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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. PIDIV is unnecessary for battling with friends.

    When generating PIDIVs for Gen V originating pokemon, do not use the PID Finder of PokeGen, just leave the PID field blank and the program will generate.

    Not gonna bother downloading the PKM, but if it's originating in B2/W2 it can't be a flawless breed (because it's impossible).

  2. It's just a bitfield which distributes 510 EVs to the enabled stats.

    If you have 1 enabled, that stat gets 255 (0xFF, the max) 510/1=510 (exceeds max)

    If you have 2 enabled, each stat gets 255 (0xFF, the max) 510/2=255

    If you have 3 enabled, each stat gets 170; 510/3=170

    4 -> 510/4 = 127.5 (floor it, 127)

    5 -> 510/5 = 102

    6 -> 510/6 = 85

    EV byte to binary -> 76543210

    bit 0 flagged = HP flagged

    bit 1 flagged = Atk flagged

    bit 2 flagged = Def flagged

    bit 3 flagged = Spe flagged

    bit 4 flagged = SpA flagged

    bit 5 flagged = SpD flagged

    anything greater than 0x40 has bits 7 and 6 flagged, which are unused. The game only considers bits 0-5


    For rosters, certain groups are allotted certain PKM choices.

    Pretty sure andibad has an editor for subway PKM's as the format is the same as PWT's.

  3. you don't need to use the PID finder for Gen V mons; just leave the PID field blank and PokeGen will generate a legal PID for you.

    the PIDIV method isn't necessary even for gen IV mons

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