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About lucariowned535

  • Birthday 05/03/1993
  1. yeah ive had the same problem normally i just edit my party instead but i didnt know that you could edit 15 so cool
  2. ok thanks ill get me a kecleon
  3. well i personally think maybe gyarados might be a better idea than kingdra but thats just me to figure out your teams weaknesses ask your friends to fight you with certain types of pokemon and see what loopholes they find or simply have them use your team and try to find the loopholes yourself and secondly this is a dumb questoin but how do you know which type your hidden power is going to be?
  4. hey can i get one dark blue and red with lucario using aura sphere and zangoose? ---------- Post added at 09:33 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:33 PM ----------
  5. can i get a cool lucario one with lucariowned535?
  6. howdy i would like to have a competition of sorts. i would like everybody to post which pokemon they think is the best, and explain why they think so you can also list a move set that you think would best fit this pokemon you can also vote for someone else's post (not pokemon, but post if you like their pokemon but you think it should have a different move set than say so) when there are a large number of posts ill tally the votes and make an AR codelist for them with pokesav and post it on here so everyone can have access to it. if the code list doesnt work please inform me Rules: 1.once you post something, your post is open to opinions, so dont get offended if people think your idea is ridiculous 2. you may voice your opinion openly but realize that you may hurt someone im not gonna be your mom and punish you but please take other peoples feelings into consideration before you call them a ****ing dumb*** why the hell would you think magikarp is the best? 3. you may only make choose one pokemon with one move set and you may not vote for yourself (seeing as posting is voting for yourself) however you may also vote one for someone else's choice 4. besides posting your choice, you may only vote one time any questions email me at lucariowned535
  7. ill go -in my opinion has a good strategy on how to train pokemon -has many strong pokemon -ash says hes training style iscruel but he does the same thing
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