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Everything posted by Bond697

  1. there's an ar code that lets you change nature by mpressing L/R, so you should be good there. also there should be an iv code like that in the gbatemop database already.
  2. why did you post stuff that was generated with pokegen? it's available here. i know they're from pokegen, i recognize the hook.
  3. Bond697

    Source Code?

    i'm not sure anyone should look at that. reporter is open source, though: http://rngreporter.codeplex.com/SourceControl/list/changesets
  4. isn't there a max ivs code for bw already? if not i can make one quickly.
  5. 1. keep in mind, these random number generators are circular. you can get to any spot in the line from any other spot just by advancing enough. seed = seed * 0x5d588b656c078965 + 0x269EC3 (or any other lcrng) will loop after completing 2^64 advancements. 2. the concept of a "frame" isn't real. it's something used in reporter to count the number of advancements. frames = number of advancements, that's it. kazo's way of doing it is really the best. the only game that had an advancement counter was emerald. i wouldn't expect it to happen again. 3. whoever said you couldn't dick around with the seeds in the mersenne twister seed array was wrong. the seeds sitting in ram in the array aren't finalized. upon retrieval they are tempered like so: RAM_ARM9:0203F1C4 getNextValue__: @ CODE XREF: mersenneTwisterHandler__+14j RAM_ARM9:0203F1C4 00 C0 94 E5 LDR R12, [R4] @ load the address of the top of the table into r12 RAM_ARM9:0203F1C8 3C 00 9F E5 LDR R0, =0x9D2C5680 @ tempering mask A RAM_ARM9:0203F1CC C0 39 9C E5 LDR R3, [R12,#0x9C0] @ load the current word-aligned table pointer value into r3(we already know it's below 0x270, so still insde the current table) RAM_ARM9:0203F1D0 38 10 9F E5 LDR R1, =0xEFC60000 @ tempering mask B RAM_ARM9:0203F1D4 01 20 83 E2 ADD R2, R3, #1 @ counter++ RAM_ARM9:0203F1D8 C0 29 8C E5 STR R2, [R12,#0x9C0] @ now that 1 is added to the counter, the current position in our table is updated. store the new value away for safe keeping. RAM_ARM9:0203F1DC 00 20 94 E5 LDR R2, [R4] @ load the address of the top of the table into r2 RAM_ARM9:0203F1E0 03 21 92 E7 LDR R2, [R2,R3,LSL#2] @ load into r2 the value of the top of the table + the table counter *4(word-aligned, so ((value*4) +top of table) gives you the current table position) RAM_ARM9:0203F1E4 A2 25 22 E0 EOR R2, R2, R2,LSR#11 @ r2 = r2 ^ (r2 >> 11) RAM_ARM9:0203F1E8 82 03 00 E0 AND R0, R0, R2,LSL#7 @ r0(currently 0x9D2C5680) = (r2 << 7) & 0x9D2C5680 RAM_ARM9:0203F1EC 00 20 22 E0 EOR R2, R2, R0 @ r2 = ((r2 << 7) & 0x9D2C5680) ^ r2 RAM_ARM9:0203F1F0 82 07 01 E0 AND R0, R1, R2,LSL#15 @ r0 = (r2 <<15) & 0xEFC60000 - eliminates the bottom half of the number RAM_ARM9:0203F1F4 00 00 22 E0 EOR R0, R2, R0 @ r0 = r2 ^ r0 RAM_ARM9:0203F1F8 20 09 20 E0 EOR R0, R0, R0,LSR#18 @ r0 = r0 ^ (r0 >> 18) RAM_ARM9:0203F1FC 10 80 BD E8 LDMFD SP!, {R4,PC} RAM_ARM9:0203F1FC @ End of function mersenneTwisterHandler__ RAM_ARM9:0203F1FC so all you would need to do to get what you want is figure out what the seeds look like after tempering and change what you need wherever. easy. 4. one entire "pidrng frame advancement" is one run of seed = seed * 0x5d588b656c078965 + 0x269EC3. that's it. it's not half the seed or anything else. take the (big endian) number at 2216244 and feed the next 16 digits into that formula and you have 1 "frame" advancement. 5. no, those numbers with the chatot pitches don't exist in ram. od made those up to make figuring out the pitch easier. it's... ((seed >> 32) * 0x64) >> 32 and having that makes doing chatot pitches more manageable. and finally: when the devs need a random number, they use this: static inline u32 Rand32(RandContext *context, u32 event) the "context" thing is a way of naming and sorting the many random number generators they use in bw. when the rng is intialized it's given a context "name" sort of thing and each call afterward is referred to using that "name". it's really a pretty clever way to do it using cheap, easy to manage rngs. they're not great for generating random numbers, but they get the job done. so they would do: (let's say i wanted a random number between 0 and 99) Rand32(&mainRnd, 100) and the game would do: seed(this is the value at 2216244) = seed * 0x5d588b656c078965 + 0x269EC3 return ((seed >> 32) * 100) >> 32 which would give a value between 0 and 99(between 0 and event-1) and also, there's a lot of info here: http://projectpokemon.org/wiki/Notable_Breakpoints
  6. can you post the source file for this? i'm curious. or maybe the whole programmer's notepad project if you're feeling ambitious.
  7. this went from hilarious to creepy way too fast. also: irony.
  8. thought this might be worth preserving as well: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?20758-Seriously!-(moved)&p=141175 they're all funny, really.
  9. strikes me that this is actually possible. everything is loaded from rom into ram, so you would need to figure out where the right data is loaded(and you could probably only make a code for a single poke at once), figure out if anything else is loaded into the same place and make the code conditional if so(or just make it conditional by default anyway), figure out how it's read, input the right data to be written once the condition is met, etc.
  10. this is straight up a lie. go back to neoseeker with your event collector buddies and don't come back. you're not wanted here. i'm sick of reading this shit.
  11. last time i tried to order one, the order was rejetced 3 or 4 weeks after the purchase and i was refunded. you may not be able to get one anyway.
  12. this isn't hard to do and no, it is never happening. it would work everywhere. e:anyone who posts one gets deleted and banned. don't.
  13. there are 2^64 possible seeds. you'll be waiting for weeks or months to get where you need to. you need to find your parameters, but not on an r4. you can find them, but they vary by a lot and really won;t be usable. you either need to use a regular cart or grab one with less variable parameters- supercard, acekard, etc. or if you have an ards that would work too. and no, you're using the codes wrong. they work fine. you need to go to the trainer card and then trigger them then flip the card over.
  14. those ar codes are assembly codes. the first one is 2 instructions: e1b0108b and e0802001. the first is movs r1, r11, lsl #0x1. multiply r11 by 2 and move it to r1 then set the status flags(in case of 0, i think). r11 must be the experience value from the current fight there. then it's doing add r2, r0, r1. so it must be adding that doubled exp to the total experience then using/returning that. the us one is editing portions of 2 instructions, not 2 full instructions. the other halves of each must be fine on their own. so it's still 2 instructions either way.
  15. you could probably get away with trimming away any sets of FF or 00 at the end of the rom. that's really about it, though. you won;t be able to do much.
  16. so.. why do you use a for-loop go through the entire pkm file when you can likely just seek straight away to the necessary bytes? and maybe a few switch statements instead of the strings of ifs.
  17. you're beyond "over your head". the "minor" mechanics changes you want to make are at the very least going to require a good amount of assembly. start learning, no one is doing this stuff for you.
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