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Posts posted by jariesuicune

  1. Nope. You are not understanding how it works. What AR did was apply a constant change, altering how the data worked while it was active. That is a thing of the past. And finding everything as Shiny was never so great in the first place, once you had done it for a day. Some Pokemon are just better non-Shiny, and they stop being interesting at all when that's all you find.

    All any GenVI cheating does is edit the save file, which has no lasting effects, other than that which it directly alters; this obviously can not affect game-play or anything that occurs while playing.

    Which, really, this is far more efficient. Just catch what you want, then mark it Shiny. Done. So long as it's of Gen VI origin and not of any restricted parameters, it would be just as Legal as if you'd caught it Shiny in the first place.

    On the point of scamming people with seeming-legit hacks... not really so likely anymore, even if you wanted to, since they have to pass a Legal Check to trade online in the first place. Sure, you may have not gotten it the proper way, which is certainly more appreciated by the far majority of players, even among cheaters, but so long as it's no different than if you had, in the end, barely anyone cares and it will have the same result as if it was proper.

  2. ... That's very not good. First, I'd suggest checking the data on that Mew. Just because they traded it doesn't mean that it's guaranteed right. I wouldn't be too surprised if there are people somehow fooling the system, no idea how though.

    Your Trainer Data won't (shouldn't?) affect trading. As soon as you are able to trade, you can trade without limit, short of things not allowed to be traded. If it works one way, something really weird is going on...

    Cripes, I've just never come across a problem like this before. About the only immediate suggestion I can give is this: Have one game be your active gaming game (no cheating, not at all), and the other be your cheat supply, using Bank to transfer from the cheating one to the gaming one.

    Things like this (and more/worse) are the risk you run by cheating. Everyone knows this, and has for the full 20 (and ongoing) years of Pokemon.

  3. Moves are harder to limit, due to the sheer amount of research and comparing required. HaX mode would allow such as putting Wonder Guard or No Guard and such. Either way, don't worry about that, since Illegal Pokemon are useless online.

    Let's see.. what actually happens when you try to trade something? You are able to get to the trading screen, showing your Pokemon collection, right? Then you offer a Pokemon and it says "this Pokemon can not be traded" or something like that?

  4. ^_^ If you don't know what it is, then no need to worry, since it can't be used accidentally (it's the mode that lets you make completely illegal Pokemon... which is basically useless if you want to use them online, since they have to pass the Legal Check. It's just for people who want to test how certain things work or just to have weird play in their own game.).

    More likely, I suspect they are right in it being because of Ram2Sav. They must be getting something wrong making them fail the Legal Check in the process.

    To be clear: You say you can start a whole new game on both games, have one of them use Ram2Sav to change a single Pokemon to be Shiny, then try to trade online between the two games but not use any modded Pokemon and it will fail to trade?

  5. Then it probably is. I've never heard of this problem, at the very least. PKHeX itself is also very unlikely to be part of the issue (Unless you were using HaX mode, in which case it may not be surprising, depending)

    Do any of the trades involve Genned Pokemon on either end?

    What mods to your game have you made? That may hold a clue. (I wouldn't touch Ram2Sav, partially because Cyber is far better (though JP-only))

    Is your game using a game save from a different game cartridge? (While this has been shown to be possible, the possible problems from doing so are currently unknown)

  6. Because modding the system makes it change to a configuration that doesn't work the same as the original system. Obviously, this is a minor reason why you are not to tamper with that in the first place (other than it being illegal and all, but everyone already knows that). The system is built a certain way, and not meant to just be modded like a lego toy and expect to work the same as the developers made it, unintended glitches included.

  7. First, that is a PKHeX-related question, so please take those questions there.

    You are most likely making mistakes. Be sure that you are using only the most recent software for everything, including your game system and game, to ensure things are working together correctly.

    If you are fully up to date, then try just making small edits first to try to localize the problem(s).

    If you are using PKHeX in HaX mode, then that could possibly be the cause as well, though I don't know why it would.

  8. ... really? Just look at their list of supported games. Cyber answers this quite obviously. If you can't read/translate enough Japanese... then don't waste your money on this in the first place. If you can, then you will easily find it on their web site.

    There is also a web-based exploit that allows you to edit your save with any region X/Y/OR/AS game, several Projects here are about that.

    Requires: non-"New3DS", SD card+reader, PKHeX

    Note: Doesn't work on modded systems, firmware needs to be up to date for best reliability.

    May not work in certain countries, supposedly, due to international internet-block.

  9. I wonder that as well, as I doubt Cyber will have Item codes for Bravely Second (will want that post-game). From what I understand, it should... But then you'd still need to know what part of the save is what, to be able to make sensible and non-damaging changes.

    There is no point in downgrading your system (if you even can), and you really should always stay up to date, so you are guaranteed on the same footing as most people who use it if you need help. If it gets patched (unlikely, I believe, as the new focus is likely to be the New3DS, which has a different browser and some other differences, as a kind of version 1.5 of the 3DS, like the DSi was to the DS), then just wait for the next open-ended exploit, you will survive (or not).

  10. @Favna: (from several posts back) By "often enough", I meant using the New3DS' network MicroSD card access. It's so you don't have to deal with removing the card from the system every time you want to change something.

    As it is, the option is found in System Settings in Data Management (or whatever it's called in the English/other languages). It's rather easy to do, since then your PC can access the card directly over your network. I then set up a shortcut on my desktop, to make all further access to it easy and fast.

  11. @Tacanacy: I'm not. I just know that as the driver isn't one officially recognized by Windows, it doesn't know where to obtain it without aid. If it installed, great, and it should work fine. If not, then obviously it won't work fine, if at all.

    For both of you... I'm afraid I can't really help much further. The only thing I can suggest is the one you appear to have already done: Completely remove the program and reinstall it from the beginning.

    Hm, there may be one other thing I'd recommend, if only for being sure of one thing. Do the full reinstall of the program, but do NOT apply the Mod version. Just test the actual original Japanese program fully up to date. If that works (including a simple code test, such as setting an item to x999), then there may be something we can work with. As it is, those errors aren't really giving much more info than "something is wrong" or "something seems to be missing", and I just can't do much with just that via text online.

  12. @yuanyecloud: where exactly do you get the communication error? Is it while you are actually in your browser, after inputting the website? Also, just to be sure (I like to have guarantees when helping), please include exactly what you are typing for the site to go to. Also please mention what country you live in. This seems to be an issue some people are having.

    @linkhawkins: New3DS is not supported, as clearly stated in the OP post. If that changes, so will the post. (The reason is that the New 3DS has a different browser, able to use the better hardware/software power of the system, and so does not share the exact same exploit, if any like it.)

  13. @moopa: Sadly, no one can estimate that, since that would be Future Sight, and we're not Psychic types. The problem is that the New3DS has a totally different browser, so it's not an exploit you could just "port over" or something.

    Yes, it may well be possible, but no one has yet found out how. If it does happen, that information will be announced.

    Until then, you just have to play legally, wait and hope, use an older 3DS, or use Japanese + Cyber Editor.

  14. That works for images. ^_^

    Hm... that does seem to be at least similar if not the same problem as the others...

    As I don't run Win8, I can't test it myself... but that may be the issue, if it's either somehow installing wrong or incomplete. Or it may not be. Maybe it's one of those annoying newer-Windows issues...

    Are you the Admin User for the computer, and running everything involved here as an Admin, including the install process?


    Please pay attention to what thread you are on. Keep PKHeX problems in the PKHeX threads, otherwise it just makes it harder to help people with problems that are on-topic.

    As to where it is, it's found under the Tools tab. If it isn't there, ask again in PKHeX' area.

  15. That may be, but there's really no point in worrying. The worst that has any likeliness would be a PokeDex check, resulting in being blocked from certain online features in-game as long as you had any illegal entries.

    So, just don't have illegal Dex entries, and then you have no risk of problems, of which there are currently no risks anyways.

    Also related, keep your Pokemon themselves Legal, since non-Legal Pokemon can not battle/trade.

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