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Everything posted by Bond697

  1. ok, new stuff is up. hp ground manaphy, TRU darkrai, and a shiny mesprit next week.
  2. hypergts definitely allows them to be transferred. how else would i give them out? it doesn;t worjk the same as the normal GTS when transferring out. if that was true and it did function the same way, i wouldn't have been able to distribute shiny manaphy, shiny jirachi, shiny celebi, or shiny arceus. and yes, a flash card and pokegen. you have a PM, moonrays. e: again, no pkms for the christmas giveaway. there's already at least one jirachi in the normal PKMs.rar, anyway.
  3. i think i've said it on like 4 other sites, but not here: don't trade the togepi or shellders you got from the giveaway. there was a problem with pokegen 3.0b15, and it looks like the met location is wrong. i'll say something when i have good ones circulated back in. i only used 3.0 for that one day, so the problem doesn't affect anything else.
  4. timid or modest? i have a plat TID/SID already rng-ed that can do flawless, shiny modest and timid. so pick one. e: and just for the record, the only reason i'm doing this is that mesprit is high on my list to be rng-ed. i don't take requests.
  5. a hack of what? a GBA game, a DS game, an NES game, what? i'd use VBA for GBA hacks and desmume for DS hacks. VBA is still in development as VBA-M. there are SVN copies floating around out there, just search for VBA-M.
  6. yes, the giveaway will end on wednesday. i think at one point i said wed jan 8, but i'm not sure where i got that date from. it's 1/5. server 2 is back to the regular giveaway. people are still downloading from server 1. once they're done that will go back also.
  7. as soon as the servers hit some down time(i.e. people are done downloading this stuff) we're going back to the regular giveaway.
  8. the nds adaptor+ rocks, i've had mine for awhile and i really like it. rudolph's tools are free, but the adaptor is really nice and convenient and works beautifully with most any ds or dsi game.
  9. happy new year everybody! english gamestop celebi and the legendary trio are up! They will be up for 24 hours, so tomorrow night at midnight. All 25 Celebi and the dogs are up on both servers to balance the load. e: and the pkms are all up in the second post!
  10. alpha knows what the issue is, i think. i'll ask him next time i see him on IRC. glad to see people are using that thing.
  11. mespritm is still on my list to be done and i've never touched a birthday charmander. ask arhacker.
  12. i suck at copy-pasting. that celebi was calm, not modest. i still have a save state, though, so i'll have a new one up in a bit. e: ok, finally got a modest one. Celebi_GAMESTP_Modest_Perfect.pkm
  13. ok, so i'll say all of new year's day then. from a little while after the ball drops until 12am the next morning will be nothing but english celebi and shiny dogs. there will be pkms for all of them, too.
  14. no one is posting roms. not sure what else you mean, as the wondercards are right there.
  15. the servers just went down temporarily because i was adding in the shiny legendary dogs from the english giveaway that will be starting on 1/3/2011. they all have perfect IVs and the same natures as the japanese counterparts. i will be adding in a full set(25 natures) of the english celebi tomorrow. i need to pull all 25 out of their saves. also, we have a concrete end date for the giveaway: wednesday jan 8, 2011. e2: so i was thinking, since there's so long to go, should i switch the servers over to just the shiny english dogs and celebi for like 12 or 24 hours? just so everyone can get them immediately? e3: also, there's a problem with any shellders or togepis that anyone has downloaded. don't trade them. pokegen b15 broke one of the flags and i screwed something else up fixing it.
  16. AVG sucks pretty hard, microsoft security essentials is great and so is avast.
  17. here are pkms of the trio. all 3 RNG-ed with perfect IVs: e: switched from my private hosting to the forum. celebi will be up in a little bit. e2: and celebi's up. dogs.zip Celebi_GAMESTP_Modest_Perfect.pkm
  18. it doesn't work in pokegen. similar junk is written throughout the file.
  19. there's a shiny timid ray and an adamant ray, no snorunt. e: second server should be back up.
  20. you literally could not have said less to describe your problem. what version were you running? what version now? in what way does it not work? if you have at least a semi-new PC you're probably better off with desmume, anyway. no$ is nice for older/slower stuff and debugging. it's too bad martin pretty much disappeared.
  21. server 1 is back on. love you comcast! also, the manaphy egg will only be shiny for me or someone else who has a TID/SID that can make that PID shiny. it will look shiny when it hatches because the egg has my TID/SID, but once the info changes to the downloader it won't be shiny any more. e: which 2 do you need?
  22. i specifically set it to only allow one instance of a given user at a time. yet here i am logged in as the admin with a disconnected session also for the admin. god damn it. be up in 5 minutes.
  23. who's connecting to one server with 2 DSes? that's awesome. e: and you've now stepped it up to 3 DSes. amazing.
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