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Posts posted by jariesuicune

  1. @Allgamesdude: This is answered on the very first post, as well as FAR TOO MANY TIMES throughout this thread, and everyone is sick of hearing it (Any hurt you feel from that is well-earned for not believing [assuming you even read it] the opening post by the maker of this program). If there was a way, IT WOULD BE KNOWN AND OPENLY SO. The only way to Gen in Pokemon Gen VI games is to either import Japanese versions + Cyber Editor or to be a pirate and not buy the games at all.

  2. Just use the most recent one that it made before your edit. ... unless you're the type who turned that off for some reason, it makes a backup before each edit.

    As to why... only way I know to tell would be to look at your save files before and after and compare down to the smallest changes.

    Safest option here: just start over and stop cheating. You can get everything legit anyways, it just takes a bit of real work and some time.

  3. @Seoulstice: Actually, that info is easily found on Serebii: http://www.serebii.net/events/dex/658.shtml It's not released until the 9th... So just barely, in Japan.

    edit: Ok, I finally got my games today (had it bundled with Smash WiiU), and see what to do. Log into your Club Nintendo account, then along the top you'll see 5 "buttons", the first on the left being the Serial Code (packaged software); the far right one should have a blue light-dot (like on 3DS/WiiU when you have a notification), being a notification to click it. From there, you can generate your アンケート codes, which you will use to get your new stuff. (I haven't gone through with that, since I'm focusing on Bayonetta right now; it shouldn't be too hard to figure out the rest).

    edit 2: woops, that wasn't it. -_-; The extra points are nice though. ^_^

    @wbyrd419: No, the problem is on your end (most problems are user-end, not from the supplier). Try including any details as to what you mean by "problems" in the first place if you want real help. No one can help you with no info.

  4. That's one of those situations where cheating is more like punching yourself in the face. Just do it in-game like you should... especially if you were going to use the DNA Splicers in the first place.

    (Also, that should have been obvious, since to get the White/Black forms requires actually combining two different Pokemon (files), to un-fuse them would take... two Pokemon (files). It can't just magically make them out of nothing.

  5. @niisama: You must be new to the idea of regions? Region coding is set to the game cartridge, not the gameplay. Interface language has no issue with it. If your game is Japanese Region, then you're good, regardless of what language you play it in.

    @GizmoTheGreen: Yeah, that should have been your first thought. Newer system often equals WORSE compatibility. As it is, the best OS is still usually WinXP or Win7 (except for things that don't like anything but the newest), and often Win2K is just fine as well (which is still my preferred OS, despite things trying to actively not support it).

  6. @Destinyy: You don't understand how it's working. PKHeX is oriented on making Pokemon for and of Gen VI, so it doesn't have the settings to specially generate the restricted PIDs from Gen III-IV. If you use the wrong PID for a Gen III/IV Pokemon, it will still be illegal.

    @Animal3D: Then you shouldn't have cheated. It's not perfect, and when you mess with stuff you shouldn't, you suffer. Learn from this?

    As to your problem, you gave NO info about it. What did you do that caused it? If you don't know, then you may just have to restart.

  7. It would be pretty nice if this thread were to be set like PokeGen's was: Locked to only the developers for noting updates and such. Separate threads can be used for all this little minor question stuff that isn't needed cluttering the program's thread.

    @lvlann: If you want to mass-edit something, you're going to have to do them one at a time. Besides, your idea couldn't work for helping make them 'battle ready', since each Pokemon needs a different stat layout/moveset/etc. As to the ID/SID thing... what would even be the point? If it's Gen VI it's Gen VI. The only thing special about those ID's is to be able to rename the Pokemon, which you already can do in PKHeX.

  8. Try reading full posts for a start, as he answered that: You probably have a Unicode issue. As that isn't a problem with this program, but with your computer, you should look on a forum that is about computer support.

    Your computer doesn't have those symbols installed such that the program can make use of it, or may not have them installed at all somehow.

    I would recommend making sure that you have Unicode enabled (don't know how you wouldn't, but start with the unlikely stuff to be sure).

    If you can find it, I would suggest being sure you have this font installed: "Arial Unicode MS". That will also include support for Japanese characters (which even if you can't read them, you'd at least be able to accurately see them to check for translations if needed)

    If those don't work, yeah, you're gonna need help from somewhere that is computer program support, not gaming support.

  9. Ah, I'd forgotten about the difference for that part. I don't waste my time with it, so got it mixed up. I can't figure out why you'd want to waste time with it in the first place...

    But if you already understand Japanese, why care? Other than people who use PKHeX, non-Japanese-readers would hardly likely have this (since it'd be cheaper & easier to get Powersaves), and there isn't really any point to restoring saves when you can just save any Pokemon and such to your PC and insert them whenever you want, without risking losing something you had done later by restoring a save.

  10. ...

    1: USB 3.0 is the new rising standard, but is not the full standard. It's not their problem. Also, A problem like that would be easily fixed by the same method it went wrong, but done right. More likely, you or your PC messed up somehow, not Cyber's "poor coding".

    2: That's just newer Windows being the junk it is. Not Cyber's fault, so not Cyber's fault, but rather the badly-written OS you use.

    3: THAT is true good advice. And common sense that has been known since the NES days...

    Your problems are not their fault. It's fine to note issues you come across, but be accurate about how it is. NO ONE can keep everything constantly up to date with all potential hardware/software/etc combinations, so don't expect them to.

  11. @niisama: They don't 'support' any console at all. They support the games. If you want to imply using Cyber Editor for any New 3DS-only games (such as the new Monster Hunter), then the answer is Yes.

    @pannatatm: Are you sure you are doing it right? You aren't supposed to right-click at all. You double-click the save you want to restore.

    As to the having to restore to Japanese... so? The program IS Japanese. Either learn some basic Japanese (WAY easy, seriously; people are such whiners), or just simply memorize what the mere 3 buttons you have to push to do anything do.

  12. That's what I said, the translation from your previous post, and is again the first line in this one.

    My translation follows:


    Thank you for the use of Save Editor daily.

    We have received feedback about Omega Rube/Alpha Sapphire, confirming that our company has supported a different version.

    That if you connect the Game Card into the Card Reader you get the message "Cannot get information from the server, this game is not supported" about the game, so we are working and ask you to please wait.

    ※Different versions:

    Versions are like a program's Serial Number, when a Version is modified and added to the program, even though having the same game title, then Save Editor's Patch Codes may not be usable, and the game card may not be recognized.


    Basically a standard generic statement of "Thanks for being our customers. We have heard of a problem and are working to fix it. Here is some info to hopefully keep you pacified long enough for us to make sure we fix it right, regardless of that info being part of the reason of this case's issue but it is a common enough problem that we'll mention it anyways since it is related".

    As to the Version statement (ie: Game Updates), that is quite true, though not the case here. They set in the program to recognize the wrong game. As it is... you may be able to use Cyber Editor with an American copy of the game. (or you may just corrupt your data since other than recognizing the game ID, it's writing for the Japanese data, which while almost exactly the same is likely not quite).

  13. @Seoulstice: That message basically translates as "Thank you for using Save Editor daily".

    Looking at the announcement page (first thing that comes up when loading Save Editor), it lists OR as ECRJ and AS as ECLJ... interesting. Yes, it does list them as ECRA/ECLA in the actual Game List... but every other game listed ends in J. Since that is the indicator of Region, if I recall correctly, they may have messed up when setting it up, so it will recognize English-region instead... Could anyone check this?

    If that's the case, I'm sure it'll be fixed up soon (since their main user base is not non-Japanese importers, but Japanese users).

    Kinda makes me glad I don't get mine until another 2 weeks, so all the bugs and game updates as well as PKHeX and Cyber Editor should already be working fine by then. ^_^

    @eatscookies: What makes you think you can? This isn't X/Y, with custom outfits. The game is programmed with set designs for set situations. Even if you could edit it for something (say, wearing the Contest Outfit somehow), it would just re-check after the first screen reloading and go back to defaults. Kalos is the only place you get alternate outfits.

  14. The "regular" one is the final one that only supports X/Y. Since it got to the stage it did, it is basically totally safe to use, but only works for those two games.

    The two for ORAS are different releases which, as they say, are Beta builds, still testing (ie: you, the user, are the guinea pig) for errors, glitches, etc. So, also, use at your own risk (in the event of somehow coming across something not found), or just wait until a final version is released. (I think the first one also disables use of X/Y games, where the newest allows all four games, X/Y/OR/AS?)

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