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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. Oh, sorry about that.

    The game loads the Rival name from 0x0223B444 in White2 (EN). I made an AR code to replace the string but this location essentially stores the currently entered string.

    script command 028F brings up this "Your rival's name?" but I have no idea where it's getting Hugh from.

    Unfortunately I can't help any further :|

    edit: if that's really the solution BlackShark... that's so simple :P

  2. -- General Parameters for current game and setup (english)
    local rng=0x02216244-0x20*game		-- PRNG Seed Location
    local mtrng=0x02215374-0x20*game	-- Mersenne Twister Table Top
    local pos_m=0x0224F92C-0x20*game	-- Map Position -> XYZ

    Compare the memory locations between EN White and the game you want to translate to, and just change the offsets in the script. If you just poke around with 2 emulators open it'd be easy to see what offset is where.

  3. I have a new bug to report. For some reason moves like growl or tail whip, which usually decrease attack and defense respectively, instead increase attack and defense. The same is to be said for moves that increase your pokemon's stats. Additionally I tried using growth on my snivy and it decreased my attack and special attack instead of increasing. It's worthy to note that when I used a stat lowering move on my opponent it worked fine.


  4. Not exactly sure where it gets the seed (xfr figured it out - not me), but I know 0xCC-0xD3 should decrypt to 65 89 07 6C 65 8b 58 5d (the 64bit battle RNG mult constant)

    A slick way of getting the seed would be to XOR out the random numbers required and reverse it...

    Starts decrypting @ 0xC4.

    (disregard I said about Pokecheck displaying a decrypted copy at the bottom - it's only for admins :\)


    Raw decrypted battle video file (seed=19dfe620)

    (if that helps any)

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