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Everything posted by M@T

  1. Wow, very impressive ! I'm sorry for the DNS server, it is not really made to handle a big number of requests in a short time... The best thing to do would be to make it working with threads, but because of UDP protocol structure, it's not as easy as TCP. :\ The DNS port seems to be forwarded correctly, the problem comes from HTTP 80 port. When you use a port checker while SendPKM.exe is running, it should receive a wrong request and show an error, like that : If no error is shown, then that's not your computer that receives the HTTP requests, dunno what it could be (maybe your router).
  2. You're lucky then, because most of the time, I get a BSOD when trying with Platinum, Heart Gold or Soul Silver, with every unofficial GTS. :tongue: Diamond and Pearl work properly though. Anyway, thanks for the feedback. :wink: To forward your ports you can use that website to help you : http://portforward.com/. Then, to see whether or not it was successful, test it here when SendPKM.exe is listening for connections : http://ping.eu/port-chk/ (only work for TCP ports, so you can't test your DNS UDP-53 port).
  3. "DNS server started on" only means that the socket was successfully bound on the port 53 of your computer, this is NOT the equivalent of sendpkm.py's "Please set your DS's DNS server to" (for example). This was more for debugging purpose actually. So, step by step, you must : - Know your external IP address, go here to have it for example - Launch DNS_Server.exe, and input that IP when asked - You are done with the DNS part, now start SendPKM.exe with a 236-byte .pkm or .bin file (you can drag and drop it on the .exe, that's much easier). It should say that it is ready and waiting for a connexion. That's all. If both UDP port 53 and TCP port 80 are forwarded and reachable from the Internet, then any person who sets your external IP as his DS's primary DNS server and connects to the GTS should receive the .pkm you chose. But remember that it may not work when connecting with a DS in the same network, in that case you have to replace your external IP by your computer's private IP in both DNS_Server.exe and your DS's DNS settings.
  4. My program coded in VB.NET sends the .pkm at each request it receives until it is closed, you can find it here if you want. I also included a DNS server, you just input your external IP address, you also forward your UDP 53 port and you're done, your friends don't even need to launch a DNS server on their computers, they only have to put your IP in their DS settings. Vlad's PHP server is awesome too, but it needs Apache being installed and some modifications to fit your configuration.
  5. That's because it IS HTTP. :rolleyes:
  6. Make sure that no other program is binding port 80, like an HTTP server, another instance of SendPKM.exe or the sendpkm.py script.
  7. Yes, I just created it for you : Win streak 105 (current & total) at Battle Tower (L+R) : 94000130 FCFF0000 021D2AFC 00690069 D2000000 00000000
  8. I know where the problem comes from : you're writing a 32-bit value at line starting with D6, but TM data are stored on a 16-bit value, so you must use D7. And I don't understand the purpose of the first line. And also, at line 00000656 01D30090, you're writing a 32-bit value on a misaligned address, you should write it at address 0x00000654 (that may work properly, but this is not "clean"). :wink:
  9. OK, here it is : Rebattle Red Gyarados (Start+Select) : 94000130 FFF30000 B2111880 00000000 DA000000 00001110 D3000000 00000000 D7000000 02000010 A2000010 FFF70000 D4000000 0000FFF8 B211187E 00000000 D7000000 00001110 D2000000 00000000 I'll try to do it for the Pokémon you're asking, but I don't promise anything... By the way, here is the code to rebattle the Latios/Latias from Enigma Cristal event : Rebattle Lati@s from Enigma Crystal event (Start+Select) : 94000130 FFF30000 B2111880 00000000 20000EFA 00000004 D2000000 00000000
  10. @ l3rian7 : Please use spoilers, the list is quite long... :rolleyes: @ Riolu Aura Sphere Now : I posted the Move Modifier code about 2 days ago, here it is. It doesn't affect other TMs than TM17, doesn't freeze and the effect is not permanent. :wink:
  11. I made a code that modifies PID so that we can choose whether a Pokémon is male or female, but PID modification alters the nature and the class of the ability as well. I successfully made it so that it doesn't affect the class of the ability by checking the parity of the PID, but nature is more complex, so it changes randomly when using the code. I think the codes you posted are in ASM, but unfortunately I don't know ASM at all. :\ Anyway, I post my code that changes the gender of the 1st Pokémon in the 1st box, maybe it'll help. Using this code makes the nature of the Pokémon to change randomly, maybe using the codes you posted after using this one does the trick. PS : It may also affect the shininess of the Pokémon, as well as the forms (Unown, Wurmple) and Spinda's spots. Using the code to remove all badges shall make the Gym Leaders ready for rematches.
  12. What code are you using ? Is there an activator ? Because codes that don't have an activator often make the game to soft-reset while loading the save.
  13. It exists already, here it is : Inf. 1st gen starters at Prof. Oak's lab (Start+Select) : 94000130 FFF30000 B2111880 00000000 20001056 00000002 D2000000 00000000 The Pokéballs are invisible but they are here.
  14. That's right, I'm French so I make codes for the French versions, and translating them to US isn't really hard.
  15. You lucky guys, I made these codes for French versions of HG & SS, and here are the translations : Infinite 2nd Gen starters at Prof. Elm's lab : Infinite 3rd gen starters from Steven Stone at Sylphe Co. : The codes are quite long, because I made them so that they only reset the bit that tells whether or not each event is completed, so it won't mess up the other events that are located on the same byte. As Action Replay can't execute the logical AND operation, I had to use some tricks.
  16. Lol, I made this code for French versions of HG/SS about 15 days ago, here is the US translation for you : TM 17 modifier : 94000130 FCFF0000 B2111880 00000000 10000656 000001D3 D2000000 00000000 94000130 FEFF0000 B2111880 00000000 DA000000 00000656 D3000000 00000000 D7000000 021000EC D2000000 00000000 Press L+R to change the amount of the first item in your bag to 467. Then throw this item in order to have an amount that matches the attack number you want in the table below, and finally press R to modify TM 17. I can make the US rebattle Red Gyarados code if you want too, as I saw it being requested many times in the forum. P.S. : Aren't there any [table], [tr] and [td] tags in this forum ? :\ It could be very useful...
  17. Hi everyone ! I made two VB.NET console applications, one for the DNS Server part, and the other for the Pokémon sending part (fake GTS). It was ready for quite a while, but I couldn't test it until Saturday. Now it's been tested and it works well, I was able to send a Pokémon to a friend of mine across the Internet without problem. I made the GTS server working with threads, so several connections are possible simultaneously. It is mainly a copypasta of the Python script, but it can be easily improved and included in a window application. For example, I was planning to make a GUI that would include the ability to make a list of Pokémon to send. I attached a ZIP file containing the sources and the binaries of the two programs. GTS_Nuker.zip
  18. I translated the codes for the French versions of HG/SS, and it seems to be the same for US versions, so here they are : Hardy - 1206E120 00002400 Lonely - 1206E120 00002401 Brave - 1206E120 00002402 Adamant - 1206E120 00002403 Naughty - 1206E120 00002404 Bold - 1206E120 00002405 Docile - 1206E120 00002406 Relaxed - 1206E120 00002407 Impish - 1206E120 00002408 Lax - 1206E120 00002409 Timid - 1206E120 0000240A Hasty - 1206E120 0000240B Serious - 1206E120 0000240C Jolly - 1206E120 0000240D Naive - 1206E120 0000240E Modest - 1206E120 0000240F Mild - 1206E120 00002410 Quite - 1206E120 00002411 Bashful - 1206E120 00002412 Rash - 1206E120 00002413 Calm - 1206E120 00002414 Gentle - 1206E120 00002415 Sassy - 1206E120 00002416 Careful - 1206E120 00002417 Quirky - 1206E120 00002418
  19. Some codes use pointers, e.g. the one for the money in Platinum : the Japanese code : Max money (Select) : 94000130 FFFB0000 B2101140 00000000 00000090 000F423F D2000000 00000000 and the US one : Max money (Select) : 94000130 FFFB0000 B2101D40 00000000 00000090 000F423F D2000000 00000000 As you can see, the only difference in the red line, which starts by the hex digit "B". It is a pointer-code line : an offset is defined for every line after this one, its value is the value at 0x02101140 for the Japanese code and 0x02101D40 for the US one. So basically, for that kind of codes, you just have to replace "B2101140 00000000" by "B2101D40 00000000", and that sould work. These codes are mainly for modifying the data related to saves, i.e. money, Pokédex completion, Pokémon in team and storage boxes... However, many codes change other kind of data, like ASM instructions. This is more difficult to translate, because there is no constant offset between the memory addresses, so it depends on the code you want to translate. It requires RAM viewers and some knowledge about NDS RAM and Action Replay codes.
  20. OK, I found it, the problem is caused by the Rebattle Uxie and Azelf code. After some research, I found that Azelf and Uxie events are located on the last 2 bits of the value. So here's the fixed code, that sould fix your problem : Uxie and Azelf
  21. When I use my old codes, only the Trainer Cafe gets blocked, the Battle Fontier is still open. The fixed ones unlock the Trainer Cafe, I just tried. For the Battle Frontier, it may be caused by another rebattle code. What codes did you use ?
  22. Use one of these codes, that sould fix the problem.
  23. It exists for Platinum, so I made it for HG/SS : Rename traded Pokémon : 0204D240 00002000
  24. That must be because it is not unlocked in the save I was using to create the codes, and the values used for Dialga & Palkia are apparently used for these events too, I'm sorry. The problem is located at this line : 94000130 FFF30000 B2101D40 00000000 20000E5A 00000002 20000F48 00000000 2000101A 00000000 D2000000 00000000 The value at this address determines whether or not Dialga and Palkia are behind the rift. If the value is even (i.e. the last bit is 0), then there are here. Else, there aren't. So here are the fixed codes, hopping it won't mess other events : Dialga (fixed²) Palkia (fixed²) If only Action Replay could perform AND and XOR operations, it would be easier. :rolleyes:
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