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Posts posted by jariesuicune

  1. No, it does make sense; this method is fairly faster by being just "put in cartridge, load save, make changes and save, remove game, play game". (Using TubeHax requires the extra steps of actively extracting the save, then getting it to your PC either by loading the SD card (Old3DS) or using the Network Transfer in System Settings (New3DS), then actively inserting it back in.)

    However, if I recall correct from before the Mod Cyber Editor was made, you could manually do the same thing, just being more careful with when you moved the files (Load the save when it first copies to the PC during the hex edit screen, edit that, then just before it would load back to the server I'd replace with the edited file from PKHeX.) Not necessarily easy to do, but shouldn't be impossible, as that's what the mod does just without the free pause time.

    I haven't tried that in a very long time as I've had no reason to edit anything in over a year, having already done everything I'd want long ago.

    I do find it hard to imagine why one would have a need to use it multiple times in a short period. Just make the Pokemon files you want over time as you go, then load them all up in one batch run once a month or so.

    You can even just keep a copy of the game's save you use for storing Pokemon and update that as you go then merely load that over the present save file to save time. (I do that with my secondary game)

    Either way, like I said before, you'd best just use that "Subscribe to this thread" button at the top of this page (under "Thread Tools") and set it to send you an email notification as soon as a post is put here. That way when the next update comes, you'll know instantly.

    What I want still... is a Bravely Default/Second editors. (I want those DLC items!)

  2. As to that TubeHax post earlier, if what they were saying was they had asked about this and been told to just use TubeHax instead... then that's really not a bad method to go with, especially for people that don't have a Japanese system+game and so can't Cyber themselves (a likely majority of the users on this site?). I've tested and can at least personally confirm it works on both 3DS versions of at least Japanese/Europe/USA regions using the latest update (10.0.0).

    If you find it too inconvenient to use that method (ie: you'd complain about not being able to cheat faster), then you may consider learning how to play the game normally and just do that.

    If an update for this comes, just stay subscribed and you'll know when it happens. If not, pick your poison already and don't waste posts where they won't help.

  3. Until (if) a new modified editor is made, then only the original Japanese program will work. Either way, you have to update the original Japanese program for even an updated modified one to be usable in the first place.

    You haven't been having trouble's using the program, as numerous people seem to (including myself, sadly, still getting the server error when it tries to receive the edited file).

  4. ... That's got nothing to do with any form of "blocking" (It's not even touching the 'net at that point), but you're not recognizing a fairly common error message meaning essentially "Something botched up here. I'll try to run it, otherwise, it's not going to work until it's fixed." Which could be anything from a failure in the program (something installed wrong) to a bad setting (from any number of causes).

    The easiest fix is usually to just uninstall and reinstall the program to ensure everything is at default. Be sure to update correctly (full Japanese updated version before switching to the Modified program).

  5. Hm... I have to be curious of this myself. When I have tried using it lately, I can get into the program just fine, which requires accessing the server for updates and such, so I find it hard to believe that it's an international server block going on.

    For me, the problem isn't until it tries to check the data for the game, at which point it then gives the message about not accessing the server.

  6. I've been wanting to look into how to efficiently edit a game save via Advanced Hex Edit Mode, but... this is one of those areas I have little to no experience in.

    Is there any helpful tips or something that could get me started?

    In particular, I am wanting to edit a specific save file in Bravely Second (to get those other promotion items I can't get). Yeah, it's not a Pokemon game, but gbatemp doesn't seem interested...

  7. Nah, that's what helping people is about in the first place. I'm no expert myself, I just tinker around enough that I have a general understanding of a number of things ("jack of all trades master of maybe one...", that's pretty much me)

    The system is pretty easy to use, but if you have any questions, go ahead and ask (though most things really should be pretty self-evident).

    I do personally recommend just switching to importing and playing the Japanese console, as the Pokemon games can be played in English on Japanese systems (it's all-language for all regions) and then you have access to any Japan-exclusive games (most games, that is), and often get new releases before everyone else (such as Bravely Second, which just came out.

    Japanese really isn't too hard to learn, if you just put in the basic effort.

  8. Due to the fact that Cyber is an external device directly accessing and editing the save on the card, how are they going to patch this? It doesn't use any hard/software on the 3DS console at any time...

    Answer: they can't. They can change some parts of how the save works, but Cyber will just update to match the new method. (That has happened at least once already, though I doubt it was an anti-cheat thing in purpose). That's the power of an external cheat method.

  9. No. Game-supplied updates are not full system updates and can not work as some "workaround". Read past posts, it's been answered already.

    Please be on topic (getting your system to be able to cheat is not this topic) and post here if you have questions about the RAM2Sav process. If not, please find the correct thread or make a new one. Unless a very unlikely breakthrough of some sort occurs, any possible questions and their corresponding answers involving RAM2Sav are long answered and getting more and more buried in further questions that have either been answered or aren't even about RAM2Sav itself in the first place.

    Sigh... with that, I'm going to drop this thread too, as it's basically dead now.

    To anyone: PLEASE use the Search function at the top or just manually read posts to check for information before just posting a question here. You're not going to get 'better' or different answers to old questions by just asking again, even if you didn't know it had been asked (by not checking).

    Also, just read the OP post thoroughly. It basically tells you everything that you could find in these near-40 pages of text. If it's not there, then the answer is pretty guaranteed to be either "you're looking in the wrong place to begin with" or "NO, that doesn't work that way".

  10. You can't make yours work. You would have to be able to download the latest game patch, and that's impossible without updating. You can only update to the newest version, which patches the exploit in the first place.

    ie: your system is only good for updating to the newest update and playing games normally. It's quite useless for cheating.

    You can't downgrade. There is no way.

    Cyber will be working for a good long time. Their system is also superior to Datel's product, and they've been around how long? That's just paranoia. (Cyber's been around some time as well)

    As to making them at once, use your friend's system and get it over with. Make all your Pokemon now, use the exploit, insert them via your friend's system using the exploit, and then you will have everything you would be cheating for in the first place. Then you can update your system and play the game, though all that's left is just online battles at that point anyways.

  11. Then I believe that the problem is as I said. Just because the exploit itself works does not mean that the data you extract from it is compatible with PKHeX. PKHeX has been updated for each new patch release, and even though it's very similar, the save data is not necessarily the same between the original game version and the latest patch.

    The problem is that the save you extract is written for the base game version, whereas PKHeX creates a save written for the latest patch. There is actual data differences, regardless if it is very small, and that can easily be enough that it throws a wrench in your works.

    So, if you got an old enough version of PKHeX, I suspect it may work... maybe.

    In other words: You shot your own foot by not at least updating your 3DS up to the 9.5 standard and keeping the newest game patch before the exploit was fixed. (reformatting was definitely a bad move)

    You are going to need to use an alternative. Your own 3DS is not going to work.

    -Just play the game right like most people do.

    -Buy Japanese 3DS+game+Cyber Editor and not have to waste time with unreliable stuff like exploits or piracy.

    -Buy used 3DS consoles until you get one that works... if you can find it.

    At least, do as I said and Gen everything at once and now, so you can return your friend's system. It's your problem that you didn't keep up to date, don't impede others for your cheating needs.

    They probably want some of those nice new things (see 3DS e-shop listings, they are good, including Smash Bros. 3DS update, as well as Mewtwo DLC) that just got released, and can't. Far more worth it than cheating.

  12. You are sure you're using the latest version of PKHeX as well? That could make a difference.

    Also, the save format of the game is a bit different depending on what system update and/or patch version your game has when it was last saved. This cause a difference in what PKHeX is writing, despite nothing obvious. Unlikely, of course, but may be possible. (As you are reformatting, and obviously therefore can't get the game updates, you are using the base version) I dunno the chances really, but sometimes the smallest thing throws it off.

    Also, while this method apparently works on version 9.x (I use Cyber, so I never spend time to deal with other methods myself), it is always recommended to be using a more recent version, whereas your first case is 9.2. I would bet THAT is your problem, not some weird console issue (which it definitely isn't in the first place, since the hardware is the same between two 3DS systems. If there were a difference in yours, you would already know from other problems).

    As your second case is on a 9.5, the optimal version, naturally that works. Seeing as it works... why use the first one (and why was it an older update in the first? Always causes issues staying on older versions, believe it or not)? Just use the one that does what you're wanting; if it's a friend who lets you borrow it, just make all the Pokemon you will ever want, inject them all at once, and suddenly you are set and never have to do the method again anyways.

  13. As to the (maybe?) confusion of system update requirement: All patches require access to the e-shop, as that is where they are downloaded from, even if you use the option "download now" (it just doesn't load into the e-shop app on the system). This has always been the case and is nothing new.

    As to the seemed "timing" of the update, I can only say "whatever". Everyone knew that there may well be an update at any time that would fix anything from a game-breaking glitch to a minor thing that 99.9% of players would never notice or encounter. Doesn't matter, it's happened. Whining about it isn't going to change a thing.

    All it means is this: Have more fun in version 1.4(X/Y)/1.3(ORAS)! And learn to breed, it's not hard (they actually made it nearly too easy this time).

  14. Sigh... Seriously, how can anyone even be trying to believe this crazy "update via game" to trick things to work?

    Game updates are NOT full system updates, nor do they install data irrelevant to the game itself, they only contain a minor update that ensures that the system will be able to run that game in particular correctly. If a system is already updated past that point, then it won't even need to install that data, as it's already there (I've never tried that in particular, so it may actually do so anyways and just re-install the data).

    The reason for the in-game updates in the first place are because they may require additional software for compatibility on the system that is not there by default and hasn't yet (as of the game's release) been released via a full update.

    @any with similar opinions to a statement a few posts up: How long do you think this system has been out? 4 years. It took THAT LONG to get this decent exploit, and it was patched this fast. It's NOT something you can just say "Hey, find a way already, slackers, I need to cheat NOW!" and expect them to magically do so tonight. If you need it so bad, find it yourself and show us incompetents how easy it is when one "really tries". Otherwise, be happy with what you've got: A great game system and great games. Enjoy them, why don't you?

    Even if that's not the message you were trying to give (not that I can easily see any other intent), cool off and wait. Whining isn't going to help, ever, especially with something where it may well be that that was the LAST and only exploit that will ever occur.

    If you need to cheat so badly, it's actually really easy: import a Japanese 3DS and game(s), buy Cyber Editor, and maybe learn Japanese so you'll have gained something useful as well.

  15. Hm. Even if it seems repetitive, let's make sure of a couple basics that are very common to have wrong/issues:

    -You are using the original hardware and software from the Cyber Editor 3DS package? (ie, not trying to use Powersaves or some other hardware)

    -You have first installed the original Japanese Cyber Editor 3DS program, got it fully updated, then only after that moved the Modified Editor into the folder to use?

    -You are certain you have the drivers for the Cyber Editor hardware installed?

    -You are trying to use this with a Japanese Region cartridge?

    -What is your Operating System? (Despite statements otherwise, this works worse the newer your OS. Which really does make sense, because it's not as easy as a 10-second fix to get programs set properly for the newest things. New OS are annoying to deal with.)

    Running as Admin is always a good idea, due to Windows having annoying settings since XP...

    As long as you have an active internet connection, then nothing off of your computer will be the issue. (Though, if you have something like PeerBlock or some other program for protection that may be blocking the data flow, that could cause an issue. Make sure it's not firewalled as well, though you should have been notified if that was the case.)

  16. ... while that has been shown possible already, there is really no good reason to do so, and it can have unexpected issues from doing it. It's just not worth it at all.

    If you have access to the ability to do that, then you can just as easily (more so, actually) just bulk-save all your Pokemon to load on ANY game all at once and can always edit your items to whatever you want. Since Items and Pokemon are the only things that cheating has any real purpose for (if you are going to get the game, at least PLAY it, don't just cheat from getting your starter straight to post-E4), any other thing you could gain from trying to transfer a save is fairly pointless.

    As to all that SD-card discussion: That is even more moot. It has no bearing on this topic, since the only thing that matters with this exploit is:

    -System that can use the exploit


    -SD card to temporarily store the files involved

    The contents of the SD card are moot for this. Patches have no purpose, since if you are seriously doing this, the system should only be used for two things:



  17. There is no point in worrying about the patch. The game on the cheating 3DS doesn't care about the patch, as that system will never be going online in-game for any reason.

    Really, it's that simple. The game will load just fine, as it was when it was first released, on the non-updated system without the patch.

    The game doesn't say "Oh, no patch, won't work now!", since that's not saved to the game. And the RAM edits don't care about the game being able to go online, that's all in the browser, a separate application.

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