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theSLAYER last won the day on March 26

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About theSLAYER

  • Birthday 10/06/1990

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  1. I’m unsure if stationary encounters like Calyrex have their height/weight fixed. I’m unsure about wonder cards Based on absolutely nothing, I think you can try to catch/redeem in-game a few and see if it’s fixed. If not, it’s likely random via triangular distribution
  2. 1. Depends on context, if caught wild or via raids on the Switch, then likely true. Do note that putting a Mon through HOME can mess with values like scale or height, but depending on context you’ll be able to see the relation 2. For example, for clones transferred into HOME from Bank, they get set height/weight (and height’s value gets duplicated into scale) via randomness that has a triangular distribution. So in this instance yes, height and weight can have combination (scale would be a duplicate of height). But keep in mind how likely it would be.
  3. Yeah maybe not. Sorry to hear that. There’s any kinds of repro carts and AFAIK this method doesn’t work for all of them. One last thing you could try, is to see if you can “dump the save normally” using regular (not bootleg) save dumping options. For all we know, there is some save partition. I know an old repro I got saves the save separately; the downside was the battery died quick and the save got wiped. (I assume they don’t fake carts like that anymore but who knows) or, maybe you’re not dumping enough of the ROM, and the save is nested somewhere further in (and the original save you dumped from it is a backup placed closer to the start) If you do another regular ROM backup, does it have the 4 saves (make sure this new backup is separate and name it different from the existing ROM backups)
  4. Yeah the range is from the file name of the saves you’ve extracted. You should have been able to completely wipe the save data. Try getting a fresh backup and use my bootleg tool to dump to see if you get anything. i wonder if your cart backs up the data elsewhere, or if you didn’t manage to restore it somehow. Also I won’t recommend getting another bootleg cart.
  5. Yeah aware that pkNX doesn’t have some editing for SV. I was trying to say if you have the files, can just try hex editing.
  6. I want you to try something (but make sure you have a original backup stored safely somewhere else first. First make a copy of the ROM. Since you can perform hex editing, I want you to go to 0xFC0000, and make it FFs all the way to the end of the file. (use Edit > Select Block to select the range of data, then use Edit > Fill Selection to make them all FF) Then restore that newly edited file into your cart. That should confirm whether the issue is with restoring data into your cart.
  7. Or you could replace an existing encounter’s reference with the unused one. Like the long string of code that is used by the encounter scenario to call the details of the Pokemon. I recall doing something similar, but it was with a nice pkNX gui (for SWSH). With absolutely no real info, I’m speculating that you can hex edit the reference string to swap to another, provided you know what’s the code and you have the correct file. This way you won’t need to deserialise and reserialise the flatbuffer. (Assuming they don’t checksum the flatbuffer) At least with my experience with SWSH event raids, they don’t checksum the data.
  8. I’ll need to review this. Thanks for the heads up, I’ll review that too.
  9. You’re in the wrong page. This is for Switch games. You’ll need the pre-HOME living Dex. (The link is on the description)
  10. To be frank I’m kinda unsure what to do atm. If you don’t mind trying the following (at your own risk), then: 0. always keep unmodified backups of your files 1. use godmode9i to dump the ROM 2. use the bootleg tool to inject save. 3. use the bootleg tool on the edited rom, extract the save and check with PKHeX (to ensure step 2 did in fact inject the save correctly) 4. use gbabf to restore the edited ROM into the cart. 5. launch the game and check
  11. My understanding (and opinion) is: the various RNG programs can determine the seed to PIDIV correlation, but it doesn’t account for whether it’s possible for players to land and reach that seed on actual hardware (maybe for whatever reason the seed can’t get hit). Given Pokefinder is the successor of RNGReporter, I’ll expect RNGReporter to have the same issue. There’s guide you can refer to within the link above
  12. Not sprite, but part of animation: if you want the back of the animation you’ve gotta record your own copy running on an emulator. The comment in the page has a brief explanation (and links to a thread where people tried to clean up the gifs) edit: there’s some backs here:
  13. That’s concerning. How did you dump the data the first time round (was it Burn2Slot? I don’t use it lol)
  14. Can you try making a copy of the save bin to your desktop, rename the file (maybe to ruby edited.bin), then try to use the tool, then afterwards send the save back to your cart? If that doesn't work, may need to get files from you (we will need to trim it and take the part after the ROM, to make sure I don't get the ROM)
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