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Posts posted by jariesuicune

  1. So, does anyone know why trying to use the codes for Event-triggering or PokeGen on Black or White cartridge games (using up-to-date AR DSi) just results in starting up with the "white screen of stoppage"? Other codes work fine (if they really work), but those for some reason aren't.

  2. All involving Japanese versions, real copy:

    Is there a fixed version of the code to have all the Normal Items out? The one I found has at least two errors: it has the Liberty Ticket in it (which can't be moved, dropped, etc) and doesn't have the Platinum Orb (for Giratina).

    Also, (i know it's a re-request) has a Re-battle Legendary/one-time-encounter Pokemon code been made? I haven't found one in this thread, or on any other site.

    One last thing: Whenever I try to use any version of the Liberty Ticket Event code on Black or White, the game won't load. I select just the one code, start the game, and it goes white and stays there. All my other codes (that work) at least load into the game. Does it only work on ROM's, or should it work on the cartridges as well?

  3. Well, I guess this is gonna be my last post on this thread. Having given up on updating my ARDS from 1.60 to 1.71 after months of trying/waiting, I have just gotten home from my 4-ish hour walk (I could have driven, but didn't want to use the gas; plus I've needed a good walk for quite a while) and gotten a brand spankin' new ARDSi. Tested the Berriesx900 code for my Japanese Black version, and it works! I didn't even have to do any update on it! >_< I am SO happy! I can finally use the Cloning code! Ironic... $20 for almost no other code than to clone. -_-; Sounds like quite the waste now... -_-; Oh well. IT WORKS! Still, I'm gonna keep the ARDS, since it still works fine otherwise.

    Cephyros, thanks for all the help and work you've given! I hope you do find the answer! Good luck! ^_^

  4. Reading through the posts since I last checked, I thought I'd try that idea, set the codes in the ARDS then remove the ARDS, insert the game and start it up. Ended up getting that "Insert Action Replay" message on the DS. ^_^; So, I guess mine can't do that to load codes for the game; it needs the AR. (I was hoping that somehow I'd be able to cause White to load that way. Oh well.)

    On another note, I've decided that I'll go get an ARDSi. However, I've been catching a number of comments of difficulties with those as well. Is there a model I should avoid getting? Or were they just people who hadn't updated yet or were using the wrong codes?

  5. Not likely. The exact same happens on both my Win XP and Win 2K systems. Also, when using the 1.25 ARManager on 7 (has to be that one to work on Vista & 7, as I understand), you have to give it some time to connect for some stupid reason (in my case, at least). I've always given up connecting it to 1.25 Manager on my XP... maybe I should try that again, for kicks.

    Yeah, I'm pretty sure it's not the cable too. I just can't think of what would make my situation any different from those that have succeeded to update. Maybe I should try a DSlite? I really can't see that making a difference though.

    What's funny, is you can get the "Protocol Error" message any time you want while transferring codes to the AR, by simply disconnecting the cable. It'll have the same effect on the ActionReplay, freezing it and requiring you to just turn it off and on again with no damage.

    So, I wonder if "Protocol Error" just means 'the connection is gone', or something like that...

  6. @Cephyros: I'm pretty sure I'd done that before, but whatever, I tried again. To be specific, I used:

    -a Windows 7 PC

    -the 1.25 ARManager

    -followed all the instructions, in order from CodeJunkies

    -had no games in either slot

    -AND did a full reset on the ARDS right beforehand.

    Result: "Protocol Error", after that stupid pause after saying "yes" to write the firmware. GAH!


    I don't get it. I have an extreme knack for the worst luck with things like this, despite the fact that I work with gaming/electronics/programs/etc for fun a lot! It's only at the times where it begins to matter that it fails.

    Or how there is a super-tiny, barely noticable difference at the weirdest times in the wierdest places in the wierdest way.

    Ok, yeah, now I'm just whining. -_-; Who wouldn't be, after 4-5 MONTHS of this!?

    Do you think I should just give up? I'm out of ideas, except one: MAYBE, somehow, it's the connecting USB cable? Maybe I'll borrow my friend's sometime soon and try...

  7. @Shenronjoe: That's how you're supposed to do it. But that doesn't help non-ARDSi problems. Yay that you got yours updated!

    @Cephyros: No, it does recognize the firmware file. I works just fine until you tell it to write to the AR, then it pauses a while followed by the useless "Protocol Error" message, leaving the AR suspended mid-action. (turn off, turn on, works fine still, but not updated)

    Hm. Maybe I will try it. If it loses USB connecting, I may as well get an ARDSi anyway, since this one won't be as useful anymore. (ARDSi DOES work on previous DS systems as well, right? I've heard it does, but I just wanna double-check; paranoid, ya know? ^_^; )

  8. I don't think I ever did use a .bin to update it to 1.60; I think it had it when I got it? At the least, I don't recall doing the process... It's been about 4-6 years since I got it. (I don't even remember how long I've had it! T_T )

    The 1.71 update is the first time (that I remember) that I've tried to update my AR. I wish I could supply a useful other .bin to compare, but 1.71 from CodeJunkies is really the only one I've got, so you've already got it. Sorry...

    Hm... whenever I try a software update, it just seems to check for the ARManager. No .bin involved to spit out...

    So, with your method, if you were to have all the codes you would ever plan to use already on the ARDS, then used your update method, it would work and have access to those codes, with new ones having to be added manually? I just want to make sure I'm getting this right.

  9. Yay! Looks like this is FINALLY getting somewhere looking like a solution! >_<

    As to the Datel comment about the update... I dunno about the Gen1 ARDS, but mine is a Gen2 ARDS (based on the pictures linked) with Firmware 1.60, so according to that I shouldn't have any trouble updating. -_- Datel is really doing badly with their "customer support" with this. Especially when you consider the info we've gotten thanks to Cephyros.

    I wonder if it'd be possible to fix the USB library issue as well...?

  10. Wait, so you're saying that to restore the AR's firmware to be able to connect to the ARManager, you'd have to have a version of the ARDS that has an SD/MicroSD card slot? I couldn't do that, mine's just the basic ARDS...

    That, and I have no idea how I'd be able to check the AR's ROM, if you mean by connecting the ARDS to the PC via it's connection cable. The PC won't notice the device outside of the ARManager, let alone make it possible to access it to check for it's ROM... Or I'm just totally misunderstanding this, which is quite likely. -_-;

    Hmm... I'm starting to have no choice but to admit that getting an ARDSi is the best way to go after all. sigh... T_T

  11. @Cephyros: O_O I haven't tested what you've said, but that's mostly just because I don't want to lose the ability to use the AR Manager (since codes are often HUGE nowadays). Mainly, I have to admit I have no idea what the "dev cart" is that you mentioned, nor how I would use it... -_-;

    Can anyone else confirm this? Or mabe even have found a way to make the change without losing the connectivity?

    This could FINALLY be the answer we've all been looking for! >_<

  12. Well, after browsing through, I've found various Cloning (In-Box) codes, Item generating codes (All variations of item categories), Liberty Ticket codes, Shiny Codes, Exp. mod codes, Wild Encounter mod codes, Re-battle Trainers, etc. Pretty much every single code I have any interest in.

    HOWEVER, I have not found any Re-battle/trigger Event/Legendary/Other-interact-to-battle-one-time Pokemon Code. NONE. This has been done with all of Gen IV games, for all of the Pokemon, even the Creation Event in HG/SS!

    Is this in the works? I would LOVE it if it were at least that far. If not, PLEASE START! This would be the GREATEST code of them all!

  13. Can't we have ANY feedback on the ARDS thing? Does anyone know what's up with this? Am I the only person left who's ARDS won't update?? (I'd believe it, with my luck...)

    It'll be closed before I ever find out the solution... T_T

    I just want to be able to clone and get the one-per-game/none-yet items in duplicate... (like the Dragon Trio's Orbs, or Lati@s' Soul Dew)


    I meant a CodeJunkies Help Thread from somewhere other than CodeJunkies, so you could access it (Heck, they don't even have one to begin with, and one from them would probably be the LEAST useful place to go, if this ARDS update thing isn't evidence enough). I dunno, maybe this site has one. I haven't looked. But it doesn't hurt to do so with stuff like that.

    One for PC problems like what you've got would be a good idea too, just sayin'.

    It doesn't matter if the firewall never gave you trouble before; that it hasn't in the past isn't much evidence. So many problems have been found to be caused by firewalls (especially the ones built in) getting in the way. If it's the case, you'd probably just have to make exceptions in it's settings.

    Of course, it could just be a lousy PC.

    Also, if you reply, PLEASE don't just quote; it takes way too much space, when anyone can just look at the previous post. Just a request.

  14. Okaay... so, no updates on getting an original ARDS to update? Cause I really want to just use the one I have, and not have to purchase a new one... (I'm not stingy, I'm just unemployed at the time being. Makes buying things for fun a lot more difficult you know...)


    I didn't intend to sound rude. Sorry. And sorry if this is unneeded and you've solved it. -_-;

    Have you tried reinstalling the program? (Totally wiping it off your PC first, of course) And just to make sure, how do you know it's not your firewall? Did you try accessing with firewall totally disabled? Cause the screen you have there sure suggests (to me) that it's something on your PC, and not of the program, most likely, causing the problem. That, or your PC just has a lousy network connection if it wireless could be possible.

    Lastly, have you looked for a Code Junkies Help thread? They'd likely have more info to go on you know.

  15. @ dsa: Look. As far as any of us know, you are the ONLY person here who is having problems accessing their site (Personally, I just now had no trouble accessing the page to look for an easy help e-mail address for you. I did find their phone number, but it's a $1-per-minute kind). You say there is some "server error"; well, what specifically does it say? You're not really telling anyone what your problem is. Don't ask for solutions when we have NO idea what your problem is. Have you tested to make sure it couldn't be your firewall or something else about your system that would be causing your problem?

    And, as I said, this is NOT a web-page-access help thread! You're not as likely to find experts to help with your problems when you ask in the wrong place, even if it is (quite) possible some people here can.

    Have you tried ANYTHING that's been suggested, such as testing from a totally different computer, or the download link earlier?

    (To those mysteriously offended by it, sorry about the 'overuse' of caps)

    Also, sorry if I seem to be trying to be a know-it-all/braggart/whatever. I'm not an Admin/etc., but when someone keeps posting so annoyingly, even I get bothered by it. If you've got a question, fine, even if it's 'off-topic'/whatever, it doesn't bug most people. JUST DON'T JUST KEEP RE-POSTING IT where it doesn't belong and actually try what is suggested!

    @ Luck: Sorry, but this is not a cheat-code compliation thread either. However, you can go here to look for codes:


    There are a compilation of codes for Black and White versions (Note that these games use different codes for each version), but you can find even more codes throughout the thread. (Over 50 pages) I wish it were better organized, but that's how it is (frustrating, I know). Good luck! ^_^

  16. Correct. If you're having trouble accessing the page from you own computer/network, that's most likely where your trouble is. You should try it from at least one other computer on a different network before you assume it's the server's end being the trouble.

    Regardless, this thread is about the problems with getting Action Replays to update, not getting web pages to load.

    Since I can't upload a file to a post, here is the link of the download of the update (As in, right-click, save link as...):


    Also, an interesting update on Datel's Update page for Firmware 1.71: They have now posted a How To video at the very top of the page, showing the update being done, from start to finish. (So, I'm trying it AGAIN. Though, the only difference I noticed was going to the Update screen on the ARDS before connecting to the AR Manager...)

    Edit: As expected - Protocol Error. ugh. sigh, this is getting very tiring. Datel keeps just reiterating the same thing, that it works as stated, despite no one else seems able to, we now have someone here that claims to have done the update successfully but no one else has posted being able to do so as well, GAH!!!

    I have to wonder, Alezandros, about how long did it take to write the firmware once you got to that step (after it asks if you want to write it)? Could it be we've just been impatient, expecting it to write in just a moment? I just don't know.

    It sure would be nice if we at least knew what the "Protocol Error" IS. Maybe then we could fix the problem. Heck, I'm starting to think that the error is that a sudden disconnection from the DS occurs at that point, making it so it doesn't send the confirmation to the ARDS... But what would cause THAT to happen? Something on the computer?

  17. No I haven't seen any of their pages "not working correctly". What do you mean by that? Simply not working correctly could easily be a browser or connection issue you know...

    There IS an update, it's been around since October 2010, and there is footage of it working. The only problem is that for some reason, the update always fails at the point where you tell the system to write it to the AR, with the cute little absolutely unhelpful error message of "Protocol Error"

    Also, people who have and ARDSi have been able to successfully update it and use codes just fine. The issue is just with the ARDS basic.

    Many people have many codes for the AR for B/W. And they work.

    ROM's aren't the topic here. Sure, they've got working ones, but this is for using codes on a PROPER copy of Black/White, hence the use of the Action Replay.

    What page "here" where???

  18. Hm... well, as I haven't yet been able to successfully update my firmware, and (assuming you're not using the AR Media Edition, which the DL page for the update says isn't compatible) I can't say I can think of anything but this one more possibility: The AR Manager you're using could (somehow?) be the wrong one... But I must say, I REALLY doubt that would be it, regardless. I just can't think of anything else. Sorry.

    -_-; Well, anyone else got any ideas? Let's set aside the possibility of a regular hardware issue, since I'm gonna stick my neck out and say I'm pretty sure Mabscotsville has had at least some experience with using their AR and using the Manager with it if they've ended up here.

  19. Make sure that you are dropping the update file into the upper region of the AR Manager's window. It won't read it as an update if you drop it over any of the code-list areas. (Funny that it doesn't say it "isn't a Code List file" in that situation... it seems that it still recognizes it as a Firmware file but won't open it or something; I dunno. Weird. -_- )

    You DID download the file from the official site, right? If so, you should have noticed the complete instructions of how to use the Firmware Update file, since the download link is at the bottom region of the page.

    Also, you are using the correct update file for your AR, right? They have a (small) comment that the update does NOT apply to all AR models. (The only one I noticed it specifically mention was the AR-Media [i think that's what it was called. It's the model that can run music and movies and such]. It also does claim that the update works for the basic AR and ARDSi as well, and while multiple people claim that the update works for ARDSi [some comments can be found in this thread], the ARDS [original basic ver.] doesn't seem to accept it [see mine or some other prior posts for details].)

    I hope this helped! (Though, all that should be in the first post anyway... -_- )

  20. You might want to post a picture of it or something so we can tell what the error actually is. Or transcribe it, that would work. Whatever you can do.

    Any update (or ideas even) on why the firmware update "protocol error" occurs at the very end of updating when applied to a regular ARDS? Strange, since it gets through the rest of it just fine, but the page you download it from clearly states that it "does" work.

    Tried multiple times using US ARDS on Region-free DS (Old model DS), over ten times, and all fail at the very end! Mystery...

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