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About bobdole4eva

  • Birthday 02/04/1989
  1. Hey, I know I haven't recieved the last 4 pokes I asked you to make me, but could I possibly ask you to ignore those (release them or whatever takes your fancy) and instead make me these 5 pokes. The reason being I have been playing on Shoddy a lot and have developed a far superior team to the one I was using before.
  2. Hey, silly mistake on my part, I meant to ask for the speedy Deoxys instead of the normal one. Would it be ok to redo that one for me? And also could I get an Arceus? I'll be on tomorrow at about 11 (GMT) Thanks!
  3. Hey, me again, asking for another full party of pokemon, this time Ubers all around. By the way if you want to tell me to take a hike and come back in a week for asking for too much too fast by all means do. I have a habit of doing things as soon as they pop into my head, so I'm sorry about that. On the other hand if you don't mind, heres the team I would like:
  4. Edited.
  5. Thank you (different friend code than before, just in case you see my sig and use the same friend code as last time)
  6. Hi, I know thats a lot to request, but I can't for the life of me get pokesav working myself, and I really wanna get this team going. Let me know what I need to do, friend code etc! Thank you
  7. Hey, does anyone know if you can get away with your pokemon having all IVs at 31, because while unlikely, that is possible if you are lucky enough and take the time? If not, does anyone know how I could go about choosing the right IVs to max the Strength of the Pokemon, but also make it look legal?
  8. I am proud to say I got all 151 pokemon on my blue version. The only one I didn't catch in a legit fashion was Mew, who I put on my Gold version with AR and traded to blue, the other 150 were all home caught on my copies of red and blue. The one that took the longest was Porygon, remember the days of buying game coins before the 'buy 500' option was available and you had to by 9999 coins in increments of 50? Ouch!
  9. Hi, I know thats a lot to request, but I can't for the life of me get pokesav working myself, and I really wanna get this team going. Let me know what I need to do, friend code etc! Thank you
  10. I know thats a lot to request, but I can't for the life of me get pokesav working myself, and I really wanna get this team going. Pokemon Species: Swampert Held Item: Leftovers Level: 100 Ability: Torrent Nickname (If wanted): Trainer ID (If specific):13582 Secret ID (If specific):13582 Shiny (Yes or No):No Egg (Yes or No):No Nature:Impish Pokérus Status:Infected Pokéball Captured In:Pokeball EV Stats:HP 240/ Atk 58/ Def 212 IV Stats:31 HP all Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Met:Pal Park/ May 2009 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Friend Code (If Trading):3137-6977--7592 Wi-Fi Trade please! Moves learned: Avalanche, Earthquake, Roar, Stealth Rocks Pokemon Species: Blissey Held Item: Leftovers Level: 100 Ability: Natural Cure Nickname (If wanted): Trainer ID (If specific):13582 Secret ID (If specific):13582 Shiny (Yes or No):No Egg (Yes or No):No Nature:Bold Pokérus Status:Infected Pokéball Captured In:Pokeball EV Stats:HP 148/ Def 252/ SAtk 108 IV Stats:31 HP all Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Met:Pal Park/ May 2009 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Friend Code (If Trading):3137-6977--7592 Wi-Fi Trade please! Moves learned: Aromatherapy, Ice Beam, Seismic Toss, Softboiled Pokemon Species: Scizor Held Item: Leftovers Level: 100 Ability: Technician Nickname (If wanted): Trainer ID (If specific):13582 Secret ID (If specific):13582 Shiny (Yes or No):No Egg (Yes or No):No Nature:Adamant Pokérus Status:Infected Pokéball Captured In:Pokeball EV Stats:HP 200/ Atk 252/ Spd 58 IV Stats:31 HP all Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Met:Pal Park/ May 2009 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Friend Code (If Trading):3137-6977--7592 Wi-Fi Trade please! Moves learned: Brick Break, Bullet Punch, Roost, Swords Dance Pokemon Species: Gengar Held Item: Life Orb Level: 100 Ability: Levitate Nickname (If wanted): Trainer ID (If specific):13582 Secret ID (If specific):13582 Shiny (Yes or No):No Egg (Yes or No):No Nature:Adamant Pokérus Status:Infected Pokéball Captured In:Pokeball EV Stats:6 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd IV Stats:31 HP all Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Met:Pal Park/ May 2009 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Friend Code (If Trading): 3137-6977--7592 Wi-Fi Trade please! Moves learned: Shadow Ball, Thunderbolt, Focus Blast, Energy Ball Pokemon Species: Salamence Held Item: Life Orb Level: 100 Ability: Intimidate Nickname (If wanted): Trainer ID (If specific):13582 Secret ID (If specific):13582 Shiny (Yes or No):No Egg (Yes or No):No Nature:Adamant Pokérus Status:Infected Pokéball Captured In:Pokeball EV Stats:6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd IV Stats:31 HP all Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Met:Pal Park/ May 2009 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Friend Code (If Trading):3137-6977--7592 Wi-Fi Trade please! Moves learned: Outrage, Earthquake, Fire Blast, Dragon Dance Pokemon Species: Electivire Held Item: Life Orb Level: 100 Ability: Motor Drive Nickname (If wanted): Trainer ID (If specific):13582 Secret ID (If specific):13582 Shiny (Yes or No):No Egg (Yes or No):No Nature:Adamant Pokérus Status:Infected Pokéball Captured In:Pokeball EV Stats:6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd IV Stats:31 HP all Ribbons (If any):none Location/Date Met:Pal Park/ May 2009 Location/Date Hatched (If an Egg): Friend Code (If Trading):3137-6977--7592 Wi-Fi Trade please! Moves learned: Thunderbolt, Ice Punch, Cross Chop, Earthquake Let me know what I need to do, friend code etc! Thank you
  11. Heres an update for everyone, this time with pictures The general gist of the team is to have swampert set up SR, then have my powerhouses like Scizor and Salamence tear things apart, and have Rotom-H and Gengar come in to revenge kill when necessary. Blissey is great to switch in to, and she can wear things down with her immense SDef. Swampert @Leftovers EVs: HP 240/ Atk 58/ Def 212 Impish Nature Ability: Torrent -Avalanche -Earthquake -Roar -Stealth Rocks I've always had problems choosing a lead, I tried Bronzong, Ninjask, Skarmory and none of them worked for me. Swampert just had exactly what I wanted, he's bulky enough to take a few hits, he has SR which is an absolute must for leads IMO, and he has Roar, which tosses the opponent around a bit, either to find someone weak to Ice or Ground, in which case I use Avalanche/Earthquake and then carry on or to reveal some of their pokemon and let me plan ahead, after which I switch out to one of my other pokemon, using Swampert from then on as a switch in wall. Weakness: Grass, covered by Scizor, Gengar, Salamence Blissey @Leftovers EVs: HP 148/ Def 252/ SAtk 108 Bold Nature Ability: Natural Cure -Aromatherapy -Ice Beam -Seismic Toss -Softboiled Blissey is all round awesome for switching in against sweepers, when they think they'll have an easy go of it and suddenly seismic toss is doing more damage than their best offensive move. Aromatherapy takes care of all status effects flying around, Ice Beam is for anything resistant to seismic toss and of course softboiled keeps her healthy. Weakness: fighting, covered by Gengar Scizor @Leftovers EVs: HP 200/ Atk 252/ Spd 56 Adamant Nature Ability: Technician -Bullet Punch -Superpower -Roost -Swords Dance Scizor is a good bulky attacker, but not amazingly fast. Against most opponents this is irrelevent thanks to Bullet punch for letting him go first. I set up with SD to turn him into the kind of sweeper that goes through whole teams. Finally, in case he gets walled by something resistant to steel and I can't switch out effectively, I gave him brick break. Roost keeps him alive after a SD or 2, and after a hit from whichever pokemon is resistant to steel. Weakness: Fire, covered by Swampert, Salamence Gengar @Life Orb EVs: 6 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature -Shadow Ball -Thunderbolt -Focus Blast -Hidden Power (Fire) My team's Glass Hammer. The ultimate revenge killer. After he has come in a hit something very hard very fast, I either leave him to whatever is next, hoping they don't expect the Life Orb over a Choice item, or switch to Blissey. Weakness: Ghost, covered by Blissey Dark, covered by Scizor Psychic, covered by Scizor Salamence @Life Orb EVs: 232 Atk / 26 SAtk / 252 Spd Naughty Nature -Outrage -Earthquake -Fire Blast -Dragon Dance Salamence is another fast killer, but with Outrage he is more general than Gengar, being about toscare anything except steel pretty much. I have chosen Dragon Dance over Aqua Tail, because i am happy Mence's ability to pull it off with this set up (any comments on that would be appreciated) Weakness: Ice, covered by Scizor Dragon, covered by Scizor Rock, covered by Swampert Rotom-H @Leftovers EVs: 252 HP / 168 Def / 88 Spe Bold Nature ~ Thunderbolt ~ Shadow Ball ~ Overheat ~ Will-O-Wisp And finally to round out the lot, Rotom-H. I really think he will be good for the team. His typing rounds the rest off nicely, and he is better as a Gyara counter than Electivire Weakness: Ghost, covered by Blissey Dark, covered by Scizor Anywho, thats my team, sorry for being brief, but as I said I'm kinda new to this whole thing. Let me know what you think
  12. True point about Infernape, I wrote that when his item was Life Orb, then switched the item and didn't notice the error, thanks you. By the way, do you have any suggestions on how I could make either Salamence or Infernape a Wall breaker as opposed to their current status?
  13. It was a mix up, the Choice item was meant to be on Infernape, and the Life Orb on Salamence, I've swapped them back, as well as changing Bronzong for Metagross, coz I think hes cool From your suggestions, I think taking out Starmie would be beneficial, and I would like to run a replacement idea by you, it looks a bit like this... Swampert @Leftovers EVs: 240 HP / 58 Atk / 212 Def Impish Nature -Earthquake -Avalanche -Stone Edge -Protect
  14. Hey everyone, here's my current Platinum team, I'm ashamed to say that my strategy isn't overly complex, and that might leave the team slightly less than top par, but I'm not 100% sure of that, so C&C welcome. The idea is to use Bronzong and Blissey as Meatshields while switching in favourable Sweepers to take care of enemy threats, than have Salamence Outrage to finish off whats left. Metagross @Occa Berry EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def Adamant Nature -Stealth Rock -Meteor Mash -Bullet Punch -Explosion My standard opener in my last few teams, I have him lay down Stealth Rocks (of course) and then if they aren't resistant to steel I use meteor mash, followed by bullet punch if i survive. Otherwise I just either switch out or explode (which is especially useful if their opener is a threat) Blissey @Leftovers EVs: 148 HP / 252 Def / 108 SAtk Bold Nature Ability: Natural Cure -Ice Beam -Seismic Toss -Softboiled -Aromatherapy A large fluffy pink wall is the best way to describe her IMO, and that is just how I use her. Softboiled keeps her alive, Aromatherapy is great when you switch out a sleeper (sleep in particular is the bane of my existence) or any other status effect. Seismic Toss is very reliable and makes up for her lack of Atk, and Ice Beam has a lot of coverage, along with her not too bad SAtk. Infernape @Choice Scarf EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spd Jolly Nature -Close Combat -Flare Blitz -Stone Edge -U-Turn Now onto the Sweepers. The point of Infernape is to hit things fast and hard. After killing something, I then U-Turn and high tail it outta there, usually for Blissey or a different Sweeper. Starmie @Choice Specs EVs: 6 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature Ability: Natural Cure -Surf -Thunderbolt -Ice Beam -Psychic This girl is great for switch ins, because she hasn't got an enormous number of weaknesses, and her coverage always catches people off guard. I've found that its not really possible to prepare for an all round moveset like this, so she can switch in and super effect almost anything. Gengar @Life Orb EVs: 6 HP / 252 SAtk / 252 Spd Timid Nature -Shadow Ball -Thunderbolt -Focus Blast -Hypnosis Like Starmie, Gengar has great coverage, but with the Life Orb instead of Specs, he can Super effect one pokemon after another, and if there is one he is helpless against, I throw out a quick Hypnosis, if it works I switch out, if not, he dies and I switch out anyway . Salamence @Life Orb EVs: 252 Atk / 6 SAtk / 252 Spd Naughty Nature -Outrage -Earthquake -Fire Blast -Dragon Dance And last but most certainly not least, the monster himself. Salamence is there to jump in after all threats to him have been nullified and wipe up the mess. He's reasonably fast, very strong, and Outrage does brutal amounts of damage. All in all a great finisher. I don't get much chance to play 6v6 as Battle Rev is 3v3 only, and I don't know many people online (I'm hoping that will change) so as I said at the start any comments are most welcome.
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