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Posts posted by jariesuicune

  1. Then don't waste time posting. If any method comes out, it will be announced. If not, just forget it ever happened and learn to breed like most people. Saying you hope for something to happen and enable it again serves no purpose.

    As the current design is, there will be no "change", because there can't be. The exploit method was fixed and removed. Gone. Bye bye. Not coming back ever. No hope.

    I should probably unsubscribe from the injection threads already...? no one is asking any real questions, so no one to help.

  2. @Rosalie and any others who feel insulted about "magic" replies: We use that term in reply to people who ask the SAME QUESTION that has been asked over and over and over and over and over and we are SICK of re-answering it on all the different threads that involve it. The patch happened, can't be fixed. Learn to play correctly already.

    Chances are rather good as well, that it was this very exploit, blatantly cheating to avoid paying for something that was already totally free (and any other potential similarly-minded uses) that got the patch to occur in the first place. (Notice that they haven't released a patch to the Pokemon games to spite those who don't update to force them to do so? That's because unlike others, Nintendo isn't run by jerks.)

  3. You don't seem to even understand what the updates are about. This can't simply be updated to work on the latest update (the system update completely removes the method that makes this possible in the first place. They literally removed, not merely "hid" or "changed" the access. There's no magic program that fixes this.). And, if the games themselves get an update, it will be totally pointless, as then you will HAVE to update your console to access the e-shop to download the game update to be able to play online. (Short of having a second cheat-only system or be playing Japanese versions and using Cyber Editor.)

    Edit: Ah, thanks supercarotte. Hadn't noticed you'd already answered. -_-;

  4. If you want something that will work on the new system update: NO. It can't just "update" to work. It's not some magic program that you just fix a thing and it works again. The glitch that made it possible in the first place is GONE. If there's no doorway, there is no way to enter. You can't just punch a hole in the wall because you feel like it.

    Hoping hard enough is also a waste of time.

  5. @milnejd: You don't understand how it works. PKHeX only edits a loaded save file that has been extracted from the game. It doesn't interact with your 3DS or game itself whatsoever. No update can make this work, only either using Cyber Editor (Japanese games only) or using a non-fully-updated 3DS with the Browser method.

    @ThreeG: You can use anything that does not involve the E-Shop. But, if you're getting an additional 3DS for cheating, just use it for that alone, except maybe speeding up your Streetpass games.

    Also, if any Pokemon game gets a patch update, then you will be unable to play online without updating the game, which requires the e-shop, which requires the system update. Nintendo isn't going to patch the game just to force the issue, but if it happens, that will be the case, no loopholes.

  6. Your wiki search didn't help, you already saw the answer, why ask? If it's not 9.0 or higher, it doesn't work, and if you update, you will go to the now-patched update.

    Your options:

    -Breeding properly like most people, including those who win tourneys and stuff (also is super easy in Gen VI)

    -Keep trying to buy a web-cheat-able 3DS

    -Importing Japanese game & 3DS + Cyber Editor

    -asking others to do it for you and trade them to you

  7. ^_^; With what testing with PikaEdit I did, it was accurate as far as I did. But that isn't really much of an issue, since as long as one does their homework and sticks to Gen V/VI-origin Pokemon, it's usually pretty easy to make anything legal.

    Good for you RustInPeace! If you (or anyone) need help, I can't say how useful it would really be, but I may be able to provide some help.

    And it really is nice, being able to play any Japanese-only games (so many...), or at least well before their international release (such as Bravely Second, coming out next month in Japan only, with no known release worldwide (though it's considered safe to assume it will)). It was pretty funny being able to play Pokemon games as much as a year before everyone else, before they closed the distance between the release dates for them.

  8. As it is, there is not likely to be another update to Gen VI. There are no gameplay bugs I know of that warrant it, and Nintendo/GameFreak are not jerks. They'll fix things and such as they go, but they won't punch people in the face about it. (Though they may have unexpectedly ironic timing for them... ^_^ )

    If they were going to be that way, I'm sure there would be a lot of Microsoft-style bannings on NNID accounts as well. So far... doesn't seem to be happening.

    It's a simple thing: If you update, your cheating days are done until the next method comes out, unless you want to shell out a lot of money just for cheating. (The only "easy" exception, though also expensive at the outset if you don't already do it, would be to switch to importing Japanese and also getting the Cyber Editor, as it can not really be blocked at all. Not so useful to people who have no interest in learning a new language though. Otherwise, it's a great way to start learning Japanese as well!)

    You can still breed, like most people do (which is now in Gen VI about as easy as it gets short of them throwing away the whole "Pokemon are living creatures in the game universe" and making a custom generator like they don't have in games like Borderlands and such to make it easy to play competitive with your dream weapons... no surprise, obviously.)

    Or, you can ask those who do have access to Cyber Editor/Web Method to do a few Pokemon for you. If you pre-make the file(s) (properly, so they don't have to waste time fixing them to be Legal), many people are willing to make them for you and trade them for your Magikarp/other easy extras (if they will do it for only Legends/Events/Rares/other hard-to-get Pokemon/items in exchange... they are very likely scamming you and you should consider reporting them.)

  9. I already answered that, four posts up.

    Alternatively, you can work on your Japanese and start importing games, as well as then being able to use Cyber Editor (which only works with Japanese 3DS games) with PKHeX. This comes with the obvious benefit of giving you access to all the games that have not/will not have overseas release. (I love it! Import rules.)

    Or buy a used 3DS that happens to be of the right firmware and use it exclusively for cheating. (This is probably the cheapest of these three options)

    Or throw away your money and respect for the developers and go with piracy.

  10. If you updated, then the main known way for non-Japanese systems is blocked.

    The only sure-to-work known way for non-pirated games is Cyber Editor, which is Japan-region games only.

    So, you either have to:

    -Learn to breed like the majority of players do (which is now SO easy it's somewhat embarrassing that people go to such lengths to cheat instead; they would have finished all their breeding long before the cheat method was discovered)

    -wait for a future exploit (Theoretical, but possible; but odds are that you'll have been able to breed everything into a perfect 6xIV before then.)

    -Obtain an additional 3DS that is already on a compatible firmware and never update it, using it exclusively as a cheating system (the easiest way to go, I guess, and with a used one it should really cost about the same or less than the worst option...)

    -Import Japanese console+game+Cyber Editor (which would give you access to a bunch of other games that do not/will not have overseas release; and an incentive to learn a great language)

    -Piracy (for those who simply don't care about laws, supporting the producers/company, etc, and just want to cheat and hack their way to their small gaming victory)

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