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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. for starters, it won't work to give you your initial seed because the original code checked the mersenne twister table's first value (which in BW1 was the top half of the initial seed, which seeds the mersenne). In B2W2 it's advanced so you can't use that method.

    just RNG like everyone else, without codes; or use an emulator.

  2. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?26326-Pok%E9mon-Blaze-Black-2-amp-Pok%E9mon-Volt-White-2&p=161698&highlight=chasm#post161698

    Re-encounter the Unlocker Guy in Giant Chasm


    94000130 FFFB0000
    B2000024 00000000
    10036BF8 00000000
    D2000000 00000000

    Instructions: Hold select while entering the area. Works on BB2 & VW2, either version (1.0 or the newest).

    always use the [search thread] tool before asking :)

  3. have to use the special script command which gives Super Rod via scripting. afaik there's certain flags that have to be enabled before you're allowed to fish.

    I do not know what the command is off-hand; just look at the scripts in game when you normally get the Super Rod, then use that command in your own custom script.

  4. The code you posted puts it in Box1, Slot1, for B2W2.

    You have to set your Target Game to BW1 in Options; the dropdowns for the code generator do not 'work' to toggle between the two duos.

    anyway, here's your 'fixed' code (target game = bw1 & actual box5 slot5)

    94000130 FFFB0000
    B2000024 00000000
    E0004EDC 00000088
    5D36CC84 8CDA0000
    94087585 70D280DA
    CCFF96E4 C0A304F1
    1C08575F 44B7666A
    49B37BF8 CC19A76B
    574798CF AA01CF43
    E4811177 C3998988
    A1E830D1 A61ECB16
    3CCB8F5A D59DA9A0
    33E19545 F6D3550D
    88C1EA5D 5C4C94AA
    30856EAC 9DC10D4A
    104E3D15 9F5523F2
    B64758F6 4DA4665C
    34B3E183 81DE7AB5
    7DFEF2FC F01818BA
    39DD8C7F 704A6003
    D2000000 00000000

  5. So long as the 10ANNI is what appears in game, there's no problem. If you received them yourself and nothing was tampered with, you know they're legal.

    the 10ANNi is what is the problem; if you re-opened the PKMs in PokeGen and re-saved them it could be the issue (bug, currently being solved). You can always try other save editors like PKMDS to extract resave PKMs.

  6. givepkm, species, level

    all you have to do is change the species; convert their dex number to hex and you just replace them.

                    case 0x10C:
                       com.Name = "GivePokèmon";
                       com.parameters.Add(reader.ReadUInt16()); //Id Pokèmon
                       com.parameters.Add(reader.ReadUInt16()); //Item
                       com.parameters.Add(reader.ReadUInt16()); //Level

    just search the script file that's used in aspertia and it's quite obvious which one it is.

    The script narc is a/0/5/6. Andibad showed how to edit it in hex in BW1, but I'm sure it will work for BW2 as well:


    Please bear in mind that he changed the values of snivy to EC 01 (shaymin). You could try to search for values like

    "f2 01" in the narc. (Where f2 01 = 498 = Tepig)

    Not sure if it works, but I hope I helped!

    narc : a/0/5/6, file : 854, script : 7

  7. Oh right, I forgot; for forme encounters you have to use the special 0x297 command which the Haxorus uses. One of the parameters for it is 'forme', or it might be for gender restrictions (idk)

    97 02 87 02 32 00 01 00 0B 02

    97 02 - special wild encounter

    87 02 - species:keldeo

    32 00 - level 50

    01 00 - forme 1 (not 0) for resolute

    0B 02 - shiny and no 'wild' appear; the 02 is for the grass pad (can put to 0)

  8. No, it does modify the medal box. Although it is encrypted when the game is saved, during play it is not.

    There was an old code which gave you all the medals on the same date, but I didn't like that one.

    94000130 FFFB0000 
    B2000024 00000000 
    D5000000 000CE50C 
    C0000000 000000FE 
    D6000000 00025C20 
    D2000000 00000000

    It sets the 32 byte medal field to 000CE50C, which is 28 Oct 2012 in the datetime format the games use. I'd not have a code that sets the date to the same 'probably hacked' date, so I made it a little more flexible.

  9. 94000130 FFFB0000 - 9 'if' ~ 4000130 is FFFB. activator button = pressed

    B2000024 00000000 - B instruction means load value at 0x2000024 as a pointer

    C0000000 000000F6 - C instruction is a repeat type instruction, 0xF6 times (0xFF total, see post bottom)

    00025C3C 00030000 - 0 instruction means write 32bytes at pointer+0x0025C3C, with a writevalue of 0x00030000

    DC000000 00000004 - DC instruction says to increase our pointer value by 4

    D1000000 00000000 - D1 instruction says to end the repeat loop

    D2000000 00000000 - D2 instruction... end instruction/code.

    humanly readable:

    if button=select then
    for i=1,0xF6 do

    0x00030000 just happens to be the value that tells the game to "give player this medal". I skip the easy medals you get at the start to save the user time; total of 246 or so medals have to be picked up. If any of the u32's = 0x00030000, the medal guy appears to give you 'em.

    It just makes it so you get awarded them naturally (skipping the step of satisfying the criteria, which then flags it to award).

  10. >The edit saved, i checked the file after saving the rom, and the static image is edited just fine, its just the animated one.

    Not sure what you mean by that. If both edits stuck, then you should have no problem. You can always export the original palette and search it's hex to see if any other file is overriding. If you replaced the right files, you shouldn't have any issue. Check to see if the edits stayed with tinke.

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