That is required to be able to use the program. If you don't have it attached, trying to run the program will give an error saying to attach the USB adapter. (I have heard that if you don't have the installation disc, then you don't have the drivers needed to use it)

  10. Sorry, but... I'm impressed. I would never have even thought of finding someone past middle school who would be stumped by that and be trying something like cheating.

    It would have saved some time if you had said you didn't know much about using computers from the start.

    My rude amusement^ aside, a quick lesson in computers:

    -All files have a file extension (example: .jpg .gif .avi .exe). This identifies what that file is so it's easier to know what program to use it with or for a program to properly identify it as something it uses, and such.

    -You have your computer settings set to hide file extensions (due to a commonsense paranoia, this is the default). However, with Details shown, you see an overly-basic description of what the file is, based on the extension, shown under the category "Type" (as in, File-type).

    -Anything with a ".exe" extension is a program (not always one you have to run yourself, many are handled automatically by other programs and the operating system).

    -So, the Type of "Program" indicates a ".exe" file.

    -Similarly, the "3DSSESetupV2.msi" is a "windows installation package", as per the Type description for that file extension.

    When looking for something that you know the full name and extension, you could just look for the name, and then verify the extension.

    Once you find it, right-click it and select copy. Then go to your desktop, right-click anywhere in an open area, and select "past shortcut". Or just select "create shortcut" the first time, then move that wherever you are wanting it. Either works.

    When the program is fully up to date, extract the contents of the Modified editor into that folder and when it asks to replace the files, select Yes to all of them.

    After that, it should work fine! Be sure to learn how to create a Legal Pokemon (I have made complete guides on a per-person basis, and there is a thread dedicated to it (don't go asking for the help in unrelated threads, you'll just get told to go to the appropriate thread)), so you won't be confused why the game keeps telling you that you have a Pokemon in your party that you can't use/trade.

  11. Ah, I see. So, you ran the installer, successfully I see, and then completely ignored where it installed it to. The second time you ran the installer (which I now see why the first time you didn't see the same options as I did, since it gives a new menu for previous installations; I wasn't paying much attention about that), you were just re-installing it again.

    Once you've run the Setup program, it's purpose is done and gone (go ahead and delete the .msi file). I already said in my explanation (which is also now updated for original installation, thanks to your screenshots) where it's found, and it's in your screenshot as well. You'd have seen it yourself if you'd been watching.

    Be sure to follow the rest of the guide I mentioned (particularly making sure to update first), and you'll be good to go!

    You're also going to want to do a fair bit of research on how to make a Legal Pokemon (there is a thread specifically for that), since if you mess up (very easy for beginners) then it's useless online.

  12. Yep, you're not getting it all done first.

    First, if you're going to use things in another language, it makes basic sense to at least learn a teeny bit of that language so you aren't just drowning when you only had to push a different button (as an example)

    At the very least, Google Translate is an epic utility that (for no good reason I know of) people just can't seem to figure out how to use (it is a LOT more useful if you have a basic understanding of the language you are dealing with, and still useful at all for those that don't)

    Second, when mentioning files, you need to include the extension (for example: .exe, .jpg, .msi)

    So, you're main problem is... you didn't even get the program installed. The program's filename is "3DSSaveEditor.exe". That should have been partially obvious, as any program with "setup" in the name is an installation program (no exceptions come to mind at least).


    First, download from that link, "3DSSESetupV2.msi"

    Second, run that program.

    Hit "N" (Next)

    Mark the checkbox, hit "N"

    Designate the destination to install the program to (typically, leave the default), then hit "N"

    Hit "I" (Install)

    Wait for it to finish

    Hit "F" (Finish)

    When you are done, it should be installed to:

    C:\Program Files\CYBER Gadget\3DS SaveEditor

    Or wherever you designated it to install.

    (If you can't find it, use your preferred Search for your PC (I far prefer the search program "Everything", it is amazing!)

    Now run the program "3DSSaveEditor.exe" to get started and obtain the update(s) for the program. You may have to guess your way through this again, but it will be easy. It will force you to do it each time you start it until you get it right anyways.

    Once it's updated, NOW you extract the Modified Cyber Editor into that same folder.

    Also, for future reference, whenever a new update for the program is released, the Modified Editor will no longer work. You will have to load the original Japanese one, update that, then wait for and then download and extract the new Modified Editor for that version.

  13. 1: Not updating your 3DS is always a bad idea, since it leaves you out of the latest upgrades to the system, however minor. Just ask yourself: is cheating really all you care about in your games? Besides, with this kind of method, I doubt Nintendo has any big issue against it for the time being. It's easier for them to "punish" cheaters by just further updating the Legal Checker.

    2: I don't know what you've been reading, but it's all mush. First off, if you'd just have read the very first post, you'd already have your answer anyways. Second, that question has already been asked to death in each of these threads.

    Regardless, the update is for the 3DS console, not the game. All these things do is edit your game's save file through a trick using the Web Browser, so the update can't hurt you by editing your save (though if you somehow messed up the process, you could ruin your save yourself, of course; this risk comes with any form of cheating, to some extent anyways.)

    Also, the update doesn't care about your SD card in the first place. It's a system update. And they won't ever edit data on your SD card beyond what was put there by their software.

    3: However, you CAN have potential problems if you try to do piracy/homebrew, as those DO make changes to your 3DS software, which is obviously not a very smart thing to do in the first place. (To compare, in the Wii/DS days, that wasn't as much an issue, since there just wasn't much Nintendo could do about it due to how the systems were. Now, we are beyond that in the WiiU/3DS age, and doing stupid things can have bad results. Nintendo has every right to issue an update to their software that inadvertently ruins your gaming life if you edit their software (you did not buy it, nor have any rights to tamper with it. That's why we have words like Copyright.)

    I very much assume this is NOT the case for you, or most people here, so no worries! You're good to update!

  14. Actually, you really do not want to "max" your PokeDex. If you had any experience with cheating in Gen V, you may have been one of the many who fell prey to that fool action and were blocked from some internet-based services, such as the Dream World. As yet, there isn't anything that checks it. YET. If you want, it's fine to fill your Dex custom, but keep all illegal entries blank. They are easy to find out, via Serebii and/or Bulbapedia.

  15. It may be that there are other parts that track play time, maybe not stored as part of the main save. Either way, those things are really quite pointless to tamper with, since you have absolutely nothing to gain from it anyways. Really, other than editing Pokemon, Wondercards, maybe the PokeDex (which you should also take care to keep only Legal entries, as there may be features or Legal Checks that may look there, as in Gen V with the Dream World), and possibly Secret Bases, there is hardly any real reason to edit anything else in the save other than for kicks... but since it's not always clear how those other things will be actually affected due to the save not being just simple like it was once upon a Gen I, you really would have less problems not tampering with them.

    It may well be that some of the posters mentioning their game suddenly having major issues after editing may be been because they messed with stuff they really just shouldn't have.

    In other words, just because you CAN edit something, doesn't mean it's SAFE to do so (or may not have the expected results, from nothing to bad), no matter how well designed the editor. Unless you have a really good reason, just stick to the safe stuff and enjoy the game.

  16. Whatever you mean by "latnette's PC" won't affect it. In-game settings can not affect this process. What game it is won't matter either. You simply messed up somewhere, most likely one of the same mistakes that a ton of people keep re-posting here. Your answer is most likely within the last 10 posts, repeating at least once every 10 posts before that.

    OR... if you have hacked your system. When they mention the whole Sysnand and Emunand, that's more a case of "Did you hack your 3DS?" (hence they say that "if you have to ask, then most likely you're fine"). If you did, reformat and re-update your 3DS (there really are consequences to doing things you shouldn't, ignoring the risk doesn't make it go away); if not, you just missed something, so read some of the past posts.

  17. Brazilian players are asking for money to generate Pokémon, making ads on websites, etc., due to the tool, it's sad, I apologize for my people.


    Well, they sure want to have this method shut down as fast as possible. Or have no concept of common sense with this kind of thing... Worst case scenario: Nintendo gets this patched faster than we expect, and a bunch of people lose money for no good reason.

  18. Firstly, if you need help with Genning, there are threads and groups for that purpose; development threads are for help and feedback on the program itself.

    First problem: you didn't do your homework, they are definitely not Legal (Both errors are indicators that something is not passing the checks in your team)

    Second problem you made, thanks to you stating it: Fateful Encounter. That is the Event Flag. Never ever mark it unless it "was" obtained from an Event.

    Similarly, not everything should ever be "bred" or "obtained at Lv. 1", such as Legendary Pokemon or Ditto.

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