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Everything posted by Kaphotics

  1. pk3DS saves a backup of files when it first loads that type of game; control click the Game Loaded: label and restore the backup. There is no version-backup feature; that sort of data storage would add up quickly.
  2. That's already been discussed on this forum; it's a temporary model swap / text tweak -- the cries aren't changed. Starters were NOT changed.
  3. Nobody has figured out how to randomize the starters or edit script related data at this time; it needs to be researched by the community before it can be added to pk3DS. ExeFS editing requires an exefs.bin to be unpacked and set up properly (ie, ".code.bin", not "code.bin"). The Pickup Editor edits the Items obtainable via a Pokémon's Pickup Ability, arranged in a table. Few updates to the source: Added Personal Randomizer options, X/Y bugfixes Added In-game badge specific mart editing (previously was just the special marts), also added X/Y mart editing. Also changed the way the program finds exefs data locations instead of using static offsets; have yet to test if it works for any 1.1/1.2/1.3 patch exefs.
  4. You probably need to terminate the color line. [VAR COLOR(0001)]OR[VAR COLOR(0000)]/[VAR COLOR(0002)]AS[VAR COLOR(0000)]
  5. It's a webkit exploit in the 3DS browser which was patched. https://github.com/yifanlu/Spider3DSTools
  6. Debugging purposes. Never took 'em out.
  7. SD cards do not store the current firmware; only way to dump/restore is via nand backups.
  8. Your 3DS firmware version is 9.5.0-23 or greater, or you did not clear your cookies/whatnot.
  9. Back in the NDS era, example color codes: - \xf000\xff00\x0001\x0000 - Black - \xf000\xff00\x0001\x0001 - Red - \xf000\xff00\x0001\x0002 - Blue - \xf000\xff00\x0001\x0003 - Yellow - \xf000\xff00\x0001\x0004 - Green [VAR COLOR(0000)] -- change the following text's color to an argument color (num in hex) Example: Nature: [VAR COLOR(0002)]Hardy[VAR COLOR(0000)] Try it out. [VAR COLOR(0000)]Black (00)\r\n[VAR COLOR(0001)]Red (01)\r\n[VAR COLOR(0002)]Blue (02)\r\n[VAR COLOR(0003)]Yellow (03)\r\n[VAR COLOR(0004)]Green (04)\r\n[VAR COLOR(0000)]
  10. Fixed, along with a few other errors (now supports showdown and genders)
  11. Control Click the Species label (left of the Species ComboBox)
  12. Not with what you specified. Specifically: Pokéball Captured: Cherish Ball Moves: Frenzy Plant Leaf Blade Sleep Powder & Leaf Storm
  13. Repack the ROM properly by following the tutorials on the internet.As a reminder (in the OP): Please do not ask how to repack ROMs as that is unrelated to the functionality of this program. I'd prefer to keep this thread related to my tool, not for troubleshooting something entirely separate. New Commits: RSTE: Improved Species Randomization & Bugfix - Can now choose which generations/legends appear in the Trainer Randomizer, and fixed the Ability mismatch for certain species. Bugfix: Return a non-empty list regardless of check states - Random Species list with no Generations selected will default to all species.
  14. Wild Randomizer works, you just cannot have any patches installed (1.1, 1.2, 1.3) as those patches can contain data that overwrites your edits.
  15. Does not work with ram2sav, constantly updated data like played time is always overwritten by the running game.
  16. as has been asked and answered multiple times on previous pages, no
  17. Because you need the folders to be properly set up. OP: Simply feed it a folder (drag/drop or by Open Dir) which only contains the game romfs & exefs extracted content folders. I already mentioned that code.bin needs to be called .code.bin
  18. .code.bin anyway, you should be dragging in the Pokemon Y folder, not any of its subfolders. The program should recognize which game it is. I was looking for any error messages regarding the crash.
  19. you'd have to use ram2sav; if you've patched you're out of luck.
  20. You're likely doing something wrong; the lack of any error report strings doesn't help.
  21. Implemented. Can select which generations, if legends / event legends are present. Smart BST now only takes species from the approved species list. Works for both smart BST, DexNav (ORAS), and 721--- randomization.
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