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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. Any news on the progress of the Liberty Ticket cheat?

    You can just add the ticket as a key item, but that won't work.

    There's certain triggers (like receiving the wondercard, receiving it from the man) on top of having the ticket for it to be a successful code.

    If you start a new game with a contributed save with the Wondercard already downloaded (you can have cards on an unstarted save now) you can get the Liberty Ticket.

  2. Just wondering, do you guys think it is possible to pokeshift a pokemon in reverse. what I mean is to turn a V gen pkm file to a IV gen pkm file?

    Not without informatively editing the PKM file.

    Earlier in this thread I documented the hex changes of shifted PKMs, all you would have to do is make up hex that is legal for a PKM in gen 4.

    I've done it for 4-->3 (size is 100bytes in gen 3 compared to 136bytes). Pretty much it's just a reverse character change, location, and adding in some hex :)

    I can't recall if they were ever in ball capsules but they certainly weren't when i grabbed the PKMs.

    Was just wondering because I've never seen a 0x86 be 19

  3. Hi there!

    I've just recently started using PokeSav, and i've hit a snag :(

    I'm trying to edit my Smeargle and Abomasnow. I can edit their level and EVs just fine, but when i start to edit their IVs and Nature, everything starts going wrong.

    I put them in the hack check, and Abomasnow's Type is: Hacked or Unknown Pokemon

    While Smeargle's Type is: Never Seen This. B-A-C-E [unrestricted]

    I've have sucessfully edited a Mewtwo and Kyogre before, and I had no problems passing the hack checks. (However, these are pokemon thar were migrated from RSELGFR, so is there a different method of editing them? The abomasnow and smeargle were caught in the wild.)

    I have included copies of both their save files. I would appreciate it if you can tell me what I am doing wrong, or perhaps direct me to a step by step guide. I have read the Stickied guide, but I am still having this problem :(

    Abomasnow: [ATTACH]5693[/ATTACH]

    Smeargle: [ATTACH]5694[/ATTACH]

    There is always a PID and IV relation for generation 4 pkms, as well as wild gen 3 pkms. Just because they say Unknown GBA type (gen 3) is pretty indicative that they aren't legitimate.

    The IVPID relationship for Gen 4 pkms is Method 1. I suggest using PokeGen and it's PID finder.

  4. All three of the ones that changed to dream ball had an 86h of 19, which overwrote the 83h to 19.

    If you opened them up in a hex editor (HxD) and changed the 0x86 location to 00, you should be fine. Save the new file (new checksum doesnt matter) and then shift the new file.

    I checked data from other PKMs I have (Heal Ball, Quick Ball) and they didn't have a 86h=19. I don't know about the Ninetails either, assuming it was bred.

    Just wondering, did you ever put them in ball capsules? If you did, were they still in capsules when you grabbed the PKMs?

  5. your program works wonderfully for the most part but I've noticed it seems to set the ball to a dream ball in some cases.

    my macargo was caught in platinum with a quick ball, after being shifted it changed to dream ball.

    my mesprit kept its ultra ball value.

    my ninetails which was palparked from leaf green to platinum was caught with a pokeball and it changed to a dream ball.

    my mudkip from emerald kept it's pokeball value.

    My pachirisu was caught in a heal ball and after being shifted it switched to a dream ball.

    Is this supposed to happen?

    No it shouldn't.... if you don't mind, could you post those pkms so whatever was wrong can be figured out?

    It's probably got to deal with the HGSS Pokeball hex, which wasn't documented well enough at the time.

    It's just detecting an overflow on the 83h, going above 19 still registers it as a Dream Ball. If you change it in a hex editor you can fix em. HGSS balls I gather are not preserved and any value 20+ @ 0x83 -> 04 (Pokeball) (with no other hex change??? really have no pkms to look at)

  6. 1. aerodactyl

    2. dragonite

    3. Gengar

    4. gyarados

    5. mamoswine

    6. scizor

    they are all from my platinum game i just copied the info to black version pokesav

    Therein lies your problem. Using Black pokesav with a new version causes them to have messed up names due to Pokesav not having a character shift (pokeshifting). Check out this program to shift the PKMs first and then try them online (Not on Random WiFi battle).


  7. For gen 3 pokemon transferred to gen 4, you use Trashbytes.exe or set them manually according to the algorithms.

    Pokesav/pokegen do not set the trash bytes.

    There is no algorithm for gen 3/4 pkms shifted to gen 5.

  8. It takes care of it.

    For gen 5 (B/W), all of what we know so far has been implemented.

    The unused hex is located in the OT/Misc. The "Hidden Hex" is a name for the unused hexes, which are different from generation to generation. Since Pt/HGSS/BW have used the hidden hex from DP, it is no longer considered "Hidden" as their values are visible traits in game. Since it is now used, it corresponds to a specific trait that is settable in PokeGen.

  9. it can pass the ingame/PBR check, but it's not legal.

    If it's hatched, it shows up as Unknown GBA Type

    If it's caught, it has to be one of the method 2/3. Thus it has to be one of these:

    Gen 3 IVPID Types

    * Wild NDS or GBA

    Stationary Legends/Kecleon etc

    * Uncommon GBA

    This type is seen uncommonly by wild encountered Pokémon in GBA games.

    * Rare GBA

    This type is seen rarely by wild encountered Pokémon in GBA games.

    * Very Rare GBA

    This type is seen in less than 1% of wild encountered Pokémon in GBA games.

    * Ultra Rare GBA

    This type is seen in less than 0.01% of wild encountered Pokémon in GBA games.

  10. 83h: Poké Ball

    00- Poké Ball (Default)

    01 - Master Ball

    02 - Ultra Ball

    03 - Great Ball

    04 - Poké Ball

    05 - Safari Ball

    06 - Net Ball

    07 - Dive Ball

    08 - Nest Ball

    09 - Repeat Ball

    0A - Timer Ball

    0B - Luxury Ball

    0C - Premier Ball

    0D - Dusk Ball

    0E - Heal Ball

    0F - Quick Ball

    10 - Cherish Ball

    11 - Fast Ball

    12 - Level Ball

    13 - Lure Ball

    14 - Heavy Ball

    15 - Love Ball

    16 - Friend Ball

    17 - Moon Ball

    18 - Comp Ball

    19 - Dream Ball

    Note: Optional Changes may be required. More testing some time this week.


  11. What happened to HG/SS/PD/P in the beta? (if it is gone can you add the last beta that supports them)

    I have a US game and pokewalker and it said my pikachu is German (3.0b8)


    Options>target game>gold/silver

    download the new beta version, it's 3.0b12. problem fixed awhile ago.

  12. Some (I believe) bugs regarding 3.0b12:

    -When importing a .pkm file from a 4th Generation game, the nature is reset to Hardy, the character map is also broken (it was reported in a previous bug);


    -Sometimes, when I set a 5th generation pokemon that was set to be hatched from an egg, and then if I reload its data, it's broken (the game displays the correct info though);


    Some feature requests for the future:

    -When the user clicks OK to set the found PID from the PID finder, the IVs, nature and such should be set automatically in the remaining editing screens (it's not at this moment);

    -There should be an option to set Either "Ability 1" or "Ability 2" in one of the editing screens (Unless the program does it automatically for you, I don't know if it does, except in the PID finder)

    -The "TAB" key in the Stat section Should make the cursor cycle through the IVs first, then through the EVs and then through the stats (at the moment, it cycles through IVs then EVs then stats for the same stat category);

    -In the OT/Misc, there should be a button that would insert the ID, SID and OT from the save file into the boxes;

    -(I know this one is asking a lot) Translate the items and locations from Romaji for better ease of use.

    That is all I can report. Thanks for taking your time to develop this amazing utility.

    Options -> Target Game -> Not black and white. Currently the new character set is unsupported. When a pokemon is shifted it's new 41h(nature) gets set. 5th gen pkms=/=4th gen pkms

    Certain characters in the Pokemon's name have trouble loading ^

    Highlight the PID (click it) before pressing OK. When you do that, the correct ability is selected).

    see above

    meh, IVs get set when you choose the PID from PID finder. nonrelated IVPIDs are manual as always

    Don't always have a save loaded, currently the new character set is unsupported (you have to directly copy the OT/nick hex of another pokemon for the time being

    translation takes time, and usually things don't have official english names (translate/change again when real one is known)

  13. Looks like a Method 1 PID with different IVs.

    23/20/19/19/22/20 Adamant, but it's an egg PID (pretty safe)


    Level 50 no exp/EVs

    255 happiness

    Blatantly obvious ID/SID hack combo. I don't even think that's a possible combo ;) [not attainable with normal ID/SID generation]

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