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Everything posted by Liquiddi

  1. This. Many things are good when they're fresh, however that is often destroyed by repeating.
  2. I like this. It's great to see something bright for a change. Though one thing bugs me: it's almost impossible to see any text on the Private Message bar besides the mentioned.
  3. You want to start a debate? I don't. I just happened to like the first season. After that those features started to get old on me simply because I didn't like the repeating nature of the series. End of story.
  4. I used Bibarel and Starly. Though I had a team of six so it was kinda annoying to switch someone out for a HM slave.
  5. At first they sounded a bit odd, but I got used to them.
  6. Well I was saying my own opinion. Let them be the comical relief, I just don't like it. This topic is about telling your opinion, not the absolute truth. I didn't say they all repeat, did I? I just stated that I don't like the feature. Again, my opinion. No, I just don't like Pikachu, never had. You're right. Again I simply don't like the mascot and therefor don't like seeing it everywhere. Maybe so, but it's still repeating itself. Maybe exaggerated, but most of the times it is.
  7. All from above and more: -Jessy and James are useless addition nowdays. They just lenghten episodes, they're annoying and their plans never ever succeed. I mean what's the point in the whole thing? -Always same schemes. Ash and his über byber pikachu and some sidekicks come to a new place. They meet a new situation or pokemon. Team Rocket tries to steal this new pokemon (if there is) and über pikachu and then über pikachu uses Thunderbolt and the whole universe explodes and Team Rocket flies away, again. Then they leave. -Something that has been bothering me from the beginning: pokemon cries. I don't like the thing that their cries are just repeating their name. They all should have cries like Charizard's, not repeating their own names, it just sounds stupid to me. And the worst: This is the main reason for me too. And I hate it when it's the mascot of everything. I was at a market and I happened to see some pokemon shirts, and all of them were covered in pikachu's. Seriously, in Platinum the first poketch app is a clock with a pikachu in it. The first seasons were good but then this whole series just started to repeat itself.
  8. I hate it when Gym Leaders/E4 have more than one of the same pokemon or its pre-evolutions. The Champion is just ridiculous. Electric- and Ice-moves take care of his whole team, so Weavile and Jolteon would be ideal, due to their fantastic speed. In Platinum, I really liked the Champion because she had variety on her pokemon. Same goes to the rest of the E4.
  9. It's a tough choice. I would pick Cyndaquil, but then again I definitely want Arcanine or Houndoom. I would pick Totodile, but again I definitely want Starmie or Kingdra. Chikorita seems like a good choice but he's my least favourite starter so I have absolutely no idea what I'm going to choose.
  10. I like the 3rd generation the best. Big area, good pokemon (my opinion, not yours) and huge variety on just everything.
  11. When I was younger I played Silver. And I like the mascot and box art better, so SoulSilver is is.
  12. I would like to have legit-looking Manaphy, please:
  13. I have three requests, please: All male.
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