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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. 1. Did you edit map coordinates 2. Does the edited save load in PKHeX 3. Show my a screenshot of the inside folder on JKSM/Checkpoint that contains the save.
  2. you're not answering my question.
  3. Or just join a Discord that has sysbot. You can then make a mon (as pk8) and have the sysbot trade it to you, without needing to have CFW on your device. It’s real easy to learn too.
  4. https://projectpokemon.org/tutorials/save-editing/using-pkhex/how-to-use-the-batch-editor-in-pkhex-r77/
  5. Did you install their latest versions? Maybe that's that's the difference. Also, I'm presently running the homebrew version of JKSM, and it showed up. I recall the VC games showing up for the CIA install versions too, so it's definitely not that.
  6. Okay, whenever you install a new game, you need to hit something similar to Reload titles/Refresh Games (on JKSM for example). Reloading/Refreshing allows it to appear in the app. :3 (heck, that part is in our tutorials) I've gotten e-shop VC games, I've loaded the sav from VC on PKHeX many times, and I know for sure they show up and work. The only other possibility (I can think of), is that you're using some pirated fake VC injected game (for example, someone injected a Pokémon game into another VC game or something). I've heard of injected VC games not necessarily being supported properly or detected properly, something to that effect. Which in that case, your lucks run dry. Our site doesn't support piracy. Buy the VC copy of the game and download it from the e-shop. (If you did buy the game and your copy is downloaded from your account in the e-shop, then sorry, just being presumptuous :3 ) In any case, PKHeX is working as intended. PKHeX only works on console decrypted saves. You're trying to open your console encrypted file, which is of course why it wouldn't work. Save manager performs console decryption of the save for you. If you still can't get it to work, you should raise an issue at the save manager's github. There's a certain limit we can do in regards troubleshooting save manager issues. If no matter what you do, the game doesn't show up in those apps, then at that point that is beyond our scope. Their github issue page will likely be a more appropriate place to offer you help
  7. that's the problem. Use JKSV or Checkpoint to export the sav. Unless you're using a fake version of VC Crystal, it should be export the save just fine.
  8. One of the fun things, would be to infinitely host shiny raids. However once the Switch's date rollover naturally, the frame also naturally advances. How to keep the frame indefinitely One thing that can occur, is that your friends want to catch all shiny species in a particular den. As such, you will roll for a species then host. However, some species aren't guaranteed to be caught, and need multiple rehosts. In the spoiler below, is a method that does not require you to reroll, and avoids you closing the game to reroll. While your friends are in a previous raid for it, keep the species in the den (without rolling) Tho if you did close the game, this is an alternative method that works if you shared the raid online. Temporarily return to save with species in den (even though you did not save at it)
  9. In order to roll species, you gotta be at least 3 frames before the shiny frame. While the way the frame ascends is static, the species aren't static for frames > 3. Is you saved on your shiny frame itself, you can't roll for the species. It's the reason why I save 3 frames before my shiny frame. This way, I have a guaranteed shiny frame (in 3) and able to roll for species. I mentioned it here: https://projectpokemon.org/tutorials/gameplay_150/max-raid-rng-manip/advancing-your-frames-r101/ (for purposes of advancing 3 days, I use the Invite Method)
  10. The name came literally from the data. As such, if the spacing isn't there, it is because the data for the wonder card they hosted didn't have the space. Take that as it is. edit: Just realized you were replying to the noobs question. The name is as I shared. and also there's no spacing.
  11. Drag the wonder card into the left side of PKHeX with a gen 8 save open. Then export as pk
  12. I remember the exact name used by Batch editor, but I think it is =OT_Name=Kevin .OT_Name=KeVin
  13. Honestly, I feel this version is messier, but what's gotta be done, gotta be done :3
  14. They're the same format. It's just the layout changes depending if it's Random 3x 31 IVs or Set IVs. (I mean, how else will I describe Random three 31 IVs. Have the 31 jump around? Based on the first post, we already know the user can't see GIFs)
  15. You're using the local wireless of the Switch tho?
  16. I don't think Pokemon Channel saves could be open in PKHeX to begin with?
  17. Here are two examples that I'll implement going forward: Wonder Card ID #0108: Jungle's Celebi Species Celebi TID 200807 Distribution Location a 2020 Pokémon movie Dates ______ PID Shiny PID Games SWSH Nature Quirky Ability Natural Cure (1) Item Lucky Egg IVs EVs HP RND, 3x 31 IVs ALL 0 ATK DEF S.ATK S.DEF SPE Lv. 60 Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Magical Leaf Future Sight Life Dew Heal Bell Wishing Ribbon Lang Slot OT Name Nickname Preset Lang JPN オコヤのもり (default name) ENG Jungle (default name) FRE Jungle (default name) ITA Giungla (default name) GER Dschungel (default name) SPA Selva (default name) KOR 정글 (default name) CHS 丛林 (default name) CHT 叢林 (default name) Multiples Redemptions Allowed Format Ver.2.0.0-10, Post Updated Date:20200808_0952 Wonder Card ID #1008: 백종윤's Amoonguss Species Amoonguss TID 200809 Distribution Location a Battle Competition Dates ______ PID Shiny PID Games SWSH Nature Sassy Ability Regenerator (HA) Item Focus Sash IVs EVs HP 31 236 ATK 0 0 DEF 31 116 S.ATK 31 0 S.DEF 31 156 SPE 0 0 Lv. 50 Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Clear Smog Spore Protect Rage Powder Event Ribbon Lang Slot OT Name Nickname Preset Lang KOR 백종윤 뽀록나 KOR 백종윤 뽀록나 KOR 백종윤 뽀록나 KOR 백종윤 뽀록나 KOR 백종윤 뽀록나 KOR 백종윤 뽀록나 KOR 백종윤 뽀록나 KOR 백종윤 뽀록나 KOR 백종윤 뽀록나 Only One Redemption Allowed Format Ver.2.0.0-10, Post Updated Date:20200808_0952
  18. Firstly, @AliceTheAlice, to tag someone, it's not as simple as linking them; you type "@" in the reply and the name usually pops up and follows. (for example, when I type that, it autocompletes and tags you :3) Next, I've not gotten feedback on how it doesn't show on tablets, this is the first I'm hearing of it. It's load up fine on my iPad, iPhone, and Windows laptop. What tablet and what browser are you using (edit: while I changed the IVs/EVs display, this is still relevant because of the moving animations) Where would you suggest it appear on the format? It takes me time to align them to appear, so if it's somewhere in the box, and it looks decent, I can try it. Oh, while we're at it, suggest EVs data location too. Probably depends on who prefers it over the other. For me, item info is more useful than IVs. Even shyt IVs can be hyper trained. If the held item is something previously unobtainable, or something not easily obtainable, it's important to know. (And EVs at the lowest priority. EVs can be retrained etc) I agree that IVs info is useful to some (even though the use cannot be seen by me), so the whole thing is very simple for me: If it can fit into the design, I can try to get it to work. edit: If the IVs are static for you, I assume the animated sprites used is static too? They are both just GIFs, so it's nothing special.
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