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Posts posted by jariesuicune

  1. A .pk6 file is a single Pokemon's data file. When you load your Game's save into PKHeX, you insert any .pk6 file where you want it in your PC. Then save it, load it into your game, and done.

    Those, I hope, should each be a simple but Legal version of each Pokemon, so you can just load any you want easily and all together.

    If it's just to complete your Dex, I'm rather surprised you haven't already done so long ago. Game Freak has made it too easy to do normally now, despite the 700+ species.

    Just follow the guide.

  2. @goldensun87: No, that's not the solution. The solution is:

    1) Keep your edits Legal. Really though, that's a no-brainer. ... Duh.

    2) The thing about Nintendo doing a remote bricking is not from Nintendo in the first place, ie: not a "scare tactic". Yes, in theory, they could, but unlike other companies, they aren't run by jerks. Also, for people that don't care and just mod their system software, that can clash with a system update and result in bricking, but that they brought on themselves intentionally. IF Nintendo ever did do that (what things would have to reach to make them that enforcing...) would still be from system data modding, not game-saves.

    3) Not ever accessing the PGL would just about mean to "never go online in-game" (since the system accessing the game synch (ie: PGL) automatically). So unless you only play to be on your lonesome and never with other people online... So that would probably take out a tiny bit of your fun with these games, no?


    -Ask questions about PKHeX in the threads about PKHeX. Not here.

    -Editing Region/Hours won't ever work, because that's monitored separately. And that's totally pointless. If you want high game hours, just play the game, or just leave it on. Want different region, buy a new game/start over.

  3. If it ever does, that will be when. I doubt it will, and it really won't help you to do so. There is a purpose for the resetting function on Pokemon in their wrong forms, so don't waste time trying to bypass it. Some will reset after battles anyways. And at least one can cause near-permanent save issues if you do it. Genning is fine, but play the game right.

    If what you are wanting is simply to mod a party Pokemon to be better, then simply load it's file and save the upgraded one to your PC and withdraw it.

  4. "Link shortener" really means "a link to a forwarding site to the real desired link" Which means going through an additional site and server(s) to reach the final destination. (As convenient as it is for things like Twitter where you have minimal text space to work with, somewhere like here, it's better to put the original link in the first place.






  5. Yeah, that seems to be a tough area for this... partially unsurprisingly, I guess. So, Russian domains are no good there. As it is, I don't know any way around this (those kind of blocks aren't easy to get around, or they wouldn't be used), only that it would need to be re-hosted somewhere that would not be blocked. (An easy way to see where a site is coming from, assuming a person uses Firefox: install the add-on Flagfox. It will show a flag of the country that site is hosted in by the server location.)

  6. Really, people need to stop posting shortened links for things... the forwarding site itself could be blocked in some countries for all we know (let alone higher potential of it becoming a dead link).

    I may also help if you tell us your country. We can't try to actually help you if we don't know what we are dealing with.

    Are you sure it's the actual link target site and not maybe just the forwarding link that is blocked? Just to be sure.

  7. No, the file is fine. You just failed to inject it. You messed up somewhere. Double-check the steps AND read the FAQs.

    @Merlo: What do you mean "have OR on the SD card"? This only works with cartridge games and doesn't care about anything else. Likewise, you simply messed up the process. (There are little nuances you actually need to check about, such as cookies; this is a problem MANY keep having, because they simply don't read the whole instructions+FAQs.)

  8. ^_^ Glad it worked! Most likely you were running things just too far back. (Yep. Despite what people usually say about not updating to keep using an exploit, I've come to think that the actually good ones last through updates one way or another, so it's best to just update and not mod the software.)

    Ah, I see. Fortunately, just look at a Pokemon you got in-game, since it's OT/misc page has that info (it's saved into each Pokemon's data). Then input it here: http://tomatoland.org/dada/pkmn/sv/

    Though, it seems that's only accurate to X/Y, according to them (though I'd expect it should be the same formula for OR/AS...)

  9. ^_^; TSV doesn't really matter when you're cheating, since you can just tell it: BE SHINY and it will be. It's not like knowing it really helps much with normal breeding anyways, since you'd have to find someone else who happens to have the correct ID to do it... yeah, just make it as already Shiny.

    As to that problem, are you saying that it crashes when you simply try to open the Trainer Data in the program? Or is it at other times? It may matter to know what specifically is happening.

  10. What are you trying to do when that error message comes up? From that image, it looks like you were trying to edit your Trainer Data and tried to save a value that couldn't work and it crashed... (even if you weren't, I'd suggest not touching Trainer Data anyway. A bunch of it can't actually be changed (really, it'll re-set it in-game) and there's hardly any point in changing it, other than unlocking all costumes in X/Y. Some may cause clashes with other data, since Region data isn't an optional setting... I wouldn't want to test it)

    So long as you are using the most recent PKHeX and 9.5 3DS software, and maybe have your game updated too (Pokemon games have patches as well), then you shouldn't have any problems other than computer-side. With those, you may want to make sure you don't have something that may interfere with PKHeX and it's operations.

    Edit: Another way to put it: if you don't stay up to date, you make for MORE potential variables of things that can go wrong, since the majority of people will be testing and checking things using the newest version. Not updating in hopes of it being easier to cheat isn't really a good excuse not to update, especially if you want more useful help.

  11. @pdensco99: Correct. You modded your 3DS software, you ruined it yourself. To fix it, if you do a system format and then update properly, it may work out for you.

    @Frarowak: First, it's been long-confirmed that the latest update is compatible. It's not because of the update.

    Second, you've given us little information to work with. You say it says "Connection error"... what exactly are you doing at that point?

    What's your game/3DS Region? Are you by any chance trying to use a New 3DS (just in case you missed it, New 3DS isn't currently compatible with this)?

    Have you double-checked the whole OP post, including the FAQs?

  12. That's odd... Windows does not have the driver, nor knows where to find it, so should have failed to install it...

    I mean is there is a Project here that basically allows what Cyber does, but for all Regions:


    There are several, ranging from just inserting a single Pokemon to box 1 slot 1, to the full PC, to that one, which gives you access to the full save.

  13. You would likely have answered your questions, which have been asked and answered many times now, if you had just looked through the last several pages of comments before posting. Half the comments for help here are just constant repeats and are even addressed in the OP comment.

    First: Go to the PKHeX project thread, make sure you have the newest release, and subscribe to it. That way you will be directly notified whenever an update comes out (why people don't do that in the first place... is because they seem to expect that to be just announced somehow? But, it's not, subscribe to it.)

    Then, go double-check the OP post. Despite being sure you've done it right, you've obviously messed up somewhere to get Bad Eggs.

    As to the green-screen, there are numerous reports of it working both with and without green-screen crash.

    Be sure you DO have latest system update, and are not using a New 3DS (not yet, if ever, supported).

    The case of bad eggs is of data being loaded in the game for a Pokemon that does not correctly generate a Pokemon to the extent that is beyond just not being Legal, it is a bad file, ie: Bad Egg.

    This should not be able to occur because of PKHeX itself, especially if you stay on the newest release, since it allows only specific data to be edited, and forces certain areas to be filled with at least a default.

  14. @The_RickyAll (and any others): In the easy terms: If you have kept your 3DS up to date and have not modded your 3DS sotware (for homebrew/piracy/etc), then you're fine.

    That's why the description was basically "If you don't know what this is, then you're likely fine.", since if you modded, you should know so, and if not, you either wouldn't have obviously and/or know you hadn't done so, having not done so.

    Really, you should always update anyways, despite what all the paranoid cheaters say. There will either be something that comes along to get around it safely, or Nintendo will finally issue an ultimatum that forces you to have to update and block cheating completely. As the latter is unlikely, just update.

    To anyone: In the case of PKHeX's version, you really should subscribe to that thread. That way you will be instantly notified of any updates, since that's practically the only time a post will occur on that thread.

  15. Asking for help with making a Pokemon, Legal or not, is to be done in the threads that pertain to that. I also help mod a couple groups on Facebook that are for that as well.

    Are you making sure to use the most recent files for both the reading/injection method, as well as PKHeX?

    As long as you are using an unmodded 9.5 3DS-line console, you are fine. Only the New 3DS(XL) has a different hardware/software to cause an issue.

  16. @boblikesfood86: The New 3DS has both upgraded hardware and software. Most things use the same software, but others are designed to take advantage of the better hardware. In this case, the Web Browser, which is necessary for this exploit to work. As such, until a method is found which can work with the New Browser, only an older 3DS will work.

    You may as well update your older 3DS though. Since everything works as of 9.5, there's no point in blocking it from newer updates/features. But whatever works for you.

    @Dr4g0nite: That's rather odd... did you edit the file at all before loading it? Oh well, at least you know the system works for you!

  17. @ankaa: there's really no point, since the game will re-calculate it. If you make anything, make it Legal. The game wasn't designed for people to just make broken-mons, obviously. If you can't stand that, you'll just have to cheat back in Gen II or III where that was possible.

    (Really, it's a BABY Pokemon. It's not meant to be very competitive except against others as weak as it. What normal baby goes and punches out Cthulu?)

    @Riswan: Technically... yes. However, if you do it this way, then it's quite possible you'll mess something up and render them Illegal. You can't just "drag 'n drop" them into Gen VI and expect them to magically be correct, as they won't have the data that is added in Gen VI filled out; you'd have to do that manually for each individual Pokemon, and that data isn't only found on the tabbed pages.

    Just use Bank, the official and only "safe" way to do it.

  18. @kolu: Assuming you are asking this means you live in HK, do you have your 3DS? You could just test it yourself, since if it works it works and if it doesn't, no damage.

    @imaboy321: As the first post says, if you have to ask, then it's a safe bet you're in the clear. Basically, for you to have the wrong one would mean you had actively modified your 3DS software so you could do easily run things the system isn't meant to, most commonly for homebrew or piracy.

    This method specifically works using the correct and un-modded software of the 3DS.

  19. No, they aren't, there isn't a "VLC format". They have the VLC icon because you assigned the .bin extension to be associated with VLC. File association will not affect anything in how they work.

    It may help if you change your settings to show extensions, rather than hide them, so it's easier to identify what files really are. (For example: two totally different files could potentially have the same extension, lets just say .xyz for an example, which is associated to a program correctly for one of the files, but the other may be a file with totally different content intended for an unrelated program).

    Also, just update your system. This method works on the newest update, so there's really no point in hiding.

    Why the heck would twitter appear at all? That doesn't make sense...

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