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Posts posted by jariesuicune

  1. Or, just say no each time.

    Not that it really matters much in the long run. Eventually something is going to come along anyways, and you will have to choose between new games/apps or cheating. If it's the latter... whatever.

    Just do all the Genning you are going to need now, and update. It's not like you don't/can't have easy access to a Bank that holds a tankerload more Pokemon than anyone will ever believe you'd ever make full/any use of.

  2. That's because the latest update blocks this method. The reason is not anti-Poke-hack in particular, it's because the method allows a number of other issues in many 3DS applications, apparently including being able to avoid paying for certain things, which is the most likely reason for the patch. There is no "fix" and no way to revert. You'll just have to wait until the next method comes out, ask someone else who can do it to Gen for you and trade them over, or to import Japanese game(s) and Cyber Editor.

  3. Those files are not ever needed. You could always delete them at any time, as they don't do anything outside of when you are using the exploit.

    Also, they can't "force" you to update. You just don't get full usage of Nintendo online (such as e-shop and some game) services without updating. You also miss out on any other incidental upgrades that happen at the time.

    For example, should the Badge Arcade (tentative possible English name) get released outside of Japan, yeah, you gonna need to update, and it is FUN! I love my customized Mario-landscape home menu!

  4. Ah, got it. Thanks, person who caused this to happen... As I suspected, it's a theft issue, not Genning (Genning just got caught in the crossfire). Sure, it's not a big one to users, but it does directly affect income for Nintendo.

    Here's the likely big reason for the patch: Pokemon Shuffle. A great, fun, free game, with no real limitations and the ability to pay for extra of what you already get in-game. BUT, someone decided to go and mess with that, making it possible to completely ignore the payment stage and get game and total contents for zilch. DUH that's a no-no.

  5. You'll just have to play normally (not that it's THAT hard in Gen VI) and wait for the next method to come out. Others will have the option, so you can certainly request them to Gen for you, or just... get the Pokemon the right way.

    Ah, got it. Thanks, person who caused this to happen... As I suspected, it's a theft issue, not Genning (Genning just got caught in the crossfire). Sure, it's not a big one to users, but it does directly affect income for Nintendo.

    Here's the likely big reason for the patch: Pokemon Shuffle. A great, fun, free game, with no real limitations and the ability to pay for extra of what you already get in-game. BUT, someone decided to go and mess with that, making it possible to completely ignore the payment stage and get game and total contents for zilch. DUH that's a no-no.

  6. Not necessarily. It depends on a couple other factors, though I would certainly appreciate if they did do that.

    There are still other ways to Gen, though only one easy way I know that doesn't require piracy; in particular, Japanese-region games can continue to use Cyber Editor.

    If a person gets a New3DS or plans to do so, then they wouldn't really be impeded to leave their old 3DS on the compatible firmware.

    Ah, got it. Thanks, person who caused this to happen... As I suspected, it's a theft issue, not Genning (Genning just got caught in the crossfire). Sure, it's not a big one to users, but it does directly affect income for Nintendo.

    Here's the likely big reason for the patch: Pokemon Shuffle. A great, fun, free game, with no real limitations and the ability to pay for extra of what you already get in-game. BUT, someone decided to go and mess with that, making it possible to completely ignore the payment stage and get game and total contents for zilch. DUH that's a no-no.

  7. @pokemonmaniac: I don't know the details on that particular case, but I suspect that it's similar to with the New3DS and has a slightly different web browser and so doesn't have the same exploit available. It's not something that they can just work on and suddenly support. If the method is found, then it will show up here.

    @The Shiny Jirachi: What video thing? Do you mean the QR Code option? If so, it's basically the same as the original method for injecting a single Pokemon into Box1 Slot 1, except that it does it directly from PKHeX.

  8. Other than telling you to try again... no one can really simply help you without more info (since none of us are there to just see it). So, here's something to try to help:

    1: Are you using a New3DS? If so, it can't work, as the exploit doesn't exist in that browser.

    2: Otherwise, you messed up at some point. Double check the FAQs and try again.

    3: BE SURE you are up to date. If you aren't up to date, you increase the odds of it not working (annoying) or of it working wrong (possibly very bad).

    -This means to be up to date on: PKHeX, game update, 3DS system update.

    4: This doesn't work on modded 3DS systems.

  9. ^_^; I don't so much know a lot, as have just been a tinkerer for a long time.

    @ThatAnArchyDude: However, I import my games (and so use Cyber Editor instead), so I'm not much help on the actual specifics of using this, beyond a few things... I do believe I've seen mention that this only works for cartridge games though, not digital. (Please, if anyone knows otherwise, correct me.)

    Also, as far as Bank goes, there is no difference between using cartridge and digital (beyond having to swap the cartridge, all of a few seconds), so I'd personally suggest staying with the cartridge. (I prefer the extra safety if something happens to my console for some reason, whether age/accident/etc. and not going through trying to re-assign my account to a new system. But that's paranoid me. And I've never gotten past my preference of holding the game as well.)

    @MikeMaster3123: I'm not sure what you're asking there... you should end up with a file named rsavout.bin after the first crash (save data copy out stage)

  10. @anyone else with this problem: What little I've noticed of these problems does seem to be for people on Windows 8 or newer... If anyone can provide further info as to the possibility of that, it would be much appreciated. I just can't test it myself at all, due to my avoiding (and not affording anyways) newer operating systems.

    @deebz (and anyone else):

    This is a hard spot. Let's see... A couple more thoughts:

    -Have you tried installing the program to a different location? For no apparent reason, that may possibly fix it.

    To be certain: Whenever you've reinstalled, you make sure that you completely remove all of it's files before installing?

    -Your OS is Win8, right? If it's not a problem that can be fixed by reinstalling and there seems to be no directory issues or files missing/damaged (they shouldn't be after a fresh install), then there may have been a system update that is causing the issue...? I do doubt it, since I can't think of why that would be affected, but it could be possible for some reason.

    I have WinVista currently, so can't look into anything like that myself, sorry. (I'd still be running Win2K, if there weren't so many things that are trying to make it totally unsupported.)

    You may try looking through the system update history, and see if any updates occurred when the problems started.

    Do you have an alternate computer, a laptop maybe? Something else to try it on and compare, especially if it has the same OS and up to date.

    --A very last resort would be to fully reinstall the OS to reset absolutely everything ("when in doubt and have nothing to lose, total reset!" -Some nerds, often including me.) ... which I have to doubt you'd want to do, for various reasons. (If you do, be sure to back up everything you don't want to lose, of course.)

    I really don't recommend this except as a total last resort, and only if you won't have any problems doing so. Many people rely on how they've gotten their system set up more than they may realize... (anytime I'm on a new system/reinstall, I spend the next several hours configuring things and reinstalling stuff until I can get it vaguely comfortable again... I hate getting into a newer OS. The newer it is, the longer it takes.)

    And, thanks for the suggestion. I do hope to go someday, preferably one-way to stay if possible, but as it is... ah well. There's a lot of life to live anywhere.

  11. No, that won't work. All this does is manage to extract then inject save file data (which can be edited in the interim) while mid-play, the same limitation as when using Cyber Editor or other methods.

    Aside comment, as to your sig., due to curiosity, I had to put this:

    -Reason 1: Isshu was the first term anyone knew, so it is quite reasonable it would be the dominant. To then start using a whole other name for the same thing can sound quite awkward, and sometimes confusing to those that didn't switch.

    -Reason 2: People like me who import likely wouldn't be using the English term at all in the first place, so it wouldn't catch on in their groups.

    -Reason 3: Unova sounds stupid (to some people), though not to everyone. Of course, the opposite opinion may stand as well. That they changed it in the first place is a mystery... even if it's explained.

    -Reason 4: Japan is the core/origin of the games, regardless of world-activity. So some people will prefer that by default, if that's how they prefer. For some people, that also makes it the "overall official" status, regardless of non-Japanese use.

    No need to reply on that, at least on this thread, please, I just really felt intrigued to comment on that. Take it as you will.

  12. Ah... awkward timing for my previous reply. >_>;

    As per startup, it is currently showing this update message, dated today, the 25th (in Japan):




    In super-short: There is some server trouble, it's in progress.

    So just hold on, things should be fine soon(-ish), at least as far as this particular issue goes.

    Edit: As to your other question, sadly, no, I don't reside in Japan, nor ever been. Much as my dream would be to be there, happily married with an equally otaku wife, reading books together... -_-; Ah well.

    Dreams aside, I have done some learning of Japanese (Kanji always bites me back though), so I'm fine importing things and can make efficient use of Google Translate (it's more an issue of mixing self-translation with the autmated system, than it simply being inaccurate).

  13. As per startup, it is currently showing this update message, dated today, the 25th (in Japan):




    In super-short: There is some server trouble, it's in progress.

    So, just hold out and wait for a new message or for things to just start working (of course it could be several days, since it takes time to fix problems. May be done in the next few minutes, for all we know.). Fortunately, the newly-found Browser Method does work regardless, so if for some reason you are desperate to Gen right away, that option is still available.

  14. @megazero1x1: If you are mainly concerned with losing Pokemon, then just save all of their files to your computer, so you can easily, and in bulk, load them to any game without issue.

    Beyond that, there's really not much point in being able to restore a full save, since it's not something that takes a long time to clear the game, and you could easily edit any Pokemon to math your ID/SID so it would be yours in that game and obey at Lv. 100 without a single badge.

    Items are also no issue, since they can be edited in at the same time. All you could ever really lose (so long as you back up your Pokemon collection, and/or just keep most on the Bank) would be your actual Trainer, which is hardly a loss, beyond nostalgia, your items+money (openly editable), Pokedex (again, edit or just obtain normally, either is easy), and game progress (which is easy to do, and you shouldn't mind anyways if you enjoy playing through the game's story itself).

  15. @deebz: So your 3DSSaveBank directory is:


    Hm... where Cyber is stored shouldn't make a difference. Most (non-system) programs should run just fine from anywhere, so long as their components are kept relative to each other.

    I just tested, and it worked fine from another location.

    I do think that the error may have to do with the 3DSSaveBank though... that does seem to be the most likely problem, though why is the big question. Now, how to test that... merely moving the content folder (3DSSaveBank) shouldn't cause an issue, since it should just identify it as not-yet-written and just make a new empty folder.

    So, could something have happened to mark that folder as read/write protected?

    @Natsume: That is just you having connection issues on your end. I will confirm it's working for sure, for your comfort.

    Also, if it weren't working, you wouldn't be able to even get that far in the program. (Without the servers, you couldn't do more than backup/restore saves)

    It should also give a notification during the startup if it can't connect to the servers, since you see it accesses them right away.

    They have not had any server issues that I know of since it started. Thus far, every report on here of someone having issues connecting have always been the user-end, often confirmed working by myself or others on the board.

  16. No, don't do that. It won't help. Since you've already shown that it doesn't happen before you mod your save, that's just a waste of time.

    Don't waste time with changing things involving PGL, the Game Synch doesn't check anything that would cause the issue, if it checks anything of the sort at all. If so, I'm sure this would be a much more wide-spread problem with plenty of people working on it.

    Stick to what is happening, not speculation: for some reason, some of the Pokemon you have involved with your trades seem to become recognized as Illegal. As far as anything you've described, this is what your problem is.

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